* Fixed circleci config and fixed linting warnings * Updated circleCI for go version 1.12 and split jobs for build/testing * updated go version to 1.12.5 for circleCI * Go mod tidy dependencies * Updated linting tools and cleared up code lint smells * Added workflow to run build and test jobs * Moved linting command to build workflow * Get dependencies before linting by default * Added go module flag to linter and increased deadline to pull packages
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package app
import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
evmtypes "github.com/cosmos/ethermint/x/evm/types"
ethcmn "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
ethcore "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core"
tmcrypto "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto"
const (
memoCostPerByte sdk.Gas = 3
secp256k1VerifyCost uint64 = 21000
// NewAnteHandler returns an ante handler responsible for attempting to route an
// Ethereum or SDK transaction to an internal ante handler for performing
// transaction-level processing (e.g. fee payment, signature verification) before
// being passed onto it's respective handler.
// NOTE: The EVM will already consume (intrinsic) gas for signature verification
// and covering input size as well as handling nonce incrementing.
func NewAnteHandler(ak auth.AccountKeeper, fck auth.FeeCollectionKeeper) sdk.AnteHandler {
return func(
ctx sdk.Context, tx sdk.Tx, sim bool,
) (newCtx sdk.Context, res sdk.Result, abort bool) {
switch castTx := tx.(type) {
case auth.StdTx:
return sdkAnteHandler(ctx, ak, fck, castTx, sim)
case *evmtypes.EthereumTxMsg:
return ethAnteHandler(ctx, castTx, ak)
return ctx, sdk.ErrInternal(fmt.Sprintf("transaction type invalid: %T", tx)).Result(), true
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SDK Ante Handler
func sdkAnteHandler(
ctx sdk.Context, ak auth.AccountKeeper, fck auth.FeeCollectionKeeper, stdTx auth.StdTx, sim bool,
) (newCtx sdk.Context, res sdk.Result, abort bool) {
// Ensure that the provided fees meet a minimum threshold for the validator,
// if this is a CheckTx. This is only for local mempool purposes, and thus
// is only ran on check tx.
if ctx.IsCheckTx() && !sim {
res := auth.EnsureSufficientMempoolFees(ctx, stdTx)
if !res.IsOK() {
return newCtx, res, true
newCtx = auth.SetGasMeter(sim, ctx, stdTx)
// AnteHandlers must have their own defer/recover in order for the BaseApp
// to know how much gas was used! This is because the GasMeter is created in
// the AnteHandler, but if it panics the context won't be set properly in
// runTx's recover call.
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
switch rType := r.(type) {
case sdk.ErrorOutOfGas:
log := fmt.Sprintf("out of gas in location: %v", rType.Descriptor)
res = sdk.ErrOutOfGas(log).Result()
res.GasWanted = stdTx.Fee.Gas
res.GasUsed = newCtx.GasMeter().GasConsumed()
abort = true
if err := stdTx.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
return newCtx, err.Result(), true
newCtx.GasMeter().ConsumeGas(memoCostPerByte*sdk.Gas(len(stdTx.GetMemo())), "memo")
signerAccs, res := auth.GetSignerAccs(newCtx, ak, stdTx.GetSigners())
if !res.IsOK() {
return newCtx, res, true
// the first signer pays the transaction fees
if !stdTx.Fee.Amount.IsZero() {
signerAccs[0], res = auth.DeductFees(signerAccs[0], stdTx.Fee)
if !res.IsOK() {
return newCtx, res, true
fck.AddCollectedFees(newCtx, stdTx.Fee.Amount)
isGenesis := ctx.BlockHeight() == 0
signBytesList := auth.GetSignBytesList(newCtx.ChainID(), stdTx, signerAccs, isGenesis)
stdSigs := stdTx.GetSignatures()
for i := 0; i < len(stdSigs); i++ {
// check signature, return account with incremented nonce
signerAccs[i], res = processSig(newCtx, signerAccs[i], stdSigs[i], signBytesList[i], sim)
if !res.IsOK() {
return newCtx, res, true
ak.SetAccount(newCtx, signerAccs[i])
return newCtx, sdk.Result{GasWanted: stdTx.Fee.Gas}, false
// processSig verifies the signature and increments the nonce. If the account
// doesn't have a pubkey, set it.
func processSig(
ctx sdk.Context, acc auth.Account, sig auth.StdSignature, signBytes []byte, sim bool,
) (updatedAcc auth.Account, res sdk.Result) {
pubKey, res := auth.ProcessPubKey(acc, sig, sim)
if !res.IsOK() {
return nil, res
err := acc.SetPubKey(pubKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, sdk.ErrInternal("failed to set PubKey on signer account").Result()
consumeSigGas(ctx.GasMeter(), pubKey)
if !sim && !pubKey.VerifyBytes(signBytes, sig.Signature) {
return nil, sdk.ErrUnauthorized("signature verification failed").Result()
err = acc.SetSequence(acc.GetSequence() + 1)
if err != nil {
return nil, sdk.ErrInternal("failed to set account nonce").Result()
return acc, res
func consumeSigGas(meter sdk.GasMeter, pubkey tmcrypto.PubKey) {
switch pubkey.(type) {
case crypto.PubKeySecp256k1:
meter.ConsumeGas(secp256k1VerifyCost, "ante verify: secp256k1")
panic("Unrecognized signature type")
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ethereum Ante Handler
// ethAnteHandler defines an internal ante handler for an Ethereum transaction
// ethTxMsg. During CheckTx, the transaction is passed through a series of
// pre-message execution validation checks such as signature and account
// verification in addition to minimum fees being checked. Otherwise, during
// DeliverTx, the transaction is simply passed to the EVM which will also
// perform the same series of checks. The distinction is made in CheckTx to
// prevent spam and DoS attacks.
func ethAnteHandler(
ctx sdk.Context, ethTxMsg *evmtypes.EthereumTxMsg, ak auth.AccountKeeper,
) (newCtx sdk.Context, res sdk.Result, abort bool) {
if ctx.IsCheckTx() {
// Only perform pre-message (Ethereum transaction) execution validation
// during CheckTx. Otherwise, during DeliverTx the EVM will handle them.
if res := validateEthTxCheckTx(ctx, ak, ethTxMsg); !res.IsOK() {
return newCtx, res, true
return ctx, sdk.Result{}, false
func validateEthTxCheckTx(
ctx sdk.Context, ak auth.AccountKeeper, ethTxMsg *evmtypes.EthereumTxMsg,
) sdk.Result {
// parse the chainID from a string to a base-10 integer
chainID, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(ctx.ChainID(), 10)
if !ok {
return types.ErrInvalidChainID(fmt.Sprintf("invalid chainID: %s", ctx.ChainID())).Result()
// Validate sufficient fees have been provided that meet a minimum threshold
// defined by the proposer (for mempool purposes during CheckTx).
if res := ensureSufficientMempoolFees(ctx, ethTxMsg); !res.IsOK() {
return res
// validate enough intrinsic gas
if res := validateIntrinsicGas(ethTxMsg); !res.IsOK() {
return res
// validate sender/signature
signer, err := ethTxMsg.VerifySig(chainID)
if err != nil {
return sdk.ErrUnauthorized("signature verification failed").Result()
// validate account (nonce and balance checks)
if res := validateAccount(ctx, ak, ethTxMsg, signer); !res.IsOK() {
return res
return sdk.Result{}
// validateIntrinsicGas validates that the Ethereum tx message has enough to
// cover intrinsic gas. Intrinsic gas for a transaction is the amount of gas
// that the transaction uses before the transaction is executed. The gas is a
// constant value of 21000 plus any cost inccured by additional bytes of data
// supplied with the transaction.
func validateIntrinsicGas(ethTxMsg *evmtypes.EthereumTxMsg) sdk.Result {
gas, err := ethcore.IntrinsicGas(ethTxMsg.Data.Payload, ethTxMsg.To() == nil, false)
if err != nil {
return sdk.ErrInternal(fmt.Sprintf("failed to compute intrinsic gas cost: %s", err)).Result()
if ethTxMsg.Data.GasLimit < gas {
return sdk.ErrInternal(
fmt.Sprintf("intrinsic gas too low; %d < %d", ethTxMsg.Data.GasLimit, gas),
return sdk.Result{}
// validateAccount validates the account nonce and that the account has enough
// funds to cover the tx cost.
func validateAccount(
ctx sdk.Context, ak auth.AccountKeeper, ethTxMsg *evmtypes.EthereumTxMsg, signer ethcmn.Address,
) sdk.Result {
acc := ak.GetAccount(ctx, sdk.AccAddress(signer.Bytes()))
// on InitChain make sure account number == 0
if ctx.BlockHeight() == 0 && acc.GetAccountNumber() != 0 {
return sdk.ErrInternal(
"invalid account number for height zero; got %d, expected 0", acc.GetAccountNumber(),
// Validate the transaction nonce is valid (equivalent to the sender account’s
// current nonce).
seq := acc.GetSequence()
if ethTxMsg.Data.AccountNonce != seq {
return sdk.ErrInvalidSequence(
fmt.Sprintf("nonce too low; got %d, expected %d", ethTxMsg.Data.AccountNonce, seq)).Result()
// validate sender has enough funds
balance := acc.GetCoins().AmountOf(types.DenomDefault)
if balance.BigInt().Cmp(ethTxMsg.Cost()) < 0 {
return sdk.ErrInsufficientFunds(
fmt.Sprintf("insufficient funds: %s < %s", balance, ethTxMsg.Cost()),
return sdk.Result{}
// ensureSufficientMempoolFees verifies that enough fees have been provided by the
// Ethereum transaction that meet the minimum threshold set by the block
// proposer.
// NOTE: This should only be ran during a CheckTx mode.
func ensureSufficientMempoolFees(ctx sdk.Context, ethTxMsg *evmtypes.EthereumTxMsg) sdk.Result {
// fee = GP * GL
fee := sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(types.DenomDefault, ethTxMsg.Fee().Int64())}
// it is assumed that the minimum fees will only include the single valid denom
if !ctx.MinimumFees().IsZero() && !fee.IsAllGTE(ctx.MinimumFees()) {
// reject the transaction that does not meet the minimum fee
return sdk.ErrInsufficientFee(
fmt.Sprintf("insufficient fee, got: %q required: %q", fee, ctx.MinimumFees()),
return sdk.Result{}