2022-10-10 16:08:33 +05:30

391 lines
12 KiB

package backend
import (
rpctypes ""
ethermint ""
evmtypes ""
sdk ""
sdkerrors ""
ethtypes ""
tmrpctypes ""
// GetTransactionByHash returns the Ethereum format transaction identified by Ethereum transaction hash
func (b *Backend) GetTransactionByHash(txHash common.Hash) (*rpctypes.RPCTransaction, error) {
res, err := b.GetTxByEthHash(txHash)
hexTx := txHash.Hex()
if err != nil {
return b.getTransactionByHashPending(txHash)
block, err := b.TendermintBlockByNumber(rpctypes.BlockNumber(res.Height))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tx, err := b.clientCtx.TxConfig.TxDecoder()(block.Block.Txs[res.TxIndex])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// the `res.MsgIndex` is inferred from tx index, should be within the bound.
msg, ok := tx.GetMsgs()[res.MsgIndex].(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("invalid ethereum tx")
blockRes, err := b.TendermintBlockResultByNumber(&block.Block.Height)
if err != nil {
b.logger.Debug("block result not found", "height", block.Block.Height, "error", err.Error())
return nil, nil
if res.EthTxIndex == -1 {
// Fallback to find tx index by iterating all valid eth transactions
msgs := b.EthMsgsFromTendermintBlock(block, blockRes)
for i := range msgs {
if msgs[i].Hash == hexTx {
res.EthTxIndex = int32(i)
// if we still unable to find the eth tx index, return error, shouldn't happen.
if res.EthTxIndex == -1 {
return nil, errors.New("can't find index of ethereum tx")
baseFee, err := b.BaseFee(blockRes)
if err != nil {
// handle the error for pruned node.
b.logger.Error("failed to fetch Base Fee from prunned block. Check node prunning configuration", "height", blockRes.Height, "error", err)
return rpctypes.NewTransactionFromMsg(
// getTransactionByHashPending find pending tx from mempool
func (b *Backend) getTransactionByHashPending(txHash common.Hash) (*rpctypes.RPCTransaction, error) {
hexTx := txHash.Hex()
// try to find tx in mempool
txs, err := b.PendingTransactions()
if err != nil {
b.logger.Debug("tx not found", "hash", hexTx, "error", err.Error())
return nil, nil
for _, tx := range txs {
msg, err := evmtypes.UnwrapEthereumMsg(tx, txHash)
if err != nil {
// not ethereum tx
if msg.Hash == hexTx {
// use zero block values since it's not included in a block yet
rpctx, err := rpctypes.NewTransactionFromMsg(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rpctx, nil
b.logger.Debug("tx not found", "hash", hexTx)
return nil, nil
// GetTransactionReceipt returns the transaction receipt identified by hash.
func (b *Backend) GetTransactionReceipt(hash common.Hash) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
hexTx := hash.Hex()
b.logger.Debug("eth_getTransactionReceipt", "hash", hexTx)
res, err := b.GetTxByEthHash(hash)
if err != nil {
b.logger.Debug("tx not found", "hash", hexTx, "error", err.Error())
return nil, nil
resBlock, err := b.TendermintBlockByNumber(rpctypes.BlockNumber(res.Height))
if err != nil {
b.logger.Debug("block not found", "height", res.Height, "error", err.Error())
return nil, nil
tx, err := b.clientCtx.TxConfig.TxDecoder()(resBlock.Block.Txs[res.TxIndex])
if err != nil {
b.logger.Debug("decoding failed", "error", err.Error())
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode tx: %w", err)
ethMsg := tx.GetMsgs()[res.MsgIndex].(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
txData, err := evmtypes.UnpackTxData(ethMsg.Data)
if err != nil {
b.logger.Error("failed to unpack tx data", "error", err.Error())
return nil, err
cumulativeGasUsed := uint64(0)
blockRes, err := b.TendermintBlockResultByNumber(&res.Height)
if err != nil {
b.logger.Debug("failed to retrieve block results", "height", res.Height, "error", err.Error())
return nil, nil
for _, txResult := range blockRes.TxsResults[0:res.TxIndex] {
cumulativeGasUsed += uint64(txResult.GasUsed)
cumulativeGasUsed += res.CumulativeGasUsed
var status hexutil.Uint
if res.Failed {
status = hexutil.Uint(ethtypes.ReceiptStatusFailed)
} else {
status = hexutil.Uint(ethtypes.ReceiptStatusSuccessful)
chainID, err := b.ChainID()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
from, err := ethMsg.GetSender(chainID.ToInt())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// parse tx logs from events
logs, err := TxLogsFromEvents(blockRes.TxsResults[res.TxIndex].Events, int(res.MsgIndex))
if err != nil {
b.logger.Debug("failed to parse logs", "hash", hexTx, "error", err.Error())
if res.EthTxIndex == -1 {
// Fallback to find tx index by iterating all valid eth transactions
msgs := b.EthMsgsFromTendermintBlock(resBlock, blockRes)
for i := range msgs {
if msgs[i].Hash == hexTx {
res.EthTxIndex = int32(i)
// return error if still unable to find the eth tx index
if res.EthTxIndex == -1 {
return nil, errors.New("can't find index of ethereum tx")
receipt := map[string]interface{}{
// Consensus fields: These fields are defined by the Yellow Paper
"status": status,
"cumulativeGasUsed": hexutil.Uint64(cumulativeGasUsed),
"logsBloom": ethtypes.BytesToBloom(ethtypes.LogsBloom(logs)),
"logs": logs,
// Implementation fields: These fields are added by geth when processing a transaction.
// They are stored in the chain database.
"transactionHash": hash,
"contractAddress": nil,
"gasUsed": hexutil.Uint64(res.GasUsed),
// Inclusion information: These fields provide information about the inclusion of the
// transaction corresponding to this receipt.
"blockHash": common.BytesToHash(resBlock.Block.Header.Hash()).Hex(),
"blockNumber": hexutil.Uint64(res.Height),
"transactionIndex": hexutil.Uint64(res.EthTxIndex),
// sender and receiver (contract or EOA) addreses
"from": from,
"to": txData.GetTo(),
if logs == nil {
receipt["logs"] = [][]*ethtypes.Log{}
// If the ContractAddress is 20 0x0 bytes, assume it is not a contract creation
if txData.GetTo() == nil {
receipt["contractAddress"] = crypto.CreateAddress(from, txData.GetNonce())
if dynamicTx, ok := txData.(*evmtypes.DynamicFeeTx); ok {
baseFee, err := b.BaseFee(blockRes)
if err != nil {
// tolerate the error for pruned node.
b.logger.Error("fetch basefee failed, node is pruned?", "height", res.Height, "error", err)
} else {
receipt["effectiveGasPrice"] = hexutil.Big(*dynamicTx.EffectiveGasPrice(baseFee))
return receipt, nil
// GetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex returns the transaction identified by hash and index.
func (b *Backend) GetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(hash common.Hash, idx hexutil.Uint) (*rpctypes.RPCTransaction, error) {
b.logger.Debug("eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex", "hash", hash.Hex(), "index", idx)
block, err := b.clientCtx.Client.BlockByHash(b.ctx, hash.Bytes())
if err != nil {
b.logger.Debug("block not found", "hash", hash.Hex(), "error", err.Error())
return nil, nil
if block.Block == nil {
b.logger.Debug("block not found", "hash", hash.Hex())
return nil, nil
return b.GetTransactionByBlockAndIndex(block, idx)
// GetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex returns the transaction identified by number and index.
func (b *Backend) GetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(blockNum rpctypes.BlockNumber, idx hexutil.Uint) (*rpctypes.RPCTransaction, error) {
b.logger.Debug("eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex", "number", blockNum, "index", idx)
block, err := b.TendermintBlockByNumber(blockNum)
if err != nil {
b.logger.Debug("block not found", "height", blockNum.Int64(), "error", err.Error())
return nil, nil
if block.Block == nil {
b.logger.Debug("block not found", "height", blockNum.Int64())
return nil, nil
return b.GetTransactionByBlockAndIndex(block, idx)
// GetTxByEthHash uses `/tx_query` to find transaction by ethereum tx hash
// TODO: Don't need to convert once hashing is fixed on Tendermint
func (b *Backend) GetTxByEthHash(hash common.Hash) (*ethermint.TxResult, error) {
if b.indexer != nil {
return b.indexer.GetByTxHash(hash)
// fallback to tendermint tx indexer
query := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s='%s'", evmtypes.TypeMsgEthereumTx, evmtypes.AttributeKeyEthereumTxHash, hash.Hex())
txResult, err := b.queryTendermintTxIndexer(query, func(txs *rpctypes.ParsedTxs) *rpctypes.ParsedTx {
return txs.GetTxByHash(hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(err, "GetTxByEthHash %s", hash.Hex())
return txResult, nil
// GetTxByTxIndex uses `/tx_query` to find transaction by tx index of valid ethereum txs
func (b *Backend) GetTxByTxIndex(height int64, index uint) (*ethermint.TxResult, error) {
if b.indexer != nil {
return b.indexer.GetByBlockAndIndex(height, int32(index))
// fallback to tendermint tx indexer
query := fmt.Sprintf("tx.height=%d AND %s.%s=%d",
height, evmtypes.TypeMsgEthereumTx,
evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxIndex, index,
txResult, err := b.queryTendermintTxIndexer(query, func(txs *rpctypes.ParsedTxs) *rpctypes.ParsedTx {
return txs.GetTxByTxIndex(int(index))
if err != nil {
return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(err, "GetTxByTxIndex %d %d", height, index)
return txResult, nil
// queryTendermintTxIndexer query tx in tendermint tx indexer
func (b *Backend) queryTendermintTxIndexer(query string, txGetter func(*rpctypes.ParsedTxs) *rpctypes.ParsedTx) (*ethermint.TxResult, error) {
resTxs, err := b.clientCtx.Client.TxSearch(b.ctx, query, false, nil, nil, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(resTxs.Txs) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("ethereum tx not found")
txResult := resTxs.Txs[0]
if !rpctypes.TxSuccessOrExceedsBlockGasLimit(&txResult.TxResult) {
return nil, errors.New("invalid ethereum tx")
var tx sdk.Tx
if txResult.TxResult.Code != 0 {
// it's only needed when the tx exceeds block gas limit
tx, err = b.clientCtx.TxConfig.TxDecoder()(txResult.Tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid ethereum tx")
return rpctypes.ParseTxIndexerResult(txResult, tx, txGetter)
// getTransactionByBlockAndIndex is the common code shared by `GetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex` and `GetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex`.
func (b *Backend) GetTransactionByBlockAndIndex(block *tmrpctypes.ResultBlock, idx hexutil.Uint) (*rpctypes.RPCTransaction, error) {
blockRes, err := b.TendermintBlockResultByNumber(&block.Block.Height)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil
var msg *evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx
// find in tx indexer
res, err := b.GetTxByTxIndex(block.Block.Height, uint(idx))
if err == nil {
tx, err := b.clientCtx.TxConfig.TxDecoder()(block.Block.Txs[res.TxIndex])
if err != nil {
b.logger.Debug("invalid ethereum tx", "height", block.Block.Header, "index", idx)
return nil, nil
var ok bool
// msgIndex is inferred from tx events, should be within bound.
msg, ok = tx.GetMsgs()[res.MsgIndex].(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
if !ok {
b.logger.Debug("invalid ethereum tx", "height", block.Block.Header, "index", idx)
return nil, nil
} else {
i := int(idx)
ethMsgs := b.EthMsgsFromTendermintBlock(block, blockRes)
if i >= len(ethMsgs) {
b.logger.Debug("block txs index out of bound", "index", i)
return nil, nil
msg = ethMsgs[i]
baseFee, err := b.BaseFee(blockRes)
if err != nil {
// handle the error for pruned node.
b.logger.Error("failed to fetch Base Fee from prunned block. Check node prunning configuration", "height", block.Block.Height, "error", err)
return rpctypes.NewTransactionFromMsg(