Federico Kunze 614e62fb7e
2021-04-18 17:54:18 +02:00

25 lines
691 B
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package tendermint.version;
option go_package = "";
import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
// App includes the protocol and software version for the application.
// This information is included in ResponseInfo. The App.Protocol can be
// updated in ResponseEndBlock.
message App {
uint64 protocol = 1;
string software = 2;
// Consensus captures the consensus rules for processing a block in the blockchain,
// including all blockchain data structures and the rules of the application's
// state transition machine.
message Consensus {
option (gogoproto.equal) = true;
uint64 block = 1;
uint64 app = 2;