
392 lines
11 KiB

package types
import (
sdk ""
sdkerrors ""
ethcmn ""
ethtypes ""
ethcrypto ""
var (
_ sdk.Msg = MsgEthermint{}
_ sdk.Msg = MsgEthereumTx{}
_ sdk.Tx = MsgEthereumTx{}
var big8 = big.NewInt(8)
// message type and route constants
const (
// TypeMsgEthereumTx defines the type string of an Ethereum tranasction
TypeMsgEthereumTx = "ethereum"
// TypeMsgEthermint defines the type string of Ethermint message
TypeMsgEthermint = "ethermint"
// MsgEthermint implements a cosmos equivalent structure for Ethereum transactions
type MsgEthermint struct {
AccountNonce uint64 `json:"nonce"`
Price sdk.Int `json:"gasPrice"`
GasLimit uint64 `json:"gas"`
Recipient *sdk.AccAddress `json:"to" rlp:"nil"` // nil means contract creation
Amount sdk.Int `json:"value"`
Payload []byte `json:"input"`
// From address (formerly derived from signature)
From sdk.AccAddress `json:"from"`
// NewMsgEthermint returns a reference to a new Ethermint transaction
func NewMsgEthermint(
nonce uint64, to *sdk.AccAddress, amount sdk.Int,
gasLimit uint64, gasPrice sdk.Int, payload []byte, from sdk.AccAddress,
) MsgEthermint {
return MsgEthermint{
AccountNonce: nonce,
Price: gasPrice,
GasLimit: gasLimit,
Recipient: to,
Amount: amount,
Payload: payload,
From: from,
func (msg MsgEthermint) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("nonce=%d gasPrice=%d gasLimit=%d recipient=%s amount=%d data=0x%x from=%s",
msg.AccountNonce, msg.Price, msg.GasLimit, msg.Recipient, msg.Amount, msg.Payload, msg.From)
// Route should return the name of the module
func (msg MsgEthermint) Route() string { return RouterKey }
// Type returns the action of the message
func (msg MsgEthermint) Type() string { return TypeMsgEthermint }
// GetSignBytes encodes the message for signing
func (msg MsgEthermint) GetSignBytes() []byte {
return sdk.MustSortJSON(ModuleCdc.MustMarshalJSON(msg))
// ValidateBasic runs stateless checks on the message
func (msg MsgEthermint) ValidateBasic() error {
if msg.Price.Sign() == -1 {
return sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrInvalidValue, "price cannot be negative %s", msg.Price)
// Amount can be 0
if msg.Amount.Sign() == -1 {
return sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrInvalidValue, "amount cannot be negative %s", msg.Amount)
return nil
// GetSigners defines whose signature is required
func (msg MsgEthermint) GetSigners() []sdk.AccAddress {
return []sdk.AccAddress{msg.From}
// To returns the recipient address of the transaction. It returns nil if the
// transaction is a contract creation.
func (msg MsgEthermint) To() *ethcmn.Address {
if msg.Recipient == nil {
return nil
addr := ethcmn.BytesToAddress(msg.Recipient.Bytes())
return &addr
// MsgEthereumTx encapsulates an Ethereum transaction as an SDK message.
type MsgEthereumTx struct {
Data TxData
// caches
size atomic.Value
from atomic.Value
// sigCache is used to cache the derived sender and contains the signer used
// to derive it.
type sigCache struct {
signer ethtypes.Signer
from ethcmn.Address
// NewMsgEthereumTx returns a reference to a new Ethereum transaction message.
func NewMsgEthereumTx(
nonce uint64, to *ethcmn.Address, amount *big.Int,
gasLimit uint64, gasPrice *big.Int, payload []byte,
) MsgEthereumTx {
return newMsgEthereumTx(nonce, to, amount, gasLimit, gasPrice, payload)
// NewMsgEthereumTxContract returns a reference to a new Ethereum transaction
// message designated for contract creation.
func NewMsgEthereumTxContract(
nonce uint64, amount *big.Int, gasLimit uint64, gasPrice *big.Int, payload []byte,
) MsgEthereumTx {
return newMsgEthereumTx(nonce, nil, amount, gasLimit, gasPrice, payload)
func newMsgEthereumTx(
nonce uint64, to *ethcmn.Address, amount *big.Int,
gasLimit uint64, gasPrice *big.Int, payload []byte,
) MsgEthereumTx {
if len(payload) > 0 {
payload = ethcmn.CopyBytes(payload)
txData := TxData{
AccountNonce: nonce,
Recipient: to,
Payload: payload,
GasLimit: gasLimit,
Amount: new(big.Int),
Price: new(big.Int),
V: new(big.Int),
R: new(big.Int),
S: new(big.Int),
if amount != nil {
if gasPrice != nil {
return MsgEthereumTx{Data: txData}
func (msg MsgEthereumTx) String() string {
return msg.Data.String()
// Route returns the route value of an MsgEthereumTx.
func (msg MsgEthereumTx) Route() string { return RouterKey }
// Type returns the type value of an MsgEthereumTx.
func (msg MsgEthereumTx) Type() string { return TypeMsgEthereumTx }
// ValidateBasic implements the sdk.Msg interface. It performs basic validation
// checks of a Transaction. If returns an error if validation fails.
func (msg MsgEthereumTx) ValidateBasic() error {
if msg.Data.Price.Sign() == -1 {
return sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrInvalidValue, "price cannot be negative %s", msg.Data.Price)
// Amount can be 0
if msg.Data.Amount.Sign() == -1 {
return sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrInvalidValue, "amount cannot be negative %s", msg.Data.Amount)
return nil
// To returns the recipient address of the transaction. It returns nil if the
// transaction is a contract creation.
func (msg MsgEthereumTx) To() *ethcmn.Address {
return msg.Data.Recipient
// GetMsgs returns a single MsgEthereumTx as an sdk.Msg.
func (msg MsgEthereumTx) GetMsgs() []sdk.Msg {
return []sdk.Msg{msg}
// GetSigners returns the expected signers for an Ethereum transaction message.
// For such a message, there should exist only a single 'signer'.
// NOTE: This method panics if 'VerifySig' hasn't been called first.
func (msg MsgEthereumTx) GetSigners() []sdk.AccAddress {
sender := msg.From()
if sender.Empty() {
panic("must use 'VerifySig' with a chain ID to get the signer")
return []sdk.AccAddress{sender}
// GetSignBytes returns the Amino bytes of an Ethereum transaction message used
// for signing.
// NOTE: This method cannot be used as a chain ID is needed to create valid bytes
// to sign over. Use 'RLPSignBytes' instead.
func (msg MsgEthereumTx) GetSignBytes() []byte {
panic("must use 'RLPSignBytes' with a chain ID to get the valid bytes to sign")
// RLPSignBytes returns the RLP hash of an Ethereum transaction message with a
// given chainID used for signing.
func (msg MsgEthereumTx) RLPSignBytes(chainID *big.Int) ethcmn.Hash {
return rlpHash([]interface{}{
chainID, uint(0), uint(0),
// EncodeRLP implements the rlp.Encoder interface.
func (msg *MsgEthereumTx) EncodeRLP(w io.Writer) error {
return rlp.Encode(w, &msg.Data)
// DecodeRLP implements the rlp.Decoder interface.
func (msg *MsgEthereumTx) DecodeRLP(s *rlp.Stream) error {
_, size, err := s.Kind()
if err != nil {
// return error if stream is too large
return err
if err := s.Decode(&msg.Data); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Sign calculates a secp256k1 ECDSA signature and signs the transaction. It
// takes a private key and chainID to sign an Ethereum transaction according to
// EIP155 standard. It mutates the transaction as it populates the V, R, S
// fields of the Transaction's Signature.
func (msg *MsgEthereumTx) Sign(chainID *big.Int, priv *ecdsa.PrivateKey) error {
txHash := msg.RLPSignBytes(chainID)
sig, err := ethcrypto.Sign(txHash[:], priv)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(sig) != 65 {
return fmt.Errorf("wrong size for signature: got %d, want 65", len(sig))
r := new(big.Int).SetBytes(sig[:32])
s := new(big.Int).SetBytes(sig[32:64])
var v *big.Int
if chainID.Sign() == 0 {
v = new(big.Int).SetBytes([]byte{sig[64] + 27})
} else {
v = big.NewInt(int64(sig[64] + 35))
chainIDMul := new(big.Int).Mul(chainID, big.NewInt(2))
v.Add(v, chainIDMul)
msg.Data.V = v
msg.Data.R = r
msg.Data.S = s
return nil
// VerifySig attempts to verify a Transaction's signature for a given chainID.
// A derived address is returned upon success or an error if recovery fails.
func (msg *MsgEthereumTx) VerifySig(chainID *big.Int) (ethcmn.Address, error) {
signer := ethtypes.NewEIP155Signer(chainID)
if sc := msg.from.Load(); sc != nil {
sigCache := sc.(sigCache)
// If the signer used to derive from in a previous call is not the same as
// used current, invalidate the cache.
if sigCache.signer.Equal(signer) {
return sigCache.from, nil
// do not allow recovery for transactions with an unprotected chainID
if chainID.Sign() == 0 {
return ethcmn.Address{}, errors.New("chainID cannot be zero")
chainIDMul := new(big.Int).Mul(chainID, big.NewInt(2))
V := new(big.Int).Sub(msg.Data.V, chainIDMul)
V.Sub(V, big8)
sigHash := msg.RLPSignBytes(chainID)
sender, err := recoverEthSig(msg.Data.R, msg.Data.S, V, sigHash)
if err != nil {
return ethcmn.Address{}, err
msg.from.Store(sigCache{signer: signer, from: sender})
return sender, nil
// GetGas implements the GasTx interface. It returns the GasLimit of the transaction.
func (msg MsgEthereumTx) GetGas() uint64 {
return msg.Data.GasLimit
// Fee returns gasprice * gaslimit.
func (msg MsgEthereumTx) Fee() *big.Int {
return new(big.Int).Mul(msg.Data.Price, new(big.Int).SetUint64(msg.Data.GasLimit))
// ChainID returns which chain id this transaction was signed for (if at all)
func (msg *MsgEthereumTx) ChainID() *big.Int {
return deriveChainID(msg.Data.V)
// Cost returns amount + gasprice * gaslimit.
func (msg MsgEthereumTx) Cost() *big.Int {
total := msg.Fee()
total.Add(total, msg.Data.Amount)
return total
// RawSignatureValues returns the V, R, S signature values of the transaction.
// The return values should not be modified by the caller.
func (msg MsgEthereumTx) RawSignatureValues() (v, r, s *big.Int) {
return msg.Data.V, msg.Data.R, msg.Data.S
// From loads the ethereum sender address from the sigcache and returns an
// sdk.AccAddress from its bytes
func (msg *MsgEthereumTx) From() sdk.AccAddress {
sc := msg.from.Load()
if sc == nil {
return nil
sigCache := sc.(sigCache)
if len(sigCache.from.Bytes()) == 0 {
return nil
return sdk.AccAddress(sigCache.from.Bytes())
// deriveChainID derives the chain id from the given v parameter
func deriveChainID(v *big.Int) *big.Int {
if v.BitLen() <= 64 {
v := v.Uint64()
if v == 27 || v == 28 {
return new(big.Int)
return new(big.Int).SetUint64((v - 35) / 2)
v = new(big.Int).Sub(v, big.NewInt(35))
return v.Div(v, big.NewInt(2))