Federico Kunze 117342b1b3
all, deps: bump go-ethereum version (#5)
* evm, rpc: access lists, JSON-RPC and transaction updates (wip)

* ante, evm, rpc: update signature verification

* evm: msg server and tests updates

* evm: tests (wip)

* evm: fix cdc and params

* evm: cleanup state transition

* fix nil cases

* lint
2021-05-10 12:34:00 -04:00

347 lines
10 KiB

package types
import (
log ""
ethtypes ""
tmtypes ""
sdk ""
sdkerrors ""
// StateTransition defines data to transitionDB in evm
type StateTransition struct {
// TxData fields
Message core.Message
ChainID *big.Int
Csdb *CommitStateDB
TxHash *common.Hash
Simulate bool // i.e CheckTx execution
Debug bool // enable EVM debugging
// GasInfo returns the gas limit, gas consumed and gas refunded from the EVM transition
// execution
type GasInfo struct {
GasLimit uint64
GasConsumed uint64
GasRefunded uint64
// ExecutionResult represents what's returned from a transition
type ExecutionResult struct {
Logs []*ethtypes.Log
Bloom *big.Int
Response *MsgEthereumTxResponse
GasInfo GasInfo
// GetHashFn implements vm.GetHashFunc for Ethermint. It handles 3 cases:
// 1. The requested height matches the current height from context (and thus same epoch number)
// 2. The requested height is from an previous height from the same chain epoch
// 3. The requested height is from a height greater than the latest one
func GetHashFn(ctx sdk.Context, csdb *CommitStateDB) vm.GetHashFunc {
return func(height uint64) common.Hash {
switch {
case ctx.BlockHeight() == int64(height):
// Case 1: The requested height matches the one from the context so we can retrieve the header
// hash directly from the context.
return csdb.bhash
case ctx.BlockHeight() > int64(height):
// Case 2: if the chain is not the current height we need to retrieve the hash from the store for the
// current chain epoch. This only applies if the current height is greater than the requested height.
return csdb.WithContext(ctx).GetHeightHash(height)
// Case 3: heights greater than the current one returns an empty hash.
return common.Hash{}
func (st *StateTransition) newEVM(
ctx sdk.Context,
csdb *CommitStateDB,
gasLimit uint64,
config ChainConfig,
extraEIPs []int64,
) *vm.EVM {
// Create context for evm
blockCtx := vm.BlockContext{
CanTransfer: core.CanTransfer,
Transfer: core.Transfer,
GetHash: GetHashFn(ctx, csdb),
Coinbase: common.Address{}, // there's no beneficiary since we're not mining
BlockNumber: big.NewInt(ctx.BlockHeight()),
Time: big.NewInt(ctx.BlockHeader().Time.Unix()),
Difficulty: big.NewInt(0), // unused. Only required in PoW context
GasLimit: gasLimit,
txCtx := core.NewEVMTxContext(st.Message)
eips := make([]int, len(extraEIPs))
for i, eip := range extraEIPs {
eips[i] = int(eip)
vmConfig := vm.Config{
ExtraEips: eips,
if st.Debug {
vmConfig.Tracer = vm.NewJSONLogger(&vm.LogConfig{
Debug: true,
}, os.Stderr)
vmConfig.Debug = true
return vm.NewEVM(blockCtx, txCtx, csdb, config.EthereumConfig(st.ChainID), vmConfig)
// TransitionDb will transition the state by applying the current transaction and
// returning the evm execution result.
// NOTE: State transition checks are run during AnteHandler execution.
func (st *StateTransition) TransitionDb(ctx sdk.Context, config ChainConfig) (resp *ExecutionResult, err error) {
contractCreation := st.Message.To() == nil
cost, err := core.IntrinsicGas(st.Message.Data(), st.Message.AccessList(), true, false, true)
if err != nil {
err = sdkerrors.Wrap(err, "invalid intrinsic gas for transaction")
return nil, err
// This gas limit the the transaction gas limit with intrinsic gas subtracted
gasLimit := st.Message.Gas() - ctx.GasMeter().GasConsumed()
csdb := st.Csdb.WithContext(ctx)
if st.Simulate {
// gasLimit is set here because stdTxs incur gaskv charges in the ante handler, but for eth_call
// the cost needs to be the same as an Ethereum transaction sent through the web3 API
consumedGas := ctx.GasMeter().GasConsumed()
gasLimit = st.Message.Gas() - cost
if consumedGas < cost {
// If Cosmos standard tx ante handler cost is less than EVM intrinsic cost
// gas must be consumed to match to accurately simulate an Ethereum transaction
ctx.GasMeter().ConsumeGas(cost-consumedGas, "Intrinsic gas match")
csdb = st.Csdb.Copy()
// This gas meter is set up to consume gas from gaskv during evm execution and be ignored
currentGasMeter := ctx.GasMeter()
evmGasMeter := sdk.NewInfiniteGasMeter()
// Clear cache of accounts to handle changes outside of the EVM
params := csdb.GetParams()
gasPrice := ctx.MinGasPrices().AmountOf(params.EvmDenom)
//gasPrice := sdk.ZeroDec()
if gasPrice.IsNil() {
return nil, errors.New("min gas price cannot be nil")
evm := st.newEVM(ctx, csdb, gasLimit, config, params.ExtraEIPs)
var (
ret []byte
leftOverGas uint64
contractAddress common.Address
senderRef = vm.AccountRef(st.Message.From())
// Get nonce of account outside of the EVM
currentNonce := csdb.GetNonce(st.Message.From())
// Set nonce of sender account before evm state transition for usage in generating Create address
csdb.SetNonce(st.Message.From(), st.Message.Nonce())
// create contract or execute call
switch contractCreation {
case true:
if !params.EnableCreate {
return nil, ErrCreateDisabled
ret, contractAddress, leftOverGas, err = evm.Create(senderRef, st.Message.Data(), gasLimit, st.Message.Value())
if err != nil {
log.WithField("simulate", st.Simulate).
WithField("nonce", st.Message.Nonce()).
WithField("contract", contractAddress.String()).
WithError(err).Warningln("evm contract creation failed")
gasConsumed := gasLimit - leftOverGas
resp = &ExecutionResult{
Response: &MsgEthereumTxResponse{
Ret: ret,
GasInfo: GasInfo{
GasConsumed: gasConsumed,
GasLimit: gasLimit,
GasRefunded: leftOverGas,
if !params.EnableCall {
return nil, ErrCallDisabled
// Increment the nonce for the next transaction (just for evm state transition)
csdb.SetNonce(st.Message.From(), csdb.GetNonce(st.Message.From())+1)
ret, leftOverGas, err = evm.Call(senderRef, *st.Message.To(), st.Message.Data(), gasLimit, st.Message.Value())
// fmt.Println("EVM CALL!!!", senderRef.Address().Hex(), (*st.Message.To()).Hex(), gasLimit)
// fmt.Println("EVM CALL RESULT", common.ToHex(ret), leftOverGas, err)
if err != nil {
log.WithField("recipient", st.Message.To().String()).
WithError(err).Debugln("evm call failed")
gasConsumed := gasLimit - leftOverGas
resp = &ExecutionResult{
Response: &MsgEthereumTxResponse{
Ret: ret,
GasInfo: GasInfo{
GasConsumed: gasConsumed,
GasLimit: gasLimit,
GasRefunded: leftOverGas,
if err != nil {
// Consume gas before returning
ctx.GasMeter().ConsumeGas(resp.GasInfo.GasConsumed, "evm execution consumption")
return resp, err
// Resets nonce to value pre state transition
csdb.SetNonce(st.Message.From(), currentNonce)
// Generate bloom filter to be saved in tx receipt data
bloomInt := big.NewInt(0)
var (
bloomFilter ethtypes.Bloom
logs []*ethtypes.Log
if st.TxHash != nil && !st.Simulate {
logs, err = csdb.GetLogs(*st.TxHash)
if err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get logs")
return nil, err
bloomInt = big.NewInt(0).SetBytes(ethtypes.LogsBloom(logs))
bloomFilter = ethtypes.BytesToBloom(bloomInt.Bytes())
if !st.Simulate {
// Finalise state if not a simulated transaction
// TODO: change to depend on config
if err := csdb.Finalise(true); err != nil {
return nil, err
resp.Logs = logs
resp.Bloom = bloomInt
resp.Response = &MsgEthereumTxResponse{
Bloom: bloomFilter.Bytes(),
TxLogs: NewTransactionLogsFromEth(*st.TxHash, logs),
Ret: ret,
if contractCreation {
resp.Response.ContractAddress = contractAddress.String()
// TODO: Refund unused gas here, if intended in future
// Consume gas from evm execution
// Out of gas check does not need to be done here since it is done within the EVM execution
// TODO: @albert, @maxim, decide if can take this out, since InternalEthereumTx may want to continue execution afterwards
// which will use gas.
_ = currentGasMeter
//ctx.WithGasMeter(currentGasMeter).GasMeter().ConsumeGas(resp.GasInfo.GasConsumed, "EVM execution consumption")
return resp, nil
// StaticCall executes the contract associated with the addr with the given input
// as parameters while disallowing any modifications to the state during the call.
// Opcodes that attempt to perform such modifications will result in exceptions
// instead of performing the modifications.
func (st *StateTransition) StaticCall(ctx sdk.Context, config ChainConfig) ([]byte, error) {
// This gas limit the the transaction gas limit with intrinsic gas subtracted
gasLimit := st.Message.Gas() - ctx.GasMeter().GasConsumed()
csdb := st.Csdb.WithContext(ctx)
// This gas meter is set up to consume gas from gaskv during evm execution and be ignored
evmGasMeter := sdk.NewInfiniteGasMeter()
// Clear cache of accounts to handle changes outside of the EVM
params := csdb.GetParams()
gasPrice := ctx.MinGasPrices().AmountOf(params.EvmDenom)
if gasPrice.IsNil() {
return []byte{}, errors.New("min gas price cannot be nil")
evm := st.newEVM(ctx, csdb, gasLimit, config, params.ExtraEIPs)
senderRef := vm.AccountRef(st.Message.From())
ret, _, err := evm.StaticCall(senderRef, *st.Message.To(), st.Message.Data(), gasLimit)
// fmt.Println("EVM STATIC CALL!!!", senderRef.Address().Hex(), (*st.Message.To()).Hex(), st.Message.Data(), gasLimit)
// fmt.Println("EVM STATIC CALL RESULT", common.ToHex(ret), leftOverGas, err)
return ret, err
// HashFromContext returns the Ethereum Header hash from the context's Tendermint
// block header.
func HashFromContext(ctx sdk.Context) common.Hash {
// cast the ABCI header to tendermint Header type
protoHeader := ctx.BlockHeader()
tmHeader, err := tmtypes.HeaderFromProto(&protoHeader)
if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}
// get the Tendermint block hash from the current header
tmBlockHash := tmHeader.Hash()
// NOTE: if the validator set hash is missing the hash will be returned as nil,
// so we need to check for this case to prevent a panic when calling Bytes()
if tmBlockHash == nil {
return common.Hash{}
return common.BytesToHash(tmBlockHash.Bytes())