Federico Kunze Küllmer ea18cae9aa
docs: update swagger (#479)
* update swagger

* update

* clean
2021-08-23 13:15:55 +00:00

15 lines
588 B
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
// StoreKVPair is a KVStore KVPair used for listening to state changes (Sets and Deletes)
// It optionally includes the StoreKey for the originating KVStore and a Boolean flag to distinguish between Sets and
// Deletes
message StoreKVPair {
string store_key = 1; // the store key for the KVStore this pair originates from
bool delete = 2; // true indicates a delete operation, false indicates a set operation
bytes key = 3;
bytes value = 4;