# Joining a Testnet This document outlines the steps to join an existing testnet ## Steps 1. [Install](./../quickstart/installation) the Ethermint binary `ethermintd` ```bash go install https://github.com/tharsis/ethermint ``` 2. Create an Ethermint [account](./../basics/accounts) ```bash ethermintd keys add --keyring-backend=test ``` 3. Copy genesis file Follow this [link](https://gist.github.com/araskachoi/43f86f3edff23729b817e8b0bb86295a) and copy it over to the directory `~/.ethermintd/config/genesis.json` 4. Add peers Edit the file located in `~/.ethermintd/config/config.toml` and the `persistent_peers` to the following: ```toml "05aa6587f07a0c6a9a8213f0138c4a76d476418a@,13d4a1c16d1f427988b7c499b6d150726aaf3aa0@,a00db749fa51e485c8376276d29d599258052f3e@" ``` 5. Validate genesis and start the Ethermint network ```bash ethermintd validate-genesis ethermintd start --pruning=nothing --rpc.unsafe --log_level "main:info,state:info,mempool:info" ```