const Counter = artifacts.require("Counter") contract('Counter', ([one, two, three]) => { console.log(one, two, three) let counter beforeEach(async() => { counter = await console.log('Counter:', counter.address) console.log('Current eth:') console.log(' - ', await web3.eth.getBalance(one)) console.log(' - ', await web3.eth.getBalance(two)) console.log(' - ', await web3.eth.getBalance(three)) console.log('') }) it('should add', async() => { const balanceOne = await web3.eth.getBalance(one) const balanceTwo = await web3.eth.getBalance(two) const balanceThree = await web3.eth.getBalance(three) let count await counter.add({ from: one }) count = await counter.getCounter() console.log(count.toString()) assert.equal(count, '1', 'Counter should be 1') assert.notEqual(balanceOne, await web3.eth.getBalance(one), `${one}'s balance should be different`) await counter.add({ from: two }) count = await counter.getCounter() console.log(count.toString()) assert.equal(count, '2', 'Counter should be 2') assert.notEqual(balanceTwo, await web3.eth.getBalance(two), `${two}'s balance should be different`) await counter.add({ from: three }) count = await counter.getCounter() console.log(count.toString()) assert.equal(count, '3', 'Counter should be 3') assert.notEqual(balanceThree, await web3.eth.getBalance(three), `${three}'s balance should be different`) }) it('should subtract', async() => { let count await counter.add() count = await counter.getCounter() console.log(count.toString()) assert.equal(count, '1', 'Counter should be 1') // Use receipt to ensure logs are emitted const receipt = await counter.subtract() count = await counter.getCounter() console.log(count.toString()) console.log() console.log('Subtract tx receipt:', receipt) assert.equal(count, '0', 'Counter should be 0') assert.equal(receipt.logs[0].event, 'Changed', "Should have emitted 'Changed' event") assert.equal(receipt.logs[0].args.counter, '0', "Should have emitted 'Changed' event with counter being 0") // Check lifecycle of events const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(counter.abi, counter.address) const allEvents = await contract.getPastEvents("allEvents", { fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest' }) const changedEvents = await contract.getPastEvents("Changed", { fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest' }) console.log('allEvents', allEvents) console.log('changedEvents', changedEvents) assert.equal(allEvents.length, 3) assert.equal(changedEvents.length, 2) try { await counter.subtract()'Subtracting past 0 should have reverted') } catch (err) { console.log() console.log('Passed -- was expecting error') console.log('Error:', err) } }) })