# Accounts This document describes the in-built accounts system of Ethermint. {synopsis} ## Pre-requisite Readings - [Cosmos SDK Accounts](https://docs.cosmos.network/master/basics/accounts.html) {prereq} - [Ethereum Accounts](https://ethereum.org/en/whitepaper/#ethereum-accounts) {prereq} ## Ethermint Accounts Ethermint defines its own custom `Account` type that uses Ethereum's ECDSA secp256k1 curve for keys. This satisfies the [EIP84](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/84) for full [BIP44](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0044.mediawiki) paths. The root HD path for Ethermint-based accounts is `m/44'/60'/0'/0`. +++ https://github.com/ChainSafe/ethermint/blob/v0.1.0/types/account.go#L31-L36 ## Addresses and Public Keys There are 3 main types of `Addresses`/`PubKeys` available by default on Ethermint: - Addresses and Keys for **accounts**, which identify users (e.g. the sender of a `message`). They are derived using the **`eth_secp256k1`** curve. - Addresses and Keys for **validator operators**, which identify the operators of validators. They are derived using the **`eth_secp256k1`** curve. - Addresses and Keys for **consensus nodes**, which identify the validator nodes participating in consensus. They are derived using the **`ed25519`** curve. | | Address bech32 Prefix | Pubkey bech32 Prefix | Curve | Address byte length | Pubkey byte length | |--------------------|-----------------------|----------------------|-----------------|---------------------|--------------------| | Accounts | `eth` | `ethpub` | `eth_secp256k1` | `20` | `33` (compressed) | | Validator Operator | `ethvaloper` | `ethvaloperpub` | `eth_secp256k1` | `20` | `33` (compressed) | | Consensus Nodes | `ethvalcons` | `ethvalconspub` | `ed25519` | `20` | `32` | ## Address formats for clients `EthAccount`s have can be represented in both [Bech32](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Bech32) and hex format for Ethereum's Web3 tooling compatibility. The Bech32 format is the default format for Cosmos-SDK queries and transactions through CLI and REST clients. The hex format on the other hand, is the Ethereum `common.Address` representation of a Cosmos `sdk.AccAddress`. - Address (Bech32): `eth1crwhac03z2pcgu88jfnqnwu66xlthlz2rhljah` - Address (Hex): `0xc0dd7ee1f112838470e7926609bb9ad1bebbfc4a` - Compressed Public Key (Bech32): `ethpub1pfqnmk6pqnwwuw0h9hj58t2hyzwvqc3truhhp5tl5hfucezcfy2rs8470nkyzju2vmk645fzmw2wveaqcqek767kwa0es9rmxe9nmmjq84cpny3fvj6tpg` ## Next {hide} Learn about Ethermint [transactions](./transactions.md) {hide}