accounts: - name: alice coins: ["100000000uatom", "100000000000000000000aphoton"] - name: bob coins: ["5000000000000aphoton"] - name: faucet coins: ["1000000000000000000000000000aphoton"] validator: name: alice staked: "100000000000000000000aphoton" faucet: port: 4500 name: "faucet" coins: ["1000000000000000000000000000aphoton"] coins_max: ["100000000aphoton"] build: binary: "laconicd" init: home: "$HOME/.laconicd" app: api: enable: true json-rpc: address: "" # change the JSON-RPC address and port ws-address: "" # change the JSON-RPC websocket address and port genesis: chain_id: "ethermint_9000-1" app_state: staking: params: bond_denom: "aphoton" mint: params: mint_denom: "aphoton" crisis: constant_fee: denom: "aphoton" gov: deposit_params: min_deposit: - amount: "10000000" denom: "aphoton" evm: params: evm_denom: "aphoton"