import configparser import json import re import subprocess from pathlib import Path import pytest from dateutil.parser import isoparse from pystarport import ports from pystarport.cluster import SUPERVISOR_CONFIG_FILE from .network import Ethermint, setup_custom_ethermint from .utils import ( ADDRS, CONTRACTS, deploy_contract, parse_events, send_transaction, wait_for_block, wait_for_block_time, wait_for_port, ) def init_cosmovisor(home): """ build and setup cosmovisor directory structure in each node's home directory """ cosmovisor = home / "cosmovisor" cosmovisor.mkdir() (cosmovisor / "upgrades").symlink_to("../../../upgrades") (cosmovisor / "genesis").symlink_to("./upgrades/genesis") def post_init(path, base_port, config): """ prepare cosmovisor for each node """ chain_id = "ethermint_9000-1" cfg = json.loads((path / chain_id / "config.json").read_text()) for i, _ in enumerate(cfg["validators"]): home = path / chain_id / f"node{i}" init_cosmovisor(home) # patch supervisord ini config ini_path = path / chain_id / SUPERVISOR_CONFIG_FILE ini = configparser.RawConfigParser() reg = re.compile(rf"^program:{chain_id}-node(\d+)") for section in ini.sections(): m = reg.match(section) if m: i = ini[section].update( { "command": f"cosmovisor start --home %(here)s/node{i}", "environment": ( f"DAEMON_NAME=ethermintd,DAEMON_HOME=%(here)s/node{i}" ), } ) with"w") as fp: ini.write(fp) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def custom_ethermint(tmp_path_factory): path = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("upgrade") cmd = [ "nix-build", Path(__file__).parent / "configs/upgrade-test-package.nix", "-o", path / "upgrades", ] print(*cmd), check=True) # init with genesis binary yield from setup_custom_ethermint( path, 26100, Path(__file__).parent / "configs/cosmovisor.jsonnet", post_init=post_init, chain_binary=str(path / "upgrades/genesis/bin/ethermintd"), ) def test_cosmovisor_upgrade(custom_ethermint: Ethermint): """ - propose an upgrade and pass it - wait for it to happen - it should work transparently - check that queries on legacy blocks still works after upgrade. """ cli = custom_ethermint.cosmos_cli() height = cli.block_height() target_height = height + 10 print("upgrade height", target_height) w3 = custom_ethermint.w3 contract, _ = deploy_contract(w3, CONTRACTS["TestERC20A"]) old_height = w3.eth.block_number old_balance = w3.eth.get_balance(ADDRS["validator"], block_identifier=old_height) old_base_fee = w3.eth.get_block(old_height).baseFeePerGas old_erc20_balance = contract.caller.balanceOf(ADDRS["validator"]) print("old values", old_height, old_balance, old_base_fee) plan_name = "integration-test-upgrade" rsp = cli.gov_propose( "community", "software-upgrade", { "name": plan_name, "title": "upgrade test", "description": "ditto", "upgrade-height": target_height, "deposit": "10000aphoton", }, ) assert rsp["code"] == 0, rsp["raw_log"] # get proposal_id ev = parse_events(rsp["logs"])["submit_proposal"] assert ev["proposal_type"] == "SoftwareUpgrade", rsp proposal_id = ev["proposal_id"] rsp = cli.gov_vote("validator", proposal_id, "yes") assert rsp["code"] == 0, rsp["raw_log"] # rsp = custom_ethermint.cosmos_cli(1).gov_vote("validator", proposal_id, "yes") # assert rsp["code"] == 0, rsp["raw_log"] proposal = cli.query_proposal(proposal_id) wait_for_block_time(cli, isoparse(proposal["voting_end_time"])) proposal = cli.query_proposal(proposal_id) assert proposal["status"] == "PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED", proposal # update cli chain binary custom_ethermint.chain_binary = ( Path(custom_ethermint.chain_binary).parent.parent.parent / f"{plan_name}/bin/ethermintd" ) cli = custom_ethermint.cosmos_cli() # block should pass the target height wait_for_block(cli, target_height + 1, timeout=480) wait_for_port(ports.rpc_port(custom_ethermint.base_port(0))) # test migrate keystore cli.migrate_keystore() # check basic tx works after upgrade wait_for_port(ports.evmrpc_port(custom_ethermint.base_port(0))) receipt = send_transaction( w3, { "to": ADDRS["community"], "value": 1000, "maxFeePerGas": 1000000000000, "maxPriorityFeePerGas": 10000, }, ) assert receipt.status == 1 # check json-rpc query on older blocks works assert old_balance == w3.eth.get_balance( ADDRS["validator"], block_identifier=old_height ) assert old_base_fee == w3.eth.get_block(old_height).baseFeePerGas # check eth_call on older blocks works assert old_erc20_balance == contract.caller( block_identifier=target_height - 2 ).balanceOf(ADDRS["validator"])