package keeper import ( "bytes" "fmt" "math/big" "" ethtypes "" "" "" "" sdk "" ethermint "" "" ) var _ vm.StateDB = &Keeper{} // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Account // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CreateAccount creates a new EthAccount instance from the provided address and // sets the value to store. If an account with the given address already exists, // this function also resets any preexisting code and storage associated with that // address. func (k *Keeper) CreateAccount(addr common.Address) { if k.HasStateError() { return } cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes()) ctx := k.Ctx() account := k.accountKeeper.GetAccount(ctx, cosmosAddr) log := "" if account == nil { log = "account created" } else { log = "account overwritten" k.ResetAccount(addr) } account = k.accountKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(ctx, cosmosAddr) k.accountKeeper.SetAccount(ctx, account) k.Logger(ctx).Debug( log, "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(), ) } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Balance // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AddBalance adds the given amount to the address balance coin by minting new // coins and transferring them to the address. The coin denomination is obtained // from the module parameters. func (k *Keeper) AddBalance(addr common.Address, amount *big.Int) { if k.HasStateError() { return } ctx := k.Ctx() if amount.Sign() != 1 { k.Logger(ctx).Debug( "ignored non-positive amount addition", "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "amount", amount.Int64(), ) return } cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes()) params := k.GetParams(ctx) // Coin denom and amount already validated coins := sdk.Coins{ { Denom: params.EvmDenom, Amount: sdk.NewIntFromBigInt(amount), }, } if err := k.bankKeeper.MintCoins(ctx, types.ModuleName, coins); err != nil { k.Logger(ctx).Error( "failed to mint coins when adding balance", "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(), "error", err, ) k.stateErr = err return } if err := k.bankKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx, types.ModuleName, cosmosAddr, coins); err != nil { k.Logger(ctx).Error( "failed to send from module to account when adding balance", "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(), "error", err, ) k.stateErr = err return } k.Logger(ctx).Debug( "balance addition", "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(), ) } // SubBalance subtracts the given amount from the address balance by transferring the // coins to an escrow account and then burning them. The coin denomination is obtained // from the module parameters. This function performs a no-op if the amount is negative // or the user doesn't have enough funds for the transfer. func (k *Keeper) SubBalance(addr common.Address, amount *big.Int) { if k.HasStateError() { return } ctx := k.Ctx() if amount.Sign() != 1 { k.Logger(ctx).Debug( "ignored non-positive amount addition", "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "amount", amount.Int64(), ) return } cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes()) params := k.GetParams(ctx) // Coin denom and amount already validated coins := sdk.Coins{ { Denom: params.EvmDenom, Amount: sdk.NewIntFromBigInt(amount), }, } if err := k.bankKeeper.SendCoinsFromAccountToModule(ctx, cosmosAddr, types.ModuleName, coins); err != nil { k.Logger(ctx).Debug( "failed to send from account to module when subtracting balance", "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(), "error", err, ) return } if err := k.bankKeeper.BurnCoins(ctx, types.ModuleName, coins); err != nil { k.Logger(ctx).Error( "failed to burn coins when subtracting balance", "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(), "error", err, ) k.stateErr = err return } k.Logger(ctx).Debug( "balance subtraction", "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(), ) } // GetBalance returns the EVM denomination balance of the provided address. The // denomination is obtained from the module parameters. func (k *Keeper) GetBalance(addr common.Address) *big.Int { if k.HasStateError() { return big.NewInt(0) } ctx := k.Ctx() cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes()) params := k.GetParams(ctx) balance := k.bankKeeper.GetBalance(ctx, cosmosAddr, params.EvmDenom) return balance.Amount.BigInt() } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Nonce // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetNonce retrieves the account with the given address and returns the tx // sequence (i.e nonce). The function performs a no-op if the account is not found. func (k *Keeper) GetNonce(addr common.Address) uint64 { if k.HasStateError() { return 0 } ctx := k.Ctx() cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes()) nonce, err := k.accountKeeper.GetSequence(ctx, cosmosAddr) if err != nil { k.Logger(ctx).Error( "account not found", "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(), "error", err, ) // since adding state error here will break some logic in the go-ethereum (unwanted panic), no // state error will be store here // Refer panic: } return nonce } // SetNonce sets the given nonce as the sequence of the address' account. If the // account doesn't exist, a new one will be created from the address. func (k *Keeper) SetNonce(addr common.Address, nonce uint64) { if k.HasStateError() { return } ctx := k.Ctx() cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes()) account := k.accountKeeper.GetAccount(ctx, cosmosAddr) if account == nil { k.Logger(ctx).Debug( "account not found", "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(), ) // create address if it doesn't exist account = k.accountKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(ctx, cosmosAddr) } if err := account.SetSequence(nonce); err != nil { k.Logger(ctx).Error( "failed to set nonce", "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(), "nonce", nonce, "error", err, ) k.stateErr = err return } k.accountKeeper.SetAccount(ctx, account) k.Logger(ctx).Debug( "nonce set", "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(), "nonce", nonce, ) } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Code // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetCodeHash fetches the account from the store and returns its code hash. If the account doesn't // exist or is not an EthAccount type, GetCodeHash returns the empty code hash value. func (k *Keeper) GetCodeHash(addr common.Address) common.Hash { if k.HasStateError() { return common.Hash{} } ctx := k.Ctx() cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes()) account := k.accountKeeper.GetAccount(ctx, cosmosAddr) if account == nil { return common.BytesToHash(types.EmptyCodeHash) } ethAccount, isEthAccount := account.(*ethermint.EthAccount) if !isEthAccount { return common.BytesToHash(types.EmptyCodeHash) } return common.HexToHash(ethAccount.CodeHash) } // GetCode returns the code byte array associated with the given address. // If the code hash from the account is empty, this function returns nil. func (k *Keeper) GetCode(addr common.Address) []byte { if k.HasStateError() { return nil } ctx := k.Ctx() hash := k.GetCodeHash(addr) if bytes.Equal(hash.Bytes(), common.BytesToHash(types.EmptyCodeHash).Bytes()) { return nil } store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey), types.KeyPrefixCode) code := store.Get(hash.Bytes()) if len(code) == 0 { k.Logger(ctx).Debug( "code not found", "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "code-hash", hash.Hex(), ) } return code } // SetCode stores the code byte array to the application KVStore and sets the // code hash to the given account. The code is deleted from the store if it is empty. func (k *Keeper) SetCode(addr common.Address, code []byte) { if k.HasStateError() { return } ctx := k.Ctx() if bytes.Equal(code, types.EmptyCodeHash) { k.Logger(ctx).Debug("passed in EmptyCodeHash, but expected empty code") } hash := crypto.Keccak256Hash(code) // update account code hash account := k.accountKeeper.GetAccount(ctx, addr.Bytes()) if account == nil { account = k.accountKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(ctx, addr.Bytes()) k.accountKeeper.SetAccount(ctx, account) } ethAccount, isEthAccount := account.(*ethermint.EthAccount) if !isEthAccount { k.Logger(ctx).Error( "invalid account type", "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "code-hash", hash.Hex(), ) k.stateErr = fmt.Errorf("invalid account type, ethereum-address %v, code-hash %v", addr.Hex(), hash.Hex()) return } ethAccount.CodeHash = hash.Hex() k.accountKeeper.SetAccount(ctx, ethAccount) store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey), types.KeyPrefixCode) action := "updated" // store or delete code if len(code) == 0 { store.Delete(hash.Bytes()) action = "deleted" } else { store.Set(hash.Bytes(), code) } k.Logger(ctx).Debug( fmt.Sprintf("code %s", action), "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "code-hash", hash.Hex(), ) } // GetCodeSize returns the size of the contract code associated with this object, // or zero if none. func (k *Keeper) GetCodeSize(addr common.Address) int { if k.HasStateError() { return 0 } code := k.GetCode(addr) return len(code) } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Refund // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTE: gas refunded needs to be tracked and stored in a separate variable in // order to add it subtract/add it from/to the gas used value after the EVM // execution has finalized. The refund value is cleared on every transaction and // at the end of every block. // AddRefund adds the given amount of gas to the refund transient value. func (k *Keeper) AddRefund(gas uint64) { if k.HasStateError() { return } ctx := k.Ctx() refund := k.GetRefund() refund += gas store := ctx.TransientStore(k.transientKey) store.Set(types.KeyPrefixTransientRefund, sdk.Uint64ToBigEndian(refund)) } // SubRefund subtracts the given amount of gas from the transient refund value. This function // will panic if gas amount is greater than the stored refund. func (k *Keeper) SubRefund(gas uint64) { if k.HasStateError() { return } ctx := k.Ctx() refund := k.GetRefund() if gas > refund { // TODO: (@fedekunze) set to 0?? Geth panics here panic("refund counter below zero") } refund -= gas store := ctx.TransientStore(k.transientKey) store.Set(types.KeyPrefixTransientRefund, sdk.Uint64ToBigEndian(refund)) } // GetRefund returns the amount of gas available for return after the tx execution // finalizes. This value is reset to 0 on every transaction. func (k *Keeper) GetRefund() uint64 { if k.HasStateError() { return 0 } ctx := k.Ctx() store := ctx.TransientStore(k.transientKey) bz := store.Get(types.KeyPrefixTransientRefund) if len(bz) == 0 { return 0 } return sdk.BigEndianToUint64(bz) } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // State // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func doGetState(ctx sdk.Context, storeKey sdk.StoreKey, addr common.Address, key common.Hash) common.Hash { store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(storeKey), types.AddressStoragePrefix(addr)) value := store.Get(key.Bytes()) if len(value) == 0 { return common.Hash{} } return common.BytesToHash(value) } // GetCommittedState returns the value set in store for the given key hash. If the key is not registered // this function returns the empty hash. func (k *Keeper) GetCommittedState(addr common.Address, hash common.Hash) common.Hash { if k.HasStateError() { return common.Hash{} } return doGetState(k.ctxStack.initialCtx, k.storeKey, addr, hash) } // GetState returns the committed state for the given key hash, as all changes are committed directly // to the KVStore. func (k *Keeper) GetState(addr common.Address, hash common.Hash) common.Hash { if k.HasStateError() { return common.Hash{} } ctx := k.Ctx() return doGetState(ctx, k.storeKey, addr, hash) } // SetState sets the given hashes (key, value) to the KVStore. If the value hash is empty, this // function deletes the key from the store. func (k *Keeper) SetState(addr common.Address, key, value common.Hash) { if k.HasStateError() { return } ctx := k.Ctx() store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey), types.AddressStoragePrefix(addr)) action := "updated" if ethermint.IsEmptyHash(value.Hex()) { store.Delete(key.Bytes()) action = "deleted" } else { store.Set(key.Bytes(), value.Bytes()) } k.Logger(ctx).Debug( fmt.Sprintf("state %s", action), "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "key", key.Hex(), ) } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Suicide // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Suicide marks the given account as suicided and clears the account balance of // the EVM tokens. func (k *Keeper) Suicide(addr common.Address) bool { if k.HasStateError() { return false } ctx := k.Ctx() prev := k.HasSuicided(addr) if prev { return true } cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes()) _, err := k.ClearBalance(cosmosAddr) if err != nil { k.Logger(ctx).Error( "failed to subtract balance on suicide", "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(), "error", err, ) k.stateErr = err return false } // TODO: (@fedekunze) do we also need to delete the storage state and the code? k.setSuicided(ctx, addr) k.Logger(ctx).Debug( "account suicided", "ethereum-address", addr.Hex(), "cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(), ) return true } // setSuicided sets a single byte to the transient store and marks the address as suicided func (k Keeper) setSuicided(ctx sdk.Context, addr common.Address) { store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.TransientStore(k.transientKey), types.KeyPrefixTransientSuicided) store.Set(addr.Bytes(), []byte{1}) } // HasSuicided queries the transient store to check if the account has been marked as suicided in the // current block. Accounts that are suicided will be returned as non-nil during queries and "cleared" // after the block has been committed. func (k *Keeper) HasSuicided(addr common.Address) bool { if k.HasStateError() { return false } ctx := k.Ctx() store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.TransientStore(k.transientKey), types.KeyPrefixTransientSuicided) return store.Has(addr.Bytes()) } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Account Exist / Empty // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Exist returns true if the given account exists in store or if it has been // marked as suicided in the transient store. func (k *Keeper) Exist(addr common.Address) bool { if k.HasStateError() { return false } ctx := k.Ctx() // return true if the account has suicided if k.HasSuicided(addr) { return true } cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes()) account := k.accountKeeper.GetAccount(ctx, cosmosAddr) return account != nil } // Empty returns true if the address meets the following conditions: // - nonce is 0 // - balance amount for evm denom is 0 // - account code hash is empty // // Non-ethereum accounts are considered not empty func (k *Keeper) Empty(addr common.Address) bool { if k.HasStateError() { return false } ctx := k.Ctx() nonce := uint64(0) codeHash := types.EmptyCodeHash cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes()) account := k.accountKeeper.GetAccount(ctx, cosmosAddr) if account != nil { nonce = account.GetSequence() ethAccount, isEthAccount := account.(*ethermint.EthAccount) if !isEthAccount { return false } codeHash = common.HexToHash(ethAccount.CodeHash).Bytes() } balance := k.GetBalance(addr) hasZeroBalance := balance.Sign() == 0 hasEmptyCodeHash := bytes.Equal(codeHash, types.EmptyCodeHash) return hasZeroBalance && nonce == 0 && hasEmptyCodeHash } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Access List // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PrepareAccessList handles the preparatory steps for executing a state transition with // regards to both EIP-2929 and EIP-2930: // // - Add sender to access list (2929) // - Add destination to access list (2929) // - Add precompiles to access list (2929) // - Add the contents of the optional tx access list (2930) // // This method should only be called if Yolov3/Berlin/2929+2930 is applicable at the current number. func (k *Keeper) PrepareAccessList(sender common.Address, dest *common.Address, precompiles []common.Address, txAccesses ethtypes.AccessList) { if k.HasStateError() { return } k.AddAddressToAccessList(sender) if dest != nil { k.AddAddressToAccessList(*dest) // If it's a create-tx, the destination will be added inside evm.create } for _, addr := range precompiles { k.AddAddressToAccessList(addr) } for _, tuple := range txAccesses { k.AddAddressToAccessList(tuple.Address) for _, key := range tuple.StorageKeys { k.AddSlotToAccessList(tuple.Address, key) } } } // AddressInAccessList returns true if the address is registered on the transient store. func (k *Keeper) AddressInAccessList(addr common.Address) bool { if k.HasStateError() { return false } ctx := k.Ctx() ts := prefix.NewStore(ctx.TransientStore(k.transientKey), types.KeyPrefixTransientAccessListAddress) return ts.Has(addr.Bytes()) } // SlotInAccessList checks if the address and the slots are registered in the transient store func (k *Keeper) SlotInAccessList(addr common.Address, slot common.Hash) (addressOk, slotOk bool) { if k.HasStateError() { return false, false } addressOk = k.AddressInAccessList(addr) slotOk = k.addressSlotInAccessList(addr, slot) return addressOk, slotOk } // addressSlotInAccessList returns true if the address's slot is registered on the transient store. func (k *Keeper) addressSlotInAccessList(addr common.Address, slot common.Hash) bool { ctx := k.Ctx() ts := prefix.NewStore(ctx.TransientStore(k.transientKey), types.KeyPrefixTransientAccessListSlot) key := append(addr.Bytes(), slot.Bytes()...) return ts.Has(key) } // AddAddressToAccessList adds the given address to the access list. If the address is already // in the access list, this function performs a no-op. func (k *Keeper) AddAddressToAccessList(addr common.Address) { if k.HasStateError() { return } if k.AddressInAccessList(addr) { return } ctx := k.Ctx() ts := prefix.NewStore(ctx.TransientStore(k.transientKey), types.KeyPrefixTransientAccessListAddress) ts.Set(addr.Bytes(), []byte{0x1}) } // AddSlotToAccessList adds the given (address, slot) to the access list. If the address and slot are // already in the access list, this function performs a no-op. func (k *Keeper) AddSlotToAccessList(addr common.Address, slot common.Hash) { if k.HasStateError() { return } k.AddAddressToAccessList(addr) if k.addressSlotInAccessList(addr, slot) { return } ctx := k.Ctx() ts := prefix.NewStore(ctx.TransientStore(k.transientKey), types.KeyPrefixTransientAccessListSlot) key := append(addr.Bytes(), slot.Bytes()...) ts.Set(key, []byte{0x1}) } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Snapshotting // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Snapshot return the index in the cached context stack func (k *Keeper) Snapshot() int { if k.HasStateError() { return 0 } return k.ctxStack.Snapshot() } // RevertToSnapshot pop all the cached contexts after(including) the snapshot func (k *Keeper) RevertToSnapshot(target int) { if k.HasStateError() { return } k.ctxStack.RevertToSnapshot(target) } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Log // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AddLog appends the given ethereum Log to the list of Logs associated with the transaction hash kept in the current // context. This function also fills in the tx hash, block hash, tx index and log index fields before setting the log // to store. func (k *Keeper) AddLog(log *ethtypes.Log) { if k.HasStateError() { return } ctx := k.Ctx() log.BlockHash = common.BytesToHash(ctx.HeaderHash()) log.TxIndex = uint(k.GetTxIndexTransient()) log.TxHash = k.GetTxHashTransient() log.Index = uint(k.GetLogSizeTransient()) k.IncreaseLogSizeTransient() k.AddLogTransient(log) k.Logger(ctx).Debug( "log added", "tx-hash-ethereum", log.TxHash.Hex(), "log-index", int(log.Index), ) } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Trie // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AddPreimage performs a no-op since the EnablePreimageRecording flag is disabled // on the vm.Config during state transitions. No store trie preimages are written // to the database. func (k *Keeper) AddPreimage(_ common.Hash, _ []byte) {} // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Iterator // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ForEachStorage uses the store iterator to iterate over all the state keys and perform a callback // function on each of them. func (k *Keeper) ForEachStorage(addr common.Address, cb func(key, value common.Hash) bool) error { if k.HasStateError() { return k.stateErr } ctx := k.Ctx() store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey) prefix := types.AddressStoragePrefix(addr) iterator := sdk.KVStorePrefixIterator(store, prefix) defer iterator.Close() for ; iterator.Valid(); iterator.Next() { // TODO: check if the key prefix needs to be trimmed key := common.BytesToHash(iterator.Key()) value := common.BytesToHash(iterator.Value()) // check if iteration stops if cb(key, value) { return nil } } return nil } // HasStateError return the previous error for any state operations func (k *Keeper) HasStateError() bool { return k.stateErr != nil } // ClearStateError reset the previous state operation error to nil func (k *Keeper) ClearStateError() { k.stateErr = nil }