package types import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" "math/big" "" sdk "" authexported "" "" ethcmn "" ethstate "" ethcrypto "" "" ) var ( _ StateObject = (*stateObject)(nil) emptyCodeHash = ethcrypto.Keccak256(nil) ) // StateObject interface for interacting with state object type StateObject interface { GetCommittedState(db ethstate.Database, key ethcmn.Hash) ethcmn.Hash GetState(db ethstate.Database, key ethcmn.Hash) ethcmn.Hash SetState(db ethstate.Database, key, value ethcmn.Hash) Code(db ethstate.Database) []byte SetCode(codeHash ethcmn.Hash, code []byte) CodeHash() []byte AddBalance(amount *big.Int) SubBalance(amount *big.Int) SetBalance(amount *big.Int) Balance() *big.Int ReturnGas(gas *big.Int) Address() ethcmn.Address SetNonce(nonce uint64) Nonce() uint64 } // stateObject represents an Ethereum account which is being modified. // // The usage pattern is as follows: // First you need to obtain a state object. // Account values can be accessed and modified through the object. // Finally, call CommitTrie to write the modified storage trie into a database. type stateObject struct { code types.Code // contract bytecode, which gets set when code is loaded // State objects are used by the consensus core and VM which are // unable to deal with database-level errors. Any error that occurs // during a database read is memoized here and will eventually be returned // by StateDB.Commit. originStorage Storage // Storage cache of original entries to dedup rewrites dirtyStorage Storage // Storage entries that need to be flushed to disk // DB error dbErr error stateDB *CommitStateDB account *types.EthAccount keyToOriginStorageIndex map[ethcmn.Hash]int keyToDirtyStorageIndex map[ethcmn.Hash]int address ethcmn.Address // cache flags // // When an object is marked suicided it will be delete from the trie during // the "update" phase of the state transition. dirtyCode bool // true if the code was updated suicided bool deleted bool } func newStateObject(db *CommitStateDB, accProto authexported.Account) *stateObject { // func newStateObject(db *CommitStateDB, accProto authexported.Account, balance sdk.Int) *stateObject { ethermintAccount, ok := accProto.(*types.EthAccount) if !ok { panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid account type for state object: %T", accProto)) } // set empty code hash if ethermintAccount.CodeHash == nil { ethermintAccount.CodeHash = emptyCodeHash } return &stateObject{ stateDB: db, account: ethermintAccount, address: ethermintAccount.EthAddress(), originStorage: Storage{}, dirtyStorage: Storage{}, keyToOriginStorageIndex: make(map[ethcmn.Hash]int), keyToDirtyStorageIndex: make(map[ethcmn.Hash]int), } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Setters // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SetState updates a value in account storage. Note, the key will be prefixed // with the address of the state object. func (so *stateObject) SetState(db ethstate.Database, key, value ethcmn.Hash) { // if the new value is the same as old, don't set prev := so.GetState(db, key) if prev == value { return } prefixKey := so.GetStorageByAddressKey(key.Bytes()) // since the new value is different, update and journal the change so.stateDB.journal.append(storageChange{ account: &so.address, key: prefixKey, prevValue: prev, }) so.setState(prefixKey, value) } // setState sets a state with a prefixed key and value to the dirty storage. func (so *stateObject) setState(key, value ethcmn.Hash) { idx, ok := so.keyToDirtyStorageIndex[key] if ok { so.dirtyStorage[idx].Value = value return } // create new entry so.dirtyStorage = append(so.dirtyStorage, NewState(key, value)) idx = len(so.dirtyStorage) - 1 so.keyToDirtyStorageIndex[key] = idx } // SetCode sets the state object's code. func (so *stateObject) SetCode(codeHash ethcmn.Hash, code []byte) { prevCode := so.Code(nil) so.stateDB.journal.append(codeChange{ account: &so.address, prevHash: so.CodeHash(), prevCode: prevCode, }) so.setCode(codeHash, code) } func (so *stateObject) setCode(codeHash ethcmn.Hash, code []byte) { so.code = code so.account.CodeHash = codeHash.Bytes() so.dirtyCode = true } // AddBalance adds an amount to a state object's balance. It is used to add // funds to the destination account of a transfer. func (so *stateObject) AddBalance(amount *big.Int) { amt := sdk.NewIntFromBigInt(amount) // EIP158: We must check emptiness for the objects such that the account // clearing (0,0,0 objects) can take effect. // NOTE: this will panic if amount is nil if amt.IsZero() { if so.empty() { so.touch() } return } evmDenom := so.stateDB.GetParams().EvmDenom newBalance := so.account.GetCoins().AmountOf(evmDenom).Add(amt) so.SetBalance(newBalance.BigInt()) } // SubBalance removes an amount from the stateObject's balance. It is used to // remove funds from the origin account of a transfer. func (so *stateObject) SubBalance(amount *big.Int) { amt := sdk.NewIntFromBigInt(amount) if amt.IsZero() { return } evmDenom := so.stateDB.GetParams().EvmDenom newBalance := so.account.GetCoins().AmountOf(evmDenom).Sub(amt) so.SetBalance(newBalance.BigInt()) } // SetBalance sets the state object's balance. func (so *stateObject) SetBalance(amount *big.Int) { amt := sdk.NewIntFromBigInt(amount) evmDenom := so.stateDB.GetParams().EvmDenom so.stateDB.journal.append(balanceChange{ account: &so.address, prev: so.account.GetCoins().AmountOf(evmDenom), }) so.setBalance(evmDenom, amt) } func (so *stateObject) setBalance(denom string, amount sdk.Int) { so.account.SetBalance(denom, amount) } // SetNonce sets the state object's nonce (i.e sequence number of the account). func (so *stateObject) SetNonce(nonce uint64) { so.stateDB.journal.append(nonceChange{ account: &so.address, prev: so.account.Sequence, }) so.setNonce(nonce) } func (so *stateObject) setNonce(nonce uint64) { if so.account == nil { panic("state object account is empty") } so.account.Sequence = nonce } // setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with. func (so *stateObject) setError(err error) { if so.dbErr == nil { so.dbErr = err } } func (so *stateObject) markSuicided() { so.suicided = true } // commitState commits all dirty storage to a KVStore and resets // the dirty storage slice to the empty state. func (so *stateObject) commitState() { ctx := so.stateDB.ctx store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(so.stateDB.storeKey), AddressStoragePrefix(so.Address())) for _, state := range so.dirtyStorage { // NOTE: key is already prefixed from GetStorageByAddressKey // delete empty values from the store if (state.Value == ethcmn.Hash{}) { store.Delete(state.Key.Bytes()) } delete(so.keyToDirtyStorageIndex, state.Key) // skip no-op changes, persist actual changes idx, ok := so.keyToOriginStorageIndex[state.Key] if !ok { continue } if (state.Value == ethcmn.Hash{}) { delete(so.keyToOriginStorageIndex, state.Key) continue } if state.Value == so.originStorage[idx].Value { continue } so.originStorage[idx].Value = state.Value store.Set(state.Key.Bytes(), state.Value.Bytes()) } // clean storage as all entries are dirty so.dirtyStorage = Storage{} } // commitCode persists the state object's code to the KVStore. func (so *stateObject) commitCode() { ctx := so.stateDB.ctx store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(so.stateDB.storeKey), KeyPrefixCode) store.Set(so.CodeHash(), so.code) } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Getters // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Address returns the address of the state object. func (so stateObject) Address() ethcmn.Address { return so.address } // Balance returns the state object's current balance. func (so *stateObject) Balance() *big.Int { evmDenom := so.stateDB.GetParams().EvmDenom balance := so.account.Balance(evmDenom).BigInt() if balance == nil { return zeroBalance } return balance } // CodeHash returns the state object's code hash. func (so *stateObject) CodeHash() []byte { if so.account == nil || len(so.account.CodeHash) == 0 { return emptyCodeHash } return so.account.CodeHash } // Nonce returns the state object's current nonce (sequence number). func (so *stateObject) Nonce() uint64 { if so.account == nil { return 0 } return so.account.Sequence } // Code returns the contract code associated with this object, if any. func (so *stateObject) Code(_ ethstate.Database) []byte { if len(so.code) > 0 { return so.code } if bytes.Equal(so.CodeHash(), emptyCodeHash) { return nil } ctx := so.stateDB.ctx store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(so.stateDB.storeKey), KeyPrefixCode) code := store.Get(so.CodeHash()) if len(code) == 0 { so.setError(fmt.Errorf("failed to get code hash %x for address %s", so.CodeHash(), so.Address().String())) } return code } // GetState retrieves a value from the account storage trie. Note, the key will // be prefixed with the address of the state object. func (so *stateObject) GetState(db ethstate.Database, key ethcmn.Hash) ethcmn.Hash { prefixKey := so.GetStorageByAddressKey(key.Bytes()) // if we have a dirty value for this state entry, return it idx, dirty := so.keyToDirtyStorageIndex[prefixKey] if dirty { return so.dirtyStorage[idx].Value } // otherwise return the entry's original value value := so.GetCommittedState(db, key) return value } // GetCommittedState retrieves a value from the committed account storage trie. // // NOTE: the key will be prefixed with the address of the state object. func (so *stateObject) GetCommittedState(_ ethstate.Database, key ethcmn.Hash) ethcmn.Hash { prefixKey := so.GetStorageByAddressKey(key.Bytes()) // if we have the original value cached, return that idx, cached := so.keyToOriginStorageIndex[prefixKey] if cached { return so.originStorage[idx].Value } // otherwise load the value from the KVStore state := NewState(prefixKey, ethcmn.Hash{}) ctx := so.stateDB.ctx store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(so.stateDB.storeKey), AddressStoragePrefix(so.Address())) rawValue := store.Get(prefixKey.Bytes()) if len(rawValue) > 0 { state.Value.SetBytes(rawValue) } so.originStorage = append(so.originStorage, state) so.keyToOriginStorageIndex[prefixKey] = len(so.originStorage) - 1 return state.Value } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Auxiliary // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ReturnGas returns the gas back to the origin. Used by the Virtual machine or // Closures. It performs a no-op. func (so *stateObject) ReturnGas(gas *big.Int) {} func (so *stateObject) deepCopy(db *CommitStateDB) *stateObject { newStateObj := newStateObject(db, so.account) newStateObj.code = so.code newStateObj.dirtyStorage = so.dirtyStorage.Copy() newStateObj.originStorage = so.originStorage.Copy() newStateObj.suicided = so.suicided newStateObj.dirtyCode = so.dirtyCode newStateObj.deleted = so.deleted return newStateObj } // empty returns whether the account is considered empty. func (so *stateObject) empty() bool { evmDenom := so.stateDB.GetParams().EvmDenom balace := so.account.Balance(evmDenom) return so.account == nil || (so.account != nil && so.account.Sequence == 0 && (balace.BigInt() == nil || balace.IsZero()) && bytes.Equal(so.account.CodeHash, emptyCodeHash)) } // EncodeRLP implements rlp.Encoder. func (so *stateObject) EncodeRLP(w io.Writer) error { return rlp.Encode(w, so.account) } func (so *stateObject) touch() { so.stateDB.journal.append(touchChange{ account: &so.address, }) if so.address == ripemd { // Explicitly put it in the dirty-cache, which is otherwise generated from // flattened journals. so.stateDB.journal.dirty(so.address) } } // GetStorageByAddressKey returns a hash of the composite key for a state // object's storage prefixed with it's address. func (so stateObject) GetStorageByAddressKey(key []byte) ethcmn.Hash { prefix := so.Address().Bytes() compositeKey := make([]byte, len(prefix)+len(key)) copy(compositeKey, prefix) copy(compositeKey[len(prefix):], key) return ethcrypto.Keccak256Hash(compositeKey) } // stateEntry represents a single key value pair from the StateDB's stateObject mappindg. // This is to prevent non determinism at genesis initialization or export. type stateEntry struct { // address key of the state object address ethcmn.Address stateObject *stateObject }