pragma solidity 0.4.24; import "./DelegateProxy.sol"; import "./DepositableStorage.sol"; contract DepositableDelegateProxy is DepositableStorage, DelegateProxy { event ProxyDeposit(address sender, uint256 value); function () external payable { uint256 forwardGasThreshold = FWD_GAS_LIMIT; bytes32 isDepositablePosition = DEPOSITABLE_POSITION; // Optimized assembly implementation to prevent EIP-1884 from breaking deposits, reference code in Solidity: // assembly { // Continue only if the gas left is lower than the threshold for forwarding to the implementation code, // otherwise continue outside of the assembly block. if lt(gas, forwardGasThreshold) { // Only accept the deposit and emit an event if all of the following are true: // the proxy accepts deposits (isDepositable), == 0, and msg.value > 0 if and(and(sload(isDepositablePosition), iszero(calldatasize)), gt(callvalue, 0)) { // Equivalent Solidity code for emitting the event: // emit ProxyDeposit(msg.sender, msg.value); let logData := mload(0x40) // free memory pointer mstore(logData, caller) // add 'msg.sender' to the log data (first event param) mstore(add(logData, 0x20), callvalue) // add 'msg.value' to the log data (second event param) // Emit an event with one topic to identify the event: keccak256('ProxyDeposit(address,uint256)') = 0x15ee...dee1 log1(logData, 0x40, 0x15eeaa57c7bd188c1388020bcadc2c436ec60d647d36ef5b9eb3c742217ddee1) stop() // Stop. Exits execution context } // If any of above checks failed, revert the execution (if ETH was sent, it is returned to the sender) revert(0, 0) } } address target = implementation(); delegatedFwd(target,; } }