# Copyright 2018 Tendermint. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #!/usr/bin/make -f VERSION := $(shell echo $(shell git describe --tags) | sed 's/^v//') COMMIT := $(shell git log -1 --format='%H') PACKAGES=$(shell go list ./... | grep -Ev 'vendor|importer|rpc/tester') DOCKER_TAG = unstable DOCKER_IMAGE = cosmos/ethermint ETHERMINT_DAEMON_BINARY = emintd ETHERMINT_CLI_BINARY = emintcli GO_MOD=GO111MODULE=on BINDIR ?= $(GOPATH)/bin BUILDDIR ?= $(CURDIR)/build SIMAPP = github.com/cosmos/ethermint/app RUNSIM = $(BINDIR)/runsim LEDGER_ENABLED ?= true ifeq ($(DETECTED_OS),) ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) DETECTED_OS := windows else UNAME_S = $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) DETECTED_OS := mac else DETECTED_OS := linux endif endif endif export GO111MODULE = on # process build tags build_tags = netgo ifeq ($(LEDGER_ENABLED),true) ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) GCCEXE = $(shell where gcc.exe 2> NUL) ifeq ($(GCCEXE),) $(error gcc.exe not installed for ledger support, please install or set LEDGER_ENABLED=false) else build_tags += ledger endif else UNAME_S = $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),OpenBSD) $(warning OpenBSD detected, disabling ledger support (https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/issues/1988)) else GCC = $(shell command -v gcc 2> /dev/null) ifeq ($(GCC),) $(error gcc not installed for ledger support, please install or set LEDGER_ENABLED=false) else build_tags += ledger endif endif endif endif ifeq ($(WITH_CLEVELDB),yes) build_tags += gcc endif build_tags += $(BUILD_TAGS) build_tags := $(strip $(build_tags)) whitespace := whitespace += $(whitespace) comma := , build_tags_comma_sep := $(subst $(whitespace),$(comma),$(build_tags)) # process linker flags ldflags = -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.Name=ethermint \ -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.ServerName=$(ETHERMINT_DAEMON_BINARY) \ -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.ClientName=$(ETHERMINT_CLI_BINARY) \ -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.Version=$(VERSION) \ -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.Commit=$(COMMIT) \ -X "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.BuildTags=$(build_tags_comma_sep)" ifeq ($(WITH_CLEVELDB),yes) ldflags += -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types.DBBackend=cleveldb endif ldflags += $(LDFLAGS) ldflags := $(strip $(ldflags)) BUILD_FLAGS := -tags "$(build_tags)" -ldflags '$(ldflags)' all: tools verify install ############################################################################### ### Build ### ############################################################################### build: go.sum ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT) go build -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/$(DETECTED_OS)/$(ETHERMINT_DAEMON_BINARY).exe ./cmd/$(ETHERMINT_DAEMON_BINARY) go build -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/$(DETECTED_OS)/$(ETHERMINT_CLI_BINARY).exe ./cmd/$(ETHERMINT_CLI_BINARY) else go build -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/$(DETECTED_OS)/$(ETHERMINT_DAEMON_BINARY) ./cmd/$(ETHERMINT_DAEMON_BINARY) go build -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/$(DETECTED_OS)/$(ETHERMINT_CLI_BINARY) ./cmd/$(ETHERMINT_CLI_BINARY) endif go build -mod=readonly ./... build-ethermint: go.sum mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR) go build -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o $(BUILDDIR) ./cmd/$(ETHERMINT_DAEMON_BINARY) go build -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o $(BUILDDIR) ./cmd/$(ETHERMINT_CLI_BINARY) build-ethermint-linux: go.sum GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=1 $(MAKE) build-ethermint .PHONY: build build-ethermint build-ethermint-linux install: ${GO_MOD} go install $(BUILD_FLAGS) ./cmd/$(ETHERMINT_DAEMON_BINARY) ${GO_MOD} go install $(BUILD_FLAGS) ./cmd/$(ETHERMINT_CLI_BINARY) clean: @rm -rf ./build ./vendor docker: docker build -t ${DOCKER_IMAGE}:${DOCKER_TAG} . docker tag ${DOCKER_IMAGE}:${DOCKER_TAG} ${DOCKER_IMAGE}:latest docker tag ${DOCKER_IMAGE}:${DOCKER_TAG} ${DOCKER_IMAGE}:${COMMIT_HASH} # update old container docker rm ethermint # create a new container from the latest image docker create --name ethermint -t -i cosmos/ethermint:latest ethermint # move the binaries to the ./build directory mkdir -p ./build/ docker cp ethermint:/usr/bin/emintd ./build/ ; \ docker cp ethermint:/usr/bin/emintcli ./build/ docker-localnet: docker build -f ./networks/local/ethermintnode/Dockerfile . -t emintd/node ############################################################################### ### Tools & Dependencies ### ############################################################################### # Install the runsim binary with a temporary workaround of entering an outside # directory as the "go get" command ignores the -mod option and will polute the # go.{mod, sum} files. # # ref: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/30515 $(RUNSIM): @echo "Installing runsim..." @(cd /tmp && go get github.com/cosmos/tools/cmd/runsim@v1.0.0) tools: $(RUNSIM) ############################################################################### ### Tests & Simulation ### ############################################################################### test: test-unit test-unit: @go test -v ./... $(PACKAGES) test-race: @go test -v --vet=off -race ./... $(PACKAGES) test-import: @go test ./importer -v --vet=off --run=TestImportBlocks --datadir tmp \ --blockchain blockchain --timeout=10m rm -rf importer/tmp test-rpc: ./scripts/integration-test-all.sh -q 1 -z 1 -s 2 test-sim-nondeterminism: @echo "Running non-determinism test..." @go test -mod=readonly $(SIMAPP) -run TestAppStateDeterminism -Enabled=true \ -NumBlocks=100 -BlockSize=200 -Commit=true -Period=0 -v -timeout 24h test-sim-custom-genesis-fast: @echo "Running custom genesis simulation..." @echo "By default, ${HOME}/.$(ETHERMINT_DAEMON_BINARY)/config/genesis.json will be used." @go test -mod=readonly $(SIMAPP) -run TestFullAppSimulation -Genesis=${HOME}/.$(ETHERMINT_DAEMON_BINARY)/config/genesis.json \ -Enabled=true -NumBlocks=100 -BlockSize=200 -Commit=true -Seed=99 -Period=5 -v -timeout 24h test-sim-import-export: runsim @echo "Running Ethermint import/export simulation. This may take several minutes..." @$(BINDIR)/runsim -Jobs=4 -SimAppPkg=$(SIMAPP) 25 5 TestAppImportExport test-sim-after-import: runsim @echo "Running Ethermint simulation-after-import. This may take several minutes..." @$(BINDIR)/runsim -Jobs=4 -SimAppPkg=$(SIMAPP) 25 5 TestAppSimulationAfterImport test-sim-custom-genesis-multi-seed: runsim @echo "Running multi-seed custom genesis simulation..." @echo "By default, ${HOME}/.$(ETHERMINT_DAEMON_BINARY)/config/genesis.json will be used." @$(BINDIR)/runsim -Jobs=4 -Genesis=${HOME}/.$(ETHERMINT_DAEMON_BINARY)/config/genesis.json 400 5 TestFullAppSimulation test-sim-multi-seed-long: runsim @echo "Running multi-seed application simulation. This may take awhile!" @$(BINDIR)/runsim -Jobs=4 -SimAppPkg=$(SIMAPP) 500 50 TestFullAppSimulation test-sim-multi-seed-short: runsim @echo "Running multi-seed application simulation. This may take awhile!" @$(BINDIR)/runsim -Jobs=4 -SimAppPkg=$(SIMAPP) 50 10 TestFullAppSimulation .PHONY: runsim test-sim-nondeterminism test-sim-custom-genesis-fast test-sim-fast sim-import-export \ test-sim-simulation-after-import test-sim-custom-genesis-multi-seed test-sim-multi-seed .PHONY: build install update-tools tools godocs clean format lint \ test-cli test-race test-unit test test-import ############################################################################### ### Linting ### ############################################################################### lint: golangci-lint run --out-format=tab --issues-exit-code=0 find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "./vendor*" -not -path "*.git*" | xargs gofmt -d -s format: find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "./vendor*" -not -path "*.git*" -not -name '*.pb.go' | xargs gofmt -w -s find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "./vendor*" -not -path "*.git*" -not -name '*.pb.go' | xargs misspell -w find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "./vendor*" -not -path "*.git*" -not -name '*.pb.go' | xargs goimports -w -local github.com/tendermint find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "./vendor*" -not -path "*.git*" -not -name '*.pb.go' | xargs goimports -w -local github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "./vendor*" -not -path "*.git*" -not -name '*.pb.go' | xargs goimports -w -local github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "./vendor*" -not -path "*.git*" -not -name '*.pb.go' | xargs goimports -w -local github.com/cosmos/ethermint .PHONY: lint format ############################################################################### ### Protobuf ### ############################################################################### proto-all: proto-gen proto-lint proto-check-breaking proto-gen: @./scripts/protocgen.sh proto-lint: @buf check lint --error-format=json # NOTE: should match the default repo branch proto-check-breaking: @buf check breaking --against-input '.git#branch=development' TM_URL = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tendermint/tendermint/v0.33.3 GOGO_PROTO_URL = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/regen-network/protobuf/cosmos COSMOS_PROTO_URL = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/regen-network/cosmos-proto/master SDK_PROTO_URL = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/master TM_KV_TYPES = third_party/proto/tendermint/libs/kv TM_MERKLE_TYPES = third_party/proto/tendermint/crypto/merkle TM_ABCI_TYPES = third_party/proto/tendermint/abci/types GOGO_PROTO_TYPES = third_party/proto/gogoproto COSMOS_PROTO_TYPES = third_party/proto/cosmos-proto SDK_PROTO_TYPES = third_party/proto/cosmos-sdk/types AUTH_PROTO_TYPES = third_party/proto/cosmos-sdk/x/auth/types VESTING_PROTO_TYPES = third_party/proto/cosmos-sdk/x/auth/vesting/types SUPPLY_PROTO_TYPES = third_party/proto/cosmos-sdk/x/supply/types proto-update-deps: @mkdir -p $(GOGO_PROTO_TYPES) @curl -sSL $(GOGO_PROTO_URL)/gogoproto/gogo.proto > $(GOGO_PROTO_TYPES)/gogo.proto @mkdir -p $(COSMOS_PROTO_TYPES) @curl -sSL $(COSMOS_PROTO_URL)/cosmos.proto > $(COSMOS_PROTO_TYPES)/cosmos.proto @mkdir -p $(TM_ABCI_TYPES) @curl -sSL $(TM_URL)/abci/types/types.proto > $(TM_ABCI_TYPES)/types.proto @sed -i '' '8 s|crypto/merkle/merkle.proto|third_party/proto/tendermint/crypto/merkle/merkle.proto|g' $(TM_ABCI_TYPES)/types.proto @sed -i '' '9 s|libs/kv/types.proto|third_party/proto/tendermint/libs/kv/types.proto|g' $(TM_ABCI_TYPES)/types.proto @mkdir -p $(TM_KV_TYPES) @curl -sSL $(TM_URL)/libs/kv/types.proto > $(TM_KV_TYPES)/types.proto @mkdir -p $(TM_MERKLE_TYPES) @curl -sSL $(TM_URL)/crypto/merkle/merkle.proto > $(TM_MERKLE_TYPES)/merkle.proto @mkdir -p $(SDK_PROTO_TYPES) @curl -sSL $(SDK_PROTO_URL)/types/types.proto > $(SDK_PROTO_TYPES)/types.proto @mkdir -p $(AUTH_PROTO_TYPES) @curl -sSL $(SDK_PROTO_URL)/x/auth/types/types.proto > $(AUTH_PROTO_TYPES)/types.proto @sed -i '' '5 s|types/types.proto|third_party/proto/cosmos-sdk/types/types.proto|g' $(AUTH_PROTO_TYPES)/types.proto @mkdir -p $(VESTING_PROTO_TYPES) curl -sSL $(SDK_PROTO_URL)/x/auth/vesting/types/types.proto > $(VESTING_PROTO_TYPES)/types.proto @sed -i '' '5 s|types/types.proto|third_party/proto/cosmos-sdk/types/types.proto|g' $(VESTING_PROTO_TYPES)/types.proto @sed -i '' '6 s|x/auth/types/types.proto|third_party/proto/cosmos-sdk/x/auth/types/types.proto|g' $(VESTING_PROTO_TYPES)/types.proto @mkdir -p $(SUPPLY_PROTO_TYPES) curl -sSL $(SDK_PROTO_URL)/x/supply/types/types.proto > $(SUPPLY_PROTO_TYPES)/types.proto @sed -i '' '5 s|types/types.proto|third_party/proto/cosmos-sdk/types/types.proto|g' $(SUPPLY_PROTO_TYPES)/types.proto @sed -i '' '6 s|x/auth/types/types.proto|third_party/proto/cosmos-sdk/x/auth/types/types.proto|g' $(SUPPLY_PROTO_TYPES)/types.proto .PHONY: proto-all proto-gen proto-lint proto-check-breaking proto-update-deps ############################################################################### ### Documentation ### ############################################################################### # Start docs site at localhost:8080 docs-serve: @cd docs && \ npm install && \ npm run serve # Build the site into docs/.vuepress/dist docs-build: @cd docs && \ npm install && \ npm run build godocs: @echo "--> Wait a few seconds and visit http://localhost:6060/pkg/github.com/cosmos/ethermint" godoc -http=:6060 ############################################################################### ### Localnet ### ############################################################################### build-docker-local-ethermint: @$(MAKE) -C networks/local # Run a 4-node testnet locally localnet-start: localnet-stop ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) mkdir build & @$(MAKE) docker-localnet IF not exist "build/node0/$(ETHERMINT_DAEMON_BINARY)/config/genesis.json" docker run --rm -v $(CURDIR)/build\ethermint\Z emintd/node "emintd testnet --v 4 -o /ethermint --starting-ip-address --keyring-backend=test" docker-compose up -d else mkdir -p ./build/ @$(MAKE) docker-localnet if ! [ -f build/node0/$(ETHERMINT_DAEMON_BINARY)/config/genesis.json ]; then docker run --rm -v $(CURDIR)/build:/ethermint:Z emintd/node "emintd testnet --v 4 -o /ethermint --starting-ip-address --keyring-backend=test"; fi docker-compose up -d endif localnet-stop: docker-compose down .PHONY: build-docker-local-ethermint localnet-start localnet-stop