# Ethermint Documentation ## Get Started - **[Introduction](./intro/overview.md)**: High-level overview of Ethermint. ## Reference - **[Basics](./basics/)**: Documentation on the basic concepts of Ethermint, like the standard anatomy of an application, the transaction lifecycle and accounts management. - **[Core](./core/)**: Documentation on the core concepts of Ethermint, like `encoding`, and `events`. - **[Building Modules](./building-modules/)**: Important concepts for module developers like `message`s, `keeper`s, `handler`s and `querier`s. - **[Interfaces](./interfaces/)**: Documentation on building interfaces for Ethermint applications. ## Other Resources - **[Module Directory](../x/)**: Module implementations and their respective documentation. - **[Ethermint API Reference](https://godoc.org/github.com/cosmos/ethermint)**: Godocs of Ethermint. - **[REST API spec](https://cosmos.network/rpc/)**: List of REST endpoints to interact with an full-node through REST. ## Contribute See [this file](https://github.com/ChainSafe/ethermint/blob/development/docs/DOCS_README.md) for details of the build process and considerations when making changes.