/* Package network implements and exposes a fully operational in-process CometBFT test network that consists of at least one or potentially many validators. This test network can be used primarily for integration tests or unit test suites. The test network utilizes SimApp as the ABCI application and uses all the modules defined in the Cosmos SDK. An in-process test network can be configured with any number of validators as well as account funds and even custom genesis state. When creating a test network, a series of Validator objects are returned. Each Validator object has useful information such as their address and public key. A Validator will also provide its RPC, P2P, and API addresses that can be useful for integration testing. In addition, a CometBFT local RPC client is also provided which can be handy for making direct RPC calls to CometBFT. Note, due to limitations in concurrency and the design of the RPC layer in CometBFT, only the first Validator object will have an RPC and API client exposed. Due to this exact same limitation, only a single test network can exist at a time. A caller must be certain it calls Cleanup after it no longer needs the network. A typical testing flow might look like the following: type IntegrationTestSuite struct { suite.Suite cfg network.Config network *network.Network } func (s *IntegrationTestSuite) SetupSuite() { s.T().Log("setting up integration test suite") cfg := network.DefaultConfig() cfg.NumValidators = 1 s.cfg = cfg var err error s.network, err = network.New(s.T(), s.T().TempDir(), cfg) s.Require().NoError(err) s.Require().NoError(s.network.WaitForNextBlock()) } func (s *IntegrationTestSuite) TearDownSuite() { s.T().Log("tearing down integration test suite") // This is important and must be called to ensure other tests can create // a network! s.network.Cleanup() } func (s *IntegrationTestSuite) TestQueryBalancesRequestHandlerFn() { val := s.network.Validators[0] baseURL := val.APIAddress // Use baseURL to make API HTTP requests or use val.RPCClient to make direct // CometBFT RPC calls. // ... } func TestIntegrationTestSuite(t *testing.T) { suite.Run(t, new(IntegrationTestSuite)) } */ package network /* NOTE: Copied over from https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/tree/v0.50.3/testutil/network Patch: - Skipped network.LatestHeight() call at the end of New() - Removed block timeouts */