# Run a Node Run a local node and start the REST and JSON-RPC clients {synopsis} Clone and build Ethermint: ```bash git clone cd ethermint make install ``` Run the local testnet node with faucet enabled: ::: warning The script below will remove any pre-existing binaries installed ::: ```bash ./init.sh ``` In another terminal window or tab, run the Ethereum JSON-RPC server as well as the SDK REST server: ```bash emintcli rest-server --laddr "tcp://localhost:8545" --unlock-key mykey --chain-id 8 ``` ## Key Management To run a node with the same key every time: replace `emintcli keys add $KEY` in `./init.sh` with: ```bash echo "your mnemonic here" | emintcli keys add ethermintkey --recover ``` ::: tip Ethermint currently only supports 24 word mnemonics. ::: You can generate a new key/mnemonic with ```bash emintcli keys add ``` To export your ethermint key as an ethereum private key (for use with Metamask for example): ```bash emintcli keys unsafe-export-eth-key ``` ## Requesting tokens though the testnet faucet Once the ethermint daemon is up and running, you can request tokens to your address using the `faucet` module: ```bash # query your initial balance emintcli q bank balances $(emintcli keys show -a) # send a tx to request tokens to your account address emintcli tx faucet request 100photon --from # query your balance after the request emintcli q bank balances $(emintcli keys show -a) ``` You can also check to total amount funded by the faucet and the total supply of the chain via: ```bash # total amount funded by the faucet emintcli q faucet funded # total supply emintcli q supply total ``` ## Next {hide} Learn about Ethermint [accounts](./../basic/accounts.md) {hide}