{ sources ? import ./sources.nix, system ? builtins.currentSystem, ... }: import sources.nixpkgs { overlays = [ (_: pkgs: { go = pkgs.go_1_18; go-ethereum = pkgs.callPackage ./go-ethereum.nix { inherit (pkgs.darwin) libobjc; inherit (pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) IOKit; buildGoModule = pkgs.buildGo118Module; }; }) # update to a version that supports eip-1559 # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/179622 (import ./go_1_18_overlay.nix) (final: prev: (import "${sources.gomod2nix}/overlay.nix") (final // { inherit (final.darwin.apple_sdk_11_0) callPackage; }) prev) (pkgs: _: import ./scripts.nix { inherit pkgs; config = { ethermint-config = ../scripts/ethermint-devnet.yaml; geth-genesis = ../scripts/geth-genesis.json; dotenv = builtins.path { name = "dotenv"; path = ../scripts/.env; }; }; }) (_: pkgs: { test-env = import ./testenv.nix { inherit pkgs; }; }) (_: pkgs: { cosmovisor = pkgs.buildGo118Module rec { name = "cosmovisor"; src = sources.cosmos-sdk + "/cosmovisor"; subPackages = [ "./cmd/cosmovisor" ]; vendorSha256 = "sha256-OAXWrwpartjgSP7oeNvDJ7cTR9lyYVNhEM8HUnv3acE="; doCheck = false; }; }) ]; config = { }; inherit system; }