#!/bin/bash ## ## This script generates a new account keypair, transfers funds to it, and creates ## a bond with those funds. The amount of can be optionally specified, else a ## default value estimated to be sufficient for about 5000 records. ## ## The `laconic` CLI and a valid config file for it are required. The default location ## for the config file is `~/.laconic/config.yml`, but this can be controlled with ## the environment variable LACONIC_CONFIG. A `userKey` for a source account with ## sufficient funds available must be present in this file for the funds transfer ## to succeed. ## ## Example: ## ## $ scripts/create-and-fund-account.sh 1000000000 ## { ## "name": "68334d7175fd4f86befa4902657e5270", ## "type": "local", ## "address": "ethm15r5x94km0swq55aszwd7hnr9wksq7wmr38xes7", ## "pubkey": "AuKqlSldJJXj4gYMFt2HeX9DJ3aUosYA7n6zBz9Tg7/i", ## "mnemonic": "umbrella bean special unaware accident giant distance mix ghost feel possible cost road grant endless man maple derive rebuild learn mask water attract resist", ## "bond": "3d3a73f09115d289d330781455e6eac217305dc4a20e19bde808011fe3775a93", ## "balance": 1000000000, ## "privkey": "480880fde7aff1461da584b436cb3a84692413c84623fda78e127bb4e704ce76" ## } ## AVG_RECORD_PHOTON=1000000 NUM_RECORDS=5000 BOND_OVERHEAD=200000 KEYNAME=`uuidgen | tr -d '-'` KEYRING_DIR=`mktemp -d` KEYRING=test LACONIC_CONFIG=${LACONIC_CONFIG:-$HOME/.laconic/config.yml} BOND_AMOUNT=${1:-$((AVG_RECORD_PHOTON * NUM_RECORDS))} ACCOUNT_JSON=$(laconicd keys add $KEYNAME --keyring-backend $KEYRING --algo eth_secp256k1 --keyring-dir $KEYRING_DIR --output json) PRIVATE_KEY=$(yes | laconicd keys export $KEYNAME --keyring-backend $KEYRING --keyring-dir $KEYRING_DIR --unarmored-hex --unsafe) PUB_KEY=$(echo $ACCOUNT_JSON | jq -r ".pubkey | fromjson | .key") laconicd keys delete $KEYNAME --keyring-backend $KEYRING --keyring-dir $KEYRING_DIR -y 2> /dev/null rm -rf $KEYRING_DIR laconic -c $LACONIC_CONFIG cns tokens send --address $(echo $ACCOUNT_JSON | jq -r '.address') --type aphoton --quantity $((BOND_AMOUNT + BOND_OVERHEAD)) > /dev/null BOND_ID=$(laconic -c $LACONIC_CONFIG cns bond create --user-key $PRIVATE_KEY --type aphoton --quantity $BOND_AMOUNT | jq -r '.bondId') echo $ACCOUNT_JSON | jq ".bond = \"$BOND_ID\"" | jq ".balance = $BOND_AMOUNT" | jq ".privkey = \"$PRIVATE_KEY\"" | jq ".pubkey = \"$PUB_KEY\""