Sync from fork #74

0xmuralik merged 232 commits from murali/update-fork into main 2023-01-10 04:50:57 +00:00
Showing only changes of commit 41c511e3a9 - Show all commits

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@ -41,35 +41,70 @@ Ref:
### State Machine Breaking
* (evm) [\#1272]( Implement modular interface for the EVM.
* (deps) [\#1159]( Bump Geth version to `v1.10.19`.
* (deps) [#1167]( Bump ibc-go to [`v4.0.0-rc2`](
* (ante) [#1176]( Fix invalid tx hashes; Remove `Size_` field and validate `Hash`/`From` fields in ante handler,
recompute eth tx hashes in JSON-RPC APIs to fix old blocks.
* (deps) [#1168]( Upgrade cosmos-sdk to v0.46.
* (deps) [#1168]( Upgrade Cosmos SDK to `v0.46`.
* (feemarket) [#1194]( Apply feemarket to native cosmos tx.
* (eth) [#1305]( Added support for optional params, basic types arrays and `time` type on eip712.
### API Breaking
* (ante) [#1214]( Set mempool priority to evm transactions.
* (ante) [#1214]( Set mempool priority to EVM transactions.
### Improvements
* (lint) [#1298]( 150 character line length limit, gofumpt, and linting
* (rpc) [#1229]( Add support for configuring RPC `MaxOpenConnections`
* (feemarket) [\#1165]( Add hint in specs about different gas terminology for gas in Cosmos and Ethereum.
* (lint) [#1298]( 150 character line length limit, `gofumpt`, and linting
* (feemarket) [\#1165]( Add hint in specs about different gas terminology in Cosmos and Ethereum.
* (cli) [#1226]( Add custom app db backend flag.
* (cli) [#1230]( Remove redundant positional height parameter from feemarket's query cli.
* (ante) [#1289]( Change the fallback tx priority mechanism to be based on gas price.
* (test) [#1311]( add integration test for the rollback cmd
* (test) [#1311]( Add integration test for the `rollback` cmd
* (ledger) [#1277]( Add Ledger preprocessing transaction hook for EIP-712-signed Cosmos payloads.
* (rpc) [#1296]( add backend blocks.go unit tests.
* (rpc) [#1296]( Add RPC Backend unit tests.
### Bug Fixes
* (rpc) [#1179]( Fix gas used in traceTransaction response.
* (rpc) [#1284]( Fix internal trace response upon incomplete `eth_sendTransaction` call.
## [v0.19.2] - 2022-08-29
### Improvements
* (deps) [1301]( Bump Cosmos SDK to `v0.45.8`, Tendermint to `v0.34.21`, IAVL to `v0.19.1` & store options
## [v0.19.1] - 2022-08-26
### State Machine Breaking
* (eth) [#1305]( Added support for optional params, basic types arrays and `time` type on eip712.
## [v0.19.0] - 2022-08-15
### State Machine Breaking
* (deps) [#1159]( Bump Geth version to `v1.10.19`.
* (ante) [#1176]( Fix invalid tx hashes; Remove `Size_` field and validate `Hash`/`From` fields in ante handler,
recompute eth tx hashes in JSON-RPC APIs to fix old blocks.
* (ante) [#1173]( Make `NewAnteHandler` return error if input is invalid
### API Breaking
* (rpc) [#1121]( Implement Ethereum tx indexer
### Bug Fixes
* (rpc) [#1179]( Fix gas used in `debug_traceTransaction` response.
### Improvements
* (test) [#1196]( Integration tests setup
* (test) [#1199]( Add backend test suite with mock gRPC query client
* (test) [#1189]( JSON-RPC unit tests
* (test) [#1212]( Prune node integration tests
* (test) [#1207]( JSON-RPC types integration tests
* (test) [#1218]( Restructure JSON-RPC API
* (rpc) [#1229]( Add support for configuring RPC `MaxOpenConnections`
* (cli) [#1230]( Remove redundant positional height parameter from feemarket's query cli.
* (test)[#1233]( Add filters integration tests
## [v0.18.0] - 2022-08-04
### State Machine Breaking