Sync from fork #74

0xmuralik merged 232 commits from murali/update-fork into main 2023-01-10 04:50:57 +00:00
3 changed files with 12 additions and 12 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 157f188b91 - Show all commits

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@ -438,6 +438,9 @@ func (vbd EthValidateBasicDecorator) AnteHandle(ctx sdk.Context, tx sdk.Tx, simu
chainID := vbd.evmKeeper.ChainID()
ethCfg := chainCfg.EthereumConfig(chainID)
baseFee := vbd.evmKeeper.GetBaseFee(ctx, ethCfg)
enableCreate := vbd.evmKeeper.GetEnableCreate(ctx)
enableCall := vbd.evmKeeper.GetEnableCall(ctx)
evmDenom := vbd.evmKeeper.GetEVMDenom(ctx)
for _, msg := range protoTx.GetMsgs() {
msgEthTx, ok := msg.(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
@ -458,9 +461,6 @@ func (vbd EthValidateBasicDecorator) AnteHandle(ctx sdk.Context, tx sdk.Tx, simu
// return error if contract creation or call are disabled through governance
enableCreate := vbd.evmKeeper.GetEnableCreate(ctx)
enableCall := vbd.evmKeeper.GetEnableCall(ctx)
if !enableCreate && txData.GetTo() == nil {
return ctx, sdkerrors.Wrap(evmtypes.ErrCreateDisabled, "failed to create new contract")
} else if !enableCall && txData.GetTo() != nil {
@ -471,7 +471,6 @@ func (vbd EthValidateBasicDecorator) AnteHandle(ctx sdk.Context, tx sdk.Tx, simu
return ctx, sdkerrors.Wrap(ethtypes.ErrTxTypeNotSupported, "dynamic fee tx not supported")
evmDenom := vbd.evmKeeper.GetEVMDenom(ctx)
txFee = txFee.Add(sdk.NewCoin(evmDenom, sdkmath.NewIntFromBigInt(txData.Fee())))
@ -551,6 +550,8 @@ func (mfd EthMempoolFeeDecorator) AnteHandle(ctx sdk.Context, tx sdk.Tx, simulat
chainCfg := mfd.evmKeeper.GetChainConfig(ctx)
ethCfg := chainCfg.EthereumConfig(mfd.evmKeeper.ChainID())
baseFee := mfd.evmKeeper.GetBaseFee(ctx, ethCfg)
evmDenom := mfd.evmKeeper.GetEVMDenom(ctx)
if baseFee == nil {
for _, msg := range tx.GetMsgs() {
ethMsg, ok := msg.(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
@ -558,7 +559,6 @@ func (mfd EthMempoolFeeDecorator) AnteHandle(ctx sdk.Context, tx sdk.Tx, simulat
return ctx, sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrUnknownRequest, "invalid message type %T, expected %T", msg, (*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)(nil))
evmDenom := mfd.evmKeeper.GetEVMDenom(ctx)
feeAmt := ethMsg.GetFee()
glDec := sdk.NewDec(int64(ethMsg.GetGas()))
requiredFee := ctx.MinGasPrices().AmountOf(evmDenom).Mul(glDec)

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@ -24,35 +24,35 @@ func (k Keeper) SetParams(ctx sdk.Context, params types.Params) {
// GetChainConfig returns the chain configuration parameter.
func (k Keeper) GetChainConfig(ctx sdk.Context) types.ChainConfig {
chainCfg := types.ChainConfig{}
var chainCfg types.ChainConfig
k.paramSpace.GetIfExists(ctx, types.ParamStoreKeyChainConfig, &chainCfg)
return chainCfg
// GetEVMDenom returns the EVM denom.
func (k Keeper) GetEVMDenom(ctx sdk.Context) string {
evmDenom := ""
var evmDenom string
k.paramSpace.GetIfExists(ctx, types.ParamStoreKeyEVMDenom, &evmDenom)
return evmDenom
// GetEnableCall returns true if the EVM Call operation is enabled.
func (k Keeper) GetEnableCall(ctx sdk.Context) bool {
enableCall := false
var enableCall bool
k.paramSpace.GetIfExists(ctx, types.ParamStoreKeyEnableCall, &enableCall)
return enableCall
// GetEnableCreate returns true if the EVM Create contract operation is enabled.
func (k Keeper) GetEnableCreate(ctx sdk.Context) bool {
enableCreate := false
var enableCreate bool
k.paramSpace.GetIfExists(ctx, types.ParamStoreKeyEnableCreate, &enableCreate)
return enableCreate
// GetAllowUnprotectedTxs returns true if unprotected txs (i.e non-replay protected as per EIP-155) are supported by the chain.
func (k Keeper) GetAllowUnprotectedTxs(ctx sdk.Context) bool {
allowUnprotectedTx := false
var allowUnprotectedTx bool
k.paramSpace.GetIfExists(ctx, types.ParamStoreKeyAllowUnprotectedTxs, &allowUnprotectedTx)
return allowUnprotectedTx

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@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ func (k Keeper) SetParams(ctx sdk.Context, params types.Params) {
// GetBaseFeeEnabled returns true if base fee is enabled
func (k Keeper) GetBaseFeeEnabled(ctx sdk.Context) bool {
noBaseFee := false
enableHeight := int64(0)
var noBaseFee bool
var enableHeight int64
k.paramSpace.GetIfExists(ctx, types.ParamStoreKeyNoBaseFee, &noBaseFee)
k.paramSpace.GetIfExists(ctx, types.ParamStoreKeyEnableHeight, &enableHeight)
return !noBaseFee && ctx.BlockHeight() >= enableHeight