docs: update the testnet docs

This commit is contained in:
Sai Kumar 2021-11-03 12:34:12 +05:30
parent d41612b891
commit 9794007231
3 changed files with 60 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -27,10 +27,11 @@ Hardware
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
1.2) Install latest/required Go version (installing `go1.16.7`)
1.2) Install latest/required Go version (installing `go1.17.2`)
curl | sudo tar -C/usr/local -zxvf -
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.17.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
1.3) Update env variables to include `go`
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ server_name: ethermintd
**Not required if you have already initialized before**
ethermintd init <your-node-moniker> --chain-id ethermint_9000-1
ethermintd init <your-node-moniker> --chain-id ethermint_81337-1
On running the above command, node will be initialized with default configuration. (config files will be saved in node's
@ -97,41 +98,67 @@ NOTE: Backup node and validator keys . You will need to use these keys at a late
**Execute below instructions only after publishing of final genesis file**
genesis file will be published to [vulcanize//testnets/ethermint_9000-1](
# B) Starting Node
## 1) Download Final Genesis
Use `curl` to download the genesis file
**Replace your **genesis** file with published genesis file**
curl > .ethermintd/config/genesis.json
## 3) Start the Node
Verify sha256 hash of genesis file with the below command
jq -S -c -M '' ~/.ethermintd/config/genesis.json | shasum -a 256
genesis sha256 hash should be
## 2) Update Peers & Seeds in config.toml
sed -i.bak -e "s/^persistent_peers *=.*/persistent_peers = \"$peers\"/" ~/.ethermintd/config/config.toml
## 3) Start the Full Node
#### 3.1) Start node as `systemctl` service
3.1.1) Create the service file
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/ethermintd.service > /dev/null <<EOF
Description=EthermintD Daemon
Description=EthermintD Daemon
User=$USER ExecStart=$(which ethermintd) start --gql-playground --gql-server Restart=always RestartSec=3
ExecStart=$(which ethermintd) start --gql-playground --gql-server
[Install] EOF
3.1.2) Load service and start
sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable ethermintd sudo systemctl start ethermintd
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable ethermintd
sudo systemctl start ethermintd

View File

@ -27,10 +27,11 @@ Hardware
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
1.2) Install latest/required Go version (installing `go1.16.7`)
1.2) Install latest/required Go version (installing `go1.17.2`)
curl | sudo tar -C/usr/local -zxvf -
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.17.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
1.3) Update env variables to include `go`
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ server_name: ethermintd
**Not required if you have already initialized before**
ethermintd init <your-node-moniker> --chain-id ethermint_9000-1
ethermintd init <your-node-moniker> --chain-id ethermint_81337-1
On running the above command, node will be initialized with default configuration. (config files will be saved in node's
@ -117,15 +118,15 @@ recover accounts at a later point in time.
## 7) Add Genesis Account
ethermintd add-genesis-account <key-name> 50000000uwire
ethermintd add-genesis-account <key-name> 4500000000000000agnt
## 8) Create Your `gentx`
ethermintd gentx <key-name> 50000000uwire \
ethermintd gentx <key-name> 4500000000000000agnt \
--pubkey=$(ethermintd tendermint show-validator) \
--chain-id="ethermint_9000-1" \
--chain-id="ethermint_81337-1" \
--moniker="my-moniker" \
--website="" \
--details="description of my validator" \
@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ NOTE: (Do NOT use space in the file name)
To submit the gentx file, follow the below process:
- Fork the [testnets]() repository
- Upload your gentx file in `ethermint_9000-1/gentxs` folder
- Upload your gentx file in `ethermint_81337-1/config/gentxs` folder
- Submit Pull Request to [testnets]() with name `ADD <your-moniker> gentx`

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
### 2. Create Account & Get test tokens
ethermintd keys add <key-name>
ethermintd keys add <key-name> --keyring-backend test
NOTE: Save `mnemonic` and related account details (public key). You will need to use the need mnemonic/private key to
@ -19,7 +19,10 @@ recover accounts at a later point in time.
##### Get Test tokens from faucet
- Open this link : and paste your account
- 1 gnt = 10^18 agnt
- Each Transaction you will get 500gnt
- Total Tokens 5000gnt for account
### 3.Create Validator
@ -32,20 +35,22 @@ recover accounts at a later point in time.
`Note:` Only execute below transaction after complete sync of your full node
Please replace `key_name` with your key name and `moniker` also
ethermintd tx staking create-validator \
--amount=1000000uwire \
--amount=4500000000000000000000agnt \
--pubkey=$(ethermintd tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker="my-moniker" \
--website="" \
--details="description of your validator" \
--chain-id="flixnet-2" \
--chain-id="ethermint_81337-1" \
--commission-rate="0.10" \
--commission-max-rate="0.20" \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
--min-self-delegation="1" \
--gas="auto" \
--gas-adjustment="1.2" \
--gas-prices="0.025uwire" \
--gas-prices="0.025agnt" \