
138 lines
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syntax = "proto3";
package vulcanize.nameservice.v1beta1;
import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
import "vulcanize/nameservice/v1beta1/nameservice.proto";
option go_package = "";
// Msg
service Msg {
// SetRecord will records a new record with given payload and bond id
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rpc SetRecord(MsgSetRecord) returns (MsgSetRecordResponse) {}
// Renew Record will renew the expire record
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rpc RenewRecord(MsgRenewRecord) returns (MsgRenewRecordResponse) {}
// AssociateBond
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rpc AssociateBond(MsgAssociateBond) returns (MsgAssociateBondResponse) {}
// DissociateBond
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rpc DissociateBond(MsgDissociateBond) returns (MsgDissociateBondResponse) {}
// DissociateRecords
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rpc DissociateRecords(MsgDissociateRecords) returns (MsgDissociateRecordsResponse) {}
// ReAssociateRecords
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rpc ReAssociateRecords(MsgReAssociateRecords) returns (MsgReAssociateRecordsResponse) {}
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// SetName will store the name with given crn and name
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rpc SetName(MsgSetName) returns (MsgSetNameResponse) {}
// Reserve name
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rpc ReserveName(MsgReserveAuthority) returns (MsgReserveAuthorityResponse) {}
// Delete Name method will remove authority name
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rpc DeleteName(MsgDeleteNameAuthority) returns (MsgDeleteNameAuthorityResponse) {}
// SetAuthorityBond
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rpc SetAuthorityBond(MsgSetAuthorityBond) returns (MsgSetAuthorityBondResponse) {}
// MsgSetRecord
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message MsgSetRecord {
string bond_id = 1 [(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"bondId\" yaml:\"bondId\""];
string signer = 2;
Payload payload = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// MsgSetRecordResponse
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message MsgSetRecordResponse {
string id = 1;
// Payload
message Payload {
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Record record = 1;
repeated Signature signatures = 2
[(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"signatures\" yaml:\"signatures\""];
// MsgSetName
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message MsgSetName {
string crn = 1;
string cid = 2;
string signer = 3;
// MsgSetNameResponse
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message MsgSetNameResponse {}
// MsgReserveName
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message MsgReserveAuthority {
string name = 1;
string signer = 2;
// if creating a sub-authority.
string owner = 3;
// MsgReserveNameResponse
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message MsgReserveAuthorityResponse {}
// MsgSetAuthorityBond is SDK message for SetAuthorityBond
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message MsgSetAuthorityBond {
string name = 1;
string bond_id = 2 [(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"bondId\" yaml:\"bondId\""];
string signer = 3;
// MsgSetAuthorityBondResponse
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message MsgSetAuthorityBondResponse {}
// MsgDeleteNameAuthority is SDK message for DeleteNameAuthority
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message MsgDeleteNameAuthority {
string crn = 1;
string signer = 2;
// MsgDeleteNameAuthorityResponse
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message MsgDeleteNameAuthorityResponse {}
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// MsgRenewRecord is SDK message for Renew a record
message MsgRenewRecord {
string record_id = 1 [(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"recordId\" yaml:\"recordId\""];
string signer = 2;
// MsgRenewRecordResponse
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message MsgRenewRecordResponse {}
// MsgAssociateBond
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message MsgAssociateBond {
string record_id = 1 [(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"recordId\" yaml:\"recordId\""];
string bond_id = 2 [(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"bondId\" yaml:\"bondId\""];
string signer = 3;
// MsgAssociateBondResponse
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message MsgAssociateBondResponse {}
// MsgDissociateBond is SDK message for Msg/DissociateBond
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message MsgDissociateBond {
string record_id = 1 [(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"recordId\" yaml:\"recordId\""];
string signer = 2;
// MsgDissociateBondResponse is response type for MsgDissociateBond
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message MsgDissociateBondResponse {}
// MsgDissociateRecords is SDK message for Msg/DissociateRecords
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message MsgDissociateRecords {
string bond_id = 1 [(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"bondId\" yaml:\"bondId\""];
string signer = 2;
// MsgDissociateRecordsResponse is response type for MsgDissociateRecords
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message MsgDissociateRecordsResponse {}
// MsgReAssociateRecords is SDK message for Msg/ReAssociateRecords
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message MsgReAssociateRecords {
string new_bond_id = 1 [(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"newBondId\" yaml:\"newBondId\""];
string old_bond_id = 2 [(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"oldBondId\" yaml:\"oldBondId\""];
string signer = 3;
// MsgReAssociateRecordsResponse is response type for MsgReAssociateRecords
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message MsgReAssociateRecordsResponse {}