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package handlers
import (
sdk ""
ethcmn ""
const (
// TODO: Ported from the SDK and may have a different context/value for
// Ethermint.
verifySigCost = 100
// internalAnteHandler reflects a function signature an internal ante handler
// must implementing. Internal ante handlers will be dependant upon the
// transaction type.
type internalAnteHandler func(
sdkCtx sdk.Context, tx sdk.Tx, am auth.AccountMapper,
) (newCtx sdk.Context, res sdk.Result, abort bool)
// AnteHandler handles Ethereum transactions and passes SDK transactions to the
// embeddedAnteHandler if it's an Ethermint transaction. The ante handler gets
// invoked after the BaseApp performs the runTx. At this point, the transaction
// should be properly decoded via the TxDecoder and should be of a proper type,
// Transaction or EmbeddedTx.
func AnteHandler(am auth.AccountMapper) sdk.AnteHandler {
return func(sdkCtx sdk.Context, tx sdk.Tx) (newCtx sdk.Context, res sdk.Result, abort bool) {
var (
gasLimit int64
handler internalAnteHandler
switch tx := tx.(type) {
case types.Transaction:
gasLimit = int64(tx.Data.GasLimit)
handler = handleEthTx
case types.EmbeddedTx:
gasLimit = tx.Fee.Gas
handler = handleEmbeddedTx
return sdkCtx, sdk.ErrInternal(fmt.Sprintf("invalid transaction: %T", tx)).Result(), true
newCtx = sdkCtx.WithGasMeter(sdk.NewGasMeter(gasLimit))
// AnteHandlers must have their own defer/recover in order for the
// BaseApp to know how much gas was used! This is because the GasMeter
// is created in the AnteHandler, but if it panics the context won't be
// set properly in runTx's recover.
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
switch rType := r.(type) {
case sdk.ErrorOutOfGas:
log := fmt.Sprintf("out of gas in location: %v", rType.Descriptor)
res = sdk.ErrOutOfGas(log).Result()
res.GasWanted = gasLimit
res.GasUsed = newCtx.GasMeter().GasConsumed()
abort = true
return handler(newCtx, tx, am)
// handleEthTx implements an ante handler for an Ethereum transaction. It
// validates the signature and if valid returns an OK result.
// TODO: Do we need to do any further validation or account manipulation
// (e.g. increment nonce)?
func handleEthTx(sdkCtx sdk.Context, tx sdk.Tx, am auth.AccountMapper) (sdk.Context, sdk.Result, bool) {
ethTx, ok := tx.(types.Transaction)
if !ok {
return sdkCtx, sdk.ErrInternal(fmt.Sprintf("invalid transaction: %T", tx)).Result(), true
// the SDK chainID is a string representation of integer
chainID, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(sdkCtx.ChainID(), 10)
if !ok {
// TODO: ErrInternal may not be correct error to throw here?
return sdkCtx, sdk.ErrInternal(fmt.Sprintf("invalid chainID: %s", sdkCtx.ChainID())).Result(), true
// validate signature
sdkCtx.GasMeter().ConsumeGas(verifySigCost, "ante verify")
_, err := ethTx.VerifySig(chainID)
if err != nil {
return sdkCtx, sdk.ErrUnauthorized("signature verification failed").Result(), true
return sdkCtx, sdk.Result{GasWanted: int64(ethTx.Data.GasLimit)}, false
// handleEmbeddedTx implements an ante handler for an SDK transaction. It
// validates the signature and if valid returns an OK result.
func handleEmbeddedTx(sdkCtx sdk.Context, tx sdk.Tx, am auth.AccountMapper) (sdk.Context, sdk.Result, bool) {
etx, ok := tx.(types.EmbeddedTx)
if !ok {
return sdkCtx, sdk.ErrInternal(fmt.Sprintf("invalid transaction: %T", tx)).Result(), true
if err := validateEmbeddedTxBasic(etx); err != nil {
return sdkCtx, err.Result(), true
signerAddrs := etx.GetRequiredSigners()
signerAccs := make([]auth.Account, len(signerAddrs))
// validate signatures
for i, sig := range etx.Signatures {
signer := ethcmn.BytesToAddress(signerAddrs[i].Bytes())
signerAcc, err := validateSignature(sdkCtx, etx, signer, sig, am)
if err.Code() != sdk.CodeOK {
return sdkCtx, err.Result(), true
// TODO: Fees!
am.SetAccount(sdkCtx, signerAcc)
signerAccs[i] = signerAcc
newCtx := auth.WithSigners(sdkCtx, signerAccs)
return newCtx, sdk.Result{GasWanted: etx.Fee.Gas}, false
// validateEmbeddedTxBasic validates an EmbeddedTx based on things that don't
// depend on the context.
func validateEmbeddedTxBasic(etx types.EmbeddedTx) (err sdk.Error) {
sigs := etx.Signatures
if len(sigs) == 0 {
return sdk.ErrUnauthorized("transaction missing signatures")
signerAddrs := etx.GetRequiredSigners()
if len(sigs) != len(signerAddrs) {
return sdk.ErrUnauthorized("invalid number of transaction signers")
return nil
func validateSignature(
sdkCtx sdk.Context, etx types.EmbeddedTx, signer ethcmn.Address,
sig []byte, am auth.AccountMapper,
) (acc auth.Account, sdkErr sdk.Error) {
chainID := sdkCtx.ChainID()
acc = am.GetAccount(sdkCtx, signer.Bytes())
if acc == nil {
return nil, sdk.ErrUnknownAddress(fmt.Sprintf("no account with address %s found", signer))
signEtx := types.EmbeddedTxSign{
ChainID: chainID,
AccountNumber: acc.GetAccountNumber(),
Sequence: acc.GetSequence(),
Messages: etx.Messages,
Fee: etx.Fee,
err := acc.SetSequence(signEtx.Sequence + 1)
if err != nil {
return nil, sdk.ErrInternal(err.Error())
signBytes, err := signEtx.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, sdk.ErrInternal(err.Error())
// consume gas for signature verification
sdkCtx.GasMeter().ConsumeGas(verifySigCost, "ante verify")
if err := types.ValidateSigner(signBytes, sig, signer); err != nil {
return nil, sdk.ErrUnauthorized(err.Error())