- [Basic](./suites/basic): simple Counter example, for basic calls, transactions, and events
- [Initialize](./suites/initialize): initialization contract and tests from [aragonOS](https://github.com/aragon/aragonOS)
- [Initialize (Buidler)](./suites/initialize-buidler): initialization contract and tests from [aragonOS](https://github.com/aragon/aragonOS), using [buidler](https://buidler.dev/)
- [Proxy](./suites/proxy): depositable delegate proxy contract and tests from [aragonOS](https://github.com/aragon/aragonOS)
- [Staking](./suites/staking): Staking contracts and full test suite from [aragon/staking](http://github.com/aragon/staking)
**Prerequisite**: in the repo's root, run `make install` to install the `ethermintd` and `ethermintd` binaries. When done, come back to this directory.
**Prerequisite**: install the individual solidity packages. They're set up as individual reops in a yarn monorepo workspace. Install them all via `yarn install`.
To run the tests, you can use the `test-helper.js` utility to test all suites under `ganache` or `ethermint` network. The `test-helper.js` will help you spawn an `ethermintd` process before running the tests.
You can simply run `yarn test --network ethermint` to run all tests with ethermint network, or you can run `yarn test --network ganache` to use ganache shipped with truffle. In most cases, there two networks should produce identical test results.
If you only want to run a few test cases, append the name of tests following by the command line. For example, use `yarn test --network ethermint basic` to run the `basic` test under `ethermint` network.
Keep the terminal window open, go into any of the tests and run `yarn test-ethermint`. You should see `ethermintd` accepting transactions and producing blocks. You should be able to query for any transaction via: