* (sdk) [\#171](https://github.com/ChainSafe/ethermint/issues/177) Bump Cosmos SDK version to [v0.38.1](https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/releases/tag/v0.38.1) [@fedekunze](https://github.com/fedekunze):
* Add `x/evidence` module to ethermint app
* Bump Go requirement to 1.14+
* (`x/evm`) [\#181](https://github.com/ChainSafe/ethermint/issues/181) Updated EVM module to the recommended module structure. [@fedekunze](https://github.com/fedekunze)
* (rpc) [\#330](https://github.com/ChainSafe/ethermint/issues/330) Implement `PublicFilterAPI`'s `EventSystem` which subscribes to Tendermint events upon `Filter` creation.
* (rpc) [\#231](https://github.com/ChainSafe/ethermint/issues/231) Implement `NewBlockFilter` in rpc/filters.go which instantiates a polling block filter
* Polls for new blocks via `BlockNumber` rpc call; if block number changes, it requests the new block via `GetBlockByNumber` rpc call and adds it to its internal list of blocks
* For a given filter, look through each block for transactions. If there are transactions in the block, get the logs from it, and filter using the filterLogs method
*`eth_getLogs` and `eth_getFilterChanges` for log filters use the same underlying method as `eth_getFilterLogs`
* update `HandleMsgEthereumTx` to store logs using the ethereum hash
* (app) [\#187](https://github.com/ChainSafe/ethermint/issues/187) Add support for simulations.
* (rpc) [\#305](https://github.com/ChainSafe/ethermint/issues/305) Update eth_getTransactionCount to check for account existence before getting sequence and return 0 as the nonce if it doesn't exist.
* (x/evm) [\#176](https://github.com/ChainSafe/ethermint/issues/176) Updated Web3 transaction hash from using RLP hash. Now all transaction hashes exposed are amino hashes.