* Reuse cosmos-sdk client library to create keyring Extracted from https://github.com/evmos/ethermint/pull/1168 Cleanup cmd code for easier to migration to cosmos-sdk 0.46 * Update cosmos-sdk v0.46 prepare for implementing cosmos-sdk feemarket and tx prioritization changelog refactor cmd use sdkmath fix lint fix unit tests fix unit test genesis fix unit tests fix unit test env setup fix unit tests fix unit tests register PrivKey impl fix extension options fix lint fix unit tests make HandlerOption.Validate private gofumpt fix msg response decoding fix sim test bump cosmos-sdk version fix sim test sdk 46 fix unit test fix unit tests update ibc-go
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package personal
import (
ethermint "github.com/evmos/ethermint/types"
sdkcrypto "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/crypto"
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
evmtypes "github.com/evmos/ethermint/x/evm/types"
// PrivateAccountAPI is the personal_ prefixed set of APIs in the Web3 JSON-RPC spec.
type PrivateAccountAPI struct {
clientCtx client.Context
backend backend.EVMBackend
logger log.Logger
hdPathIter ethermint.HDPathIterator
// NewAPI creates an instance of the public Personal Eth API.
func NewAPI(
logger log.Logger,
clientCtx client.Context,
backend backend.EVMBackend,
) *PrivateAccountAPI {
cfg := sdk.GetConfig()
basePath := cfg.GetFullBIP44Path()
iterator, err := ethermint.NewHDPathIterator(basePath, true)
if err != nil {
return &PrivateAccountAPI{
clientCtx: clientCtx,
logger: logger.With("api", "personal"),
hdPathIter: iterator,
backend: backend,
// ImportRawKey armors and encrypts a given raw hex encoded ECDSA key and stores it into the key directory.
// The name of the key will have the format "personal_<length-keys>", where <length-keys> is the total number of
// keys stored on the keyring.
// NOTE: The key will be both armored and encrypted using the same passphrase.
func (api *PrivateAccountAPI) ImportRawKey(privkey, password string) (common.Address, error) {
priv, err := crypto.HexToECDSA(privkey)
if err != nil {
return common.Address{}, err
privKey := ðsecp256k1.PrivKey{Key: crypto.FromECDSA(priv)}
addr := sdk.AccAddress(privKey.PubKey().Address().Bytes())
ethereumAddr := common.BytesToAddress(addr)
// return if the key has already been imported
if _, err := api.clientCtx.Keyring.KeyByAddress(addr); err == nil {
return ethereumAddr, nil
// ignore error as we only care about the length of the list
list, _ := api.clientCtx.Keyring.List()
privKeyName := fmt.Sprintf("personal_%d", len(list))
armor := sdkcrypto.EncryptArmorPrivKey(privKey, password, ethsecp256k1.KeyType)
if err := api.clientCtx.Keyring.ImportPrivKey(privKeyName, armor, password); err != nil {
return common.Address{}, err
api.logger.Info("key successfully imported", "name", privKeyName, "address", ethereumAddr.String())
return ethereumAddr, nil
// ListAccounts will return a list of addresses for accounts this node manages.
func (api *PrivateAccountAPI) ListAccounts() ([]common.Address, error) {
addrs := []common.Address{}
list, err := api.clientCtx.Keyring.List()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, info := range list {
pubKey, err := info.GetPubKey()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
addrs = append(addrs, common.BytesToAddress(pubKey.Address()))
return addrs, nil
// LockAccount will lock the account associated with the given address when it's unlocked.
// It removes the key corresponding to the given address from the API's local keys.
func (api *PrivateAccountAPI) LockAccount(address common.Address) bool {
api.logger.Debug("personal_lockAccount", "address", address.String())
api.logger.Info("personal_lockAccount not supported")
// TODO: Not supported. See underlying issue https://github.com/99designs/keyring/issues/85
return false
// NewAccount will create a new account and returns the address for the new account.
func (api *PrivateAccountAPI) NewAccount(password string) (common.Address, error) {
name := "key_" + time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
// create the mnemonic and save the account
hdPath := api.hdPathIter()
info, _, err := api.clientCtx.Keyring.NewMnemonic(name, keyring.English, hdPath.String(), password, hd.EthSecp256k1)
if err != nil {
return common.Address{}, err
pubKey, err := info.GetPubKey()
if err != nil {
return common.Address{}, err
addr := common.BytesToAddress(pubKey.Address().Bytes())
api.logger.Info("Your new key was generated", "address", addr.String())
api.logger.Info("Please backup your key file!", "path", os.Getenv("HOME")+"/.ethermint/"+name) // TODO: pass the correct binary
api.logger.Info("Please remember your password!")
return addr, nil
// UnlockAccount will unlock the account associated with the given address with
// the given password for duration seconds. If duration is nil it will use a
// default of 300 seconds. It returns an indication if the account was unlocked.
func (api *PrivateAccountAPI) UnlockAccount(_ context.Context, addr common.Address, _ string, _ *uint64) (bool, error) {
api.logger.Debug("personal_unlockAccount", "address", addr.String())
// TODO: Not supported. See underlying issue https://github.com/99designs/keyring/issues/85
return false, nil
// SendTransaction will create a transaction from the given arguments and
// tries to sign it with the key associated with args.To. If the given password isn't
// able to decrypt the key it fails.
func (api *PrivateAccountAPI) SendTransaction(_ context.Context, args evmtypes.TransactionArgs, _ string) (common.Hash, error) {
api.logger.Debug("personal_sendTransaction", "address", args.To.String())
if args.From == nil {
return common.Hash{}, fmt.Errorf("from address cannot be nil in send transaction")
addr := sdk.AccAddress(args.From.Bytes())
// check if the key is on the keyring
_, err := api.clientCtx.Keyring.KeyByAddress(addr)
if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
return api.backend.SendTransaction(args)
// Sign calculates an Ethereum ECDSA signature for:
// keccak256("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n" + len(message) + message))
// Note, the produced signature conforms to the secp256k1 curve R, S and V values,
// where the V value will be 27 or 28 for legacy reasons.
// The key used to calculate the signature is decrypted with the given password.
// https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Management-APIs#personal_sign
func (api *PrivateAccountAPI) Sign(_ context.Context, data hexutil.Bytes, addr common.Address, _ string) (hexutil.Bytes, error) {
api.logger.Debug("personal_sign", "data", data, "address", addr.String())
cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes())
sig, _, err := api.clientCtx.Keyring.SignByAddress(cosmosAddr, accounts.TextHash(data))
if err != nil {
api.logger.Error("failed to sign with key", "data", data, "address", addr.String(), "error", err.Error())
return nil, err
sig[crypto.RecoveryIDOffset] += 27 // transform V from 0/1 to 27/28
return sig, nil
// EcRecover returns the address for the account that was used to create the signature.
// Note, this function is compatible with eth_sign and personal_sign. As such it recovers
// the address of:
// hash = keccak256("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n"${message length}${message})
// addr = ecrecover(hash, signature)
// Note, the signature must conform to the secp256k1 curve R, S and V values, where
// the V value must be 27 or 28 for legacy reasons.
// https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Management-APIs#personal_ecRecove
func (api *PrivateAccountAPI) EcRecover(_ context.Context, data, sig hexutil.Bytes) (common.Address, error) {
api.logger.Debug("personal_ecRecover", "data", data, "sig", sig)
if len(sig) != crypto.SignatureLength {
return common.Address{}, fmt.Errorf("signature must be %d bytes long", crypto.SignatureLength)
if sig[crypto.RecoveryIDOffset] != 27 && sig[crypto.RecoveryIDOffset] != 28 {
return common.Address{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid Ethereum signature (V is not 27 or 28)")
sig[crypto.RecoveryIDOffset] -= 27 // Transform yellow paper V from 27/28 to 0/1
pubkey, err := crypto.SigToPub(accounts.TextHash(data), sig)
if err != nil {
return common.Address{}, err
return crypto.PubkeyToAddress(*pubkey), nil
// Unpair deletes a pairing between wallet and ethermint.
func (api *PrivateAccountAPI) Unpair(_ context.Context, url, pin string) error {
api.logger.Debug("personal_unpair", "url", url, "pin", pin)
api.logger.Info("personal_unpair for smartcard wallet not supported")
// TODO: Smartcard wallet not supported yet, refer to: https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/blob/master/accounts/scwallet/README.md
return fmt.Errorf("smartcard wallet not supported yet")
// InitializeWallet initializes a new wallet at the provided URL, by generating and returning a new private key.
func (api *PrivateAccountAPI) InitializeWallet(_ context.Context, url string) (string, error) {
api.logger.Debug("personal_initializeWallet", "url", url)
api.logger.Info("personal_initializeWallet for smartcard wallet not supported")
// TODO: Smartcard wallet not supported yet, refer to: https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/blob/master/accounts/scwallet/README.md
return "", fmt.Errorf("smartcard wallet not supported yet")
// RawWallet is a JSON representation of an accounts.Wallet interface, with its
// data contents extracted into plain fields.
type RawWallet struct {
URL string `json:"url"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Failure string `json:"failure,omitempty"`
Accounts []accounts.Account `json:"accounts,omitempty"`
// ListWallets will return a list of wallets this node manages.
func (api *PrivateAccountAPI) ListWallets() []RawWallet {
api.logger.Info("currently wallet level that manages accounts is not supported")
return ([]RawWallet)(nil)