* Update test scripts and CI * Update timeout * Update test-helper * fix issue for staking test * fix bug in test helper * reduce block time * Update test cases * use truffle 5.4.14 as global * remove two checks * reduce block time to 150ms * fix patches paths * Update test scripts Co-authored-by: Federico Kunze Küllmer <31522760+fedekunze@users.noreply.github.com>
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const Staking = artifacts.require('Staking')
const StakingProxy = artifacts.require('StakingProxy')
const StandardTokenMock = artifacts.require('StandardTokenMock')
contract('StakingProxy', ([_, owner]) => {
let proxy, token, implementation
beforeEach('deploy sample token and staking implementation', async () => {
token = await StandardTokenMock.new(owner, 100000, { from: owner })
implementation = await Staking.new()
proxy = await StakingProxy.new(implementation.address, token.address)
describe('initialize', async () => {
it('initializes the given implementation', async () => {
const staking = await Staking.at(proxy.address)
assert(await staking.hasInitialized(), 'should have been initialized')
describe('implementation', async () => {
it('uses an unstructured storage slot for the implementation address', async () => {
const implementationAddress = await web3.eth.getStorageAt(proxy.address, web3.utils.sha3('aragon.network.staking'))
assert.equal(implementationAddress.toLowerCase().replace(/0x0*/g, ''), implementation.address.toLowerCase().replace(/0x0*/g, ''), 'implementation address does not match')
it('uses the given implementation', async () => {
const implementationAddress = await proxy.implementation()
assert.equal(implementationAddress, implementation.address, 'implementation address does not match')
describe('proxyType', () => {
it('is a forwarding type', async () => {
assert.equal(await proxy.proxyType(), FORWARDING_TYPE, 'proxy type does not match')
describe('fallback', () => {
it('forward calls to the implementation set', async () => {
const staking = await Staking.at(proxy.address)
assert.equal(await staking.token(), token.address, 'token address does not match')