173 lines
6.5 KiB
173 lines
6.5 KiB
// The implementation below is to be considered highly unstable and a continual
// WIP. It is a means to replicate and test replaying Ethereum transactions
// using the Cosmos SDK and the EVM. The ultimate result will be what is known
// as Ethermint.
package main
// eth_common "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
// eth_misc "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/consensus/misc"
// eth_core "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core"
// eth_state "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/state"
// eth_types "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types"
// eth_vm "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/vm"
// eth_params "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/params"
// eth_rlp "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/rlp"
// dbm "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/db"
// var (
// // TODO: Document...
// miner501 = eth_common.HexToAddress("0x35e8e5dC5FBd97c5b421A80B596C030a2Be2A04D")
// )
func main() {
// stateDb := dbm.NewDB("state" /* name */, dbm.MemDBBackend, "" /* dir */)
// codeDB := dbm.NewDB("code" /* name */, dbm.MemDBBackend, "" /* dir */)
// d, err := OurNewDatabase(stateDb, codeDB)
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
// fmt.Printf("Instantiating state.StateDB\n")
// // With empty root hash, i.e. empty state
// statedb, err := eth_state.New(eth_common.Hash{}, d)
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
// g := eth_core.DefaultGenesisBlock()
// for addr, account := range g.Alloc {
// statedb.AddBalance(addr, account.Balance)
// statedb.SetCode(addr, account.Code)
// statedb.SetNonce(addr, account.Nonce)
// for key, value := range account.Storage {
// statedb.SetState(addr, key, value)
// }
// }
// // One of the genesis account having 200 ETH
// b := statedb.GetBalance(eth_common.HexToAddress("0x756F45E3FA69347A9A973A725E3C98bC4db0b5a0"))
// fmt.Printf("Balance: %s\n", b)
// genesis_root, err := statedb.Commit(false /* deleteEmptyObjects */)
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
// commitID := d.stateStore.Commit()
// fmt.Printf("CommitID after genesis: %v\n", commitID)
// fmt.Printf("Genesis state root hash: %x\n", genesis_root[:])
// // File with blockchain data exported from geth by using "geth expordb" command
// input, err := os.Open("/Users/alexeyakhunov/mygit/blockchain")
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
// defer input.Close()
// // Ethereum mainnet config
// chainConfig := eth_params.MainnetChainConfig
// stream := eth_rlp.NewStream(input, 0)
// var block eth_types.Block
// n := 0
// var root500 eth_common.Hash // Root hash after block 500
// var root501 eth_common.Hash // Root hash after block 501
// prev_root := genesis_root
// d.tracing = true
// chainContext := &OurChainContext{}
// vmConfig := eth_vm.Config{}
// for {
// if err = stream.Decode(&block); err == io.EOF {
// err = nil // Clear it
// break
// } else if err != nil {
// panic(fmt.Errorf("at block %d: %v", block.NumberU64(), err))
// }
// // don't import first block
// if block.NumberU64() == 0 {
// continue
// }
// header := block.Header()
// chainContext.coinbase = header.Coinbase
// statedb, err := eth_state.New(prev_root, d)
// if err != nil {
// panic(fmt.Errorf("at block %d: %v", block.NumberU64(), err))
// }
// var (
// receipts eth_types.Receipts
// usedGas = new(uint64)
// allLogs []*eth_types.Log
// gp = new(eth_core.GasPool).AddGas(block.GasLimit())
// )
// if chainConfig.DAOForkSupport && chainConfig.DAOForkBlock != nil && chainConfig.DAOForkBlock.Cmp(block.Number()) == 0 {
// eth_misc.ApplyDAOHardFork(statedb)
// }
// for i, tx := range block.Transactions() {
// statedb.Prepare(tx.Hash(), block.Hash(), i)
// var h eth_common.Hash = tx.Hash()
// if bytes.Equal(h[:], eth_common.FromHex("0xc438cfcc3b74a28741bda361032f1c6362c34aa0e1cedff693f31ec7d6a12717")) {
// vmConfig.Tracer = eth_vm.NewStructLogger(ð_vm.LogConfig{})
// vmConfig.Debug = true
// }
// receipt, _, err := eth_core.ApplyTransaction(chainConfig, chainContext, nil, gp, statedb, header, tx, usedGas, vmConfig)
// if vmConfig.Tracer != nil {
// w, err := os.Create("structlogs.txt")
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
// encoder := json.NewEncoder(w)
// logs := FormatLogs(vmConfig.Tracer.(*eth_vm.StructLogger).StructLogs())
// if err := encoder.Encode(logs); err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
// if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
// vmConfig.Debug = false
// vmConfig.Tracer = nil
// }
// if err != nil {
// panic(fmt.Errorf("at block %d, tx %x: %v", block.NumberU64(), tx.Hash(), err))
// }
// receipts = append(receipts, receipt)
// allLogs = append(allLogs, receipt.Logs...)
// }
// // Apply mining rewards to the statedb
// accumulateRewards(chainConfig, statedb, header, block.Uncles())
// // Commit block
// prev_root, err = statedb.Commit(chainConfig.IsEIP158(block.Number()) /* deleteEmptyObjects */)
// if err != nil {
// panic(fmt.Errorf("at block %d: %v", block.NumberU64(), err))
// }
// //fmt.Printf("State root after block %d: %x\n", block.NumberU64(), prev_root)
// d.stateStore.Commit()
// //fmt.Printf("CommitID after block %d: %v\n", block.NumberU64(), commitID)
// switch block.NumberU64() {
// case 500:
// root500 = prev_root
// case 501:
// root501 = prev_root
// }
// n++
// if n%10000 == 0 {
// fmt.Printf("Processed %d blocks\n", n)
// }
// if n >= 100000 {
// break
// }
// }
// fmt.Printf("Processed %d blocks\n", n)
// d.tracing = true
// genesis_state, err := eth_state.New(genesis_root, d)
// fmt.Printf("Balance of one of the genesis investors: %s\n", genesis_state.GetBalance(eth_common.HexToAddress("0x756F45E3FA69347A9A973A725E3C98bC4db0b5a0")))
// //miner501 := eth_common.HexToAddress("0x35e8e5dC5FBd97c5b421A80B596C030a2Be2A04D") // Miner of the block 501
// // Try to create a new statedb from root of the block 500
// fmt.Printf("root500: %x\n", root500[:])
// state500, err := eth_state.New(root500, d)
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
// miner501_balance_at_500 := state500.GetBalance(miner501)
// state501, err := eth_state.New(root501, d)
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
// miner501_balance_at_501 := state501.GetBalance(miner501)
// fmt.Printf("Investor's balance after block 500: %d\n", state500.GetBalance(eth_common.HexToAddress("0x756F45E3FA69347A9A973A725E3C98bC4db0b5a0")))
// fmt.Printf("Miner of block 501's balance after block 500: %d\n", miner501_balance_at_500)
// fmt.Printf("Miner of block 501's balance after block 501: %d\n", miner501_balance_at_501)