402 lines
14 KiB
402 lines
14 KiB
package importer
// import (
// "flag"
// "fmt"
// "io"
// "math/big"
// "os"
// "os/signal"
// "runtime/pprof"
// "sort"
// "syscall"
// "testing"
// "time"
// "github.com/google/uuid"
// "github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
// sdkcodec "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/codec"
// codectypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/codec/types"
// "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/store"
// sdkstore "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/store/types"
// sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
// authkeeper "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/auth/keeper"
// authtypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/auth/types"
// bankkeeper "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/bank/keeper"
// banktypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/bank/types"
// paramkeeper "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/params/keeper"
// paramtypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/params/types"
// stakingkeeper "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/staking/keeper"
// stakingtypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/staking/types"
// "github.com/tharsis/ethermint/encoding/codec"
// "github.com/tharsis/ethermint/types"
// evmkeeper "github.com/tharsis/ethermint/x/evm/keeper"
// evmtypes "github.com/tharsis/ethermint/x/evm/types"
// "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
// "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/consensus/ethash"
// ethcore "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core"
// ethtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types"
// ethvm "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/vm"
// "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/crypto"
// ethparams "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/params"
// ethrlp "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/rlp"
// tmlog "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/log"
// tmproto "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/proto/tendermint/types"
// dbm "github.com/tendermint/tm-db"
// )
// TODO: update and rewrite as testing suite with app.
// var (
// flagDataDir string
// flagBlockchain string
// flagCPUProfile string
// genInvestor = common.HexToAddress("0x756F45E3FA69347A9A973A725E3C98bC4db0b5a0")
// logger = tmlog.NewNopLogger()
// rewardBig8 = big.NewInt(8)
// rewardBig32 = big.NewInt(32)
// )
// func init() {
// flag.StringVar(&flagCPUProfile, "cpu-profile", "", "write CPU profile")
// flag.StringVar(&flagDataDir, "datadir", "", "test data directory for state storage")
// flag.StringVar(&flagBlockchain, "blockchain", "blockchain", "ethereum block export file (blocks to import)")
// testing.Init()
// flag.Parse()
// }
// func newTestCodec() (sdkcodec.BinaryMarshaler, *sdkcodec.LegacyAmino) {
// interfaceRegistry := codectypes.NewInterfaceRegistry()
// cdc := sdkcodec.NewProtoCodec(interfaceRegistry)
// amino := sdkcodec.NewLegacyAmino()
// sdk.RegisterLegacyAminoCodec(amino)
// codec.RegisterInterfaces(interfaceRegistry)
// return cdc, amino
// }
// func cleanup() {
// fmt.Println("cleaning up test execution...")
// os.RemoveAll(flagDataDir)
// if flagCPUProfile != "" {
// pprof.StopCPUProfile()
// }
// }
// func trapSignals() {
// sigs := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
// signal.Notify(sigs, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
// go func() {
// <-sigs
// cleanup()
// os.Exit(1)
// }()
// }
// func createAndTestGenesis(t *testing.T, cms sdk.CommitMultiStore, ak authkeeper.AccountKeeper, bk bankkeeper.Keeper, evmKeeper *evmkeeper.Keeper) {
// genBlock := ethcore.DefaultGenesisBlock()
// ms := cms.CacheMultiStore()
// ctx := sdk.NewContext(ms, tmproto.Header{}, false, logger)
// evmKeeper.WithContext(ctx)
// // Set the default Ethermint parameters to the parameter keeper store
// evmKeeper.SetParams(ctx, evmtypes.DefaultParams())
// // sort the addresses and insertion of key/value pairs matters
// genAddrs := make([]string, len(genBlock.Alloc))
// i := 0
// for addr := range genBlock.Alloc {
// genAddrs[i] = addr.String()
// i++
// }
// sort.Strings(genAddrs)
// for _, addrStr := range genAddrs {
// addr := common.HexToAddress(addrStr)
// acc := genBlock.Alloc[addr]
// evmKeeper.AddBalance(addr, acc.Balance)
// evmKeeper.SetCode(addr, acc.Code)
// evmKeeper.SetNonce(addr, acc.Nonce)
// for key, value := range acc.Storage {
// evmKeeper.SetState(addr, key, value)
// }
// }
// // get balance of one of the genesis account having 400 ETH
// b := evmKeeper.GetBalance(genInvestor)
// require.Equal(t, "200000000000000000000", b.String())
// // persist multi-store cache state
// ms.Write()
// // persist multi-store root state
// cms.Commit()
// // verify account mapper state
// genAcc := ak.GetAccount(ctx, sdk.AccAddress(genInvestor.Bytes()))
// require.NotNil(t, genAcc)
// evmDenom := evmKeeper.GetParams(ctx).EvmDenom
// balance := bk.GetBalance(ctx, genAcc.GetAddress(), evmDenom)
// require.Equal(t, sdk.NewIntFromBigInt(b), balance.Amount)
// }
// func TestImportBlocks(t *testing.T) {
// if flagDataDir == "" {
// flagDataDir = os.TempDir()
// }
// if flagCPUProfile != "" {
// f, err := os.Create(flagCPUProfile)
// require.NoError(t, err, "failed to create CPU profile")
// err = pprof.StartCPUProfile(f)
// require.NoError(t, err, "failed to start CPU profile")
// }
// db, err := dbm.NewDB("state_test"+uuid.New().String(), dbm.GoLevelDBBackend, flagDataDir)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// defer cleanup()
// trapSignals()
// cdc, amino := newTestCodec()
// cms := store.NewCommitMultiStore(db)
// authStoreKey := sdk.NewKVStoreKey(authtypes.StoreKey)
// bankStoreKey := sdk.NewKVStoreKey(banktypes.StoreKey)
// stakingStoreKey := sdk.NewKVStoreKey(stakingtypes.StoreKey)
// evmStoreKey := sdk.NewKVStoreKey(evmtypes.StoreKey)
// paramsStoreKey := sdk.NewKVStoreKey(paramtypes.StoreKey)
// evmTransientStoreKey := sdk.NewTransientStoreKey(evmtypes.TransientKey)
// paramsTransientStoreKey := sdk.NewTransientStoreKey(paramtypes.TStoreKey)
// // mount stores
// keys := []*sdk.KVStoreKey{authStoreKey, bankStoreKey, stakingStoreKey, evmStoreKey, paramsStoreKey}
// tkeys := []*sdk.TransientStoreKey{paramsTransientStoreKey, evmTransientStoreKey}
// for _, key := range keys {
// cms.MountStoreWithDB(key, sdk.StoreTypeIAVL, nil)
// }
// for _, tkey := range tkeys {
// cms.MountStoreWithDB(tkey, sdk.StoreTypeTransient, nil)
// }
// paramsKeeper := paramkeeper.NewKeeper(cdc, amino, paramsStoreKey, paramsTransientStoreKey)
// // Set specific subspaces
// authSubspace := paramsKeeper.Subspace(authtypes.ModuleName)
// bankSubspace := paramsKeeper.Subspace(banktypes.ModuleName)
// stakingSubspace := paramsKeeper.Subspace(stakingtypes.ModuleName)
// evmSubspace := paramsKeeper.Subspace(evmtypes.ModuleName).WithKeyTable(evmtypes.ParamKeyTable())
// // create keepers
// ak := authkeeper.NewAccountKeeper(cdc, authStoreKey, authSubspace, types.ProtoAccount, nil)
// bk := bankkeeper.NewBaseKeeper(cdc, bankStoreKey, ak, bankSubspace, nil)
// sk := stakingkeeper.NewKeeper(cdc, stakingStoreKey, ak, bk, stakingSubspace)
// evmKeeper := evmkeeper.NewKeeper(cdc, evmStoreKey, evmTransientStoreKey, evmSubspace, ak, bk, sk)
// cms.SetPruning(sdkstore.PruneNothing)
// // load latest version (root)
// err = cms.LoadLatestVersion()
// require.NoError(t, err)
// // set and test genesis block
// createAndTestGenesis(t, cms, ak, bk, evmKeeper)
// // open blockchain export file
// blockchainInput, err := os.Open(flagBlockchain)
// require.Nil(t, err)
// defer func() {
// err := blockchainInput.Close()
// require.NoError(t, err)
// }()
// // ethereum mainnet config
// chainContext := NewChainContext()
// vmConfig := ethvm.Config{}
// chainConfig := ethparams.MainnetChainConfig
// // create RLP stream for exported blocks
// stream := ethrlp.NewStream(blockchainInput, 0)
// startTime := time.Now()
// var block ethtypes.Block
// for {
// err = stream.Decode(&block)
// if err == io.EOF {
// break
// }
// require.NoError(t, err, "failed to decode block")
// var (
// usedGas = new(uint64)
// gp = new(ethcore.GasPool).AddGas(block.GasLimit())
// )
// header := block.Header()
// chainContext.Coinbase = header.Coinbase
// chainContext.SetHeader(block.NumberU64(), header)
// // Create a cached-wrapped multi-store based on the commit multi-store and
// // create a new context based off of that.
// ms := cms.CacheMultiStore()
// ctx := sdk.NewContext(ms, tmproto.Header{}, false, logger)
// ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(int64(block.NumberU64()))
// evmKeeper.WithContext(ctx)
// if chainConfig.DAOForkSupport && chainConfig.DAOForkBlock != nil && chainConfig.DAOForkBlock.Cmp(block.Number()) == 0 {
// applyDAOHardFork(evmKeeper)
// }
// for _, tx := range block.Transactions() {
// receipt, gas, err := applyTransaction(
// chainConfig, chainContext, nil, gp, evmKeeper, header, tx, usedGas, vmConfig,
// )
// require.NoError(t, err, "failed to apply tx at block %d; tx: %X; gas %d; receipt:%v", block.NumberU64(), tx.Hash(), gas, receipt)
// require.NotNil(t, receipt)
// }
// // apply mining rewards
// accumulateRewards(chainConfig, evmKeeper, header, block.Uncles())
// // simulate BaseApp EndBlocker commitment
// ms.Write()
// cms.Commit()
// // block debugging output
// if block.NumberU64() > 0 && block.NumberU64()%1000 == 0 {
// fmt.Printf("processed block: %d (time so far: %v)\n", block.NumberU64(), time.Since(startTime))
// }
// }
// }
// // accumulateRewards credits the coinbase of the given block with the mining
// // reward. The total reward consists of the static block reward and rewards for
// // included uncles. The coinbase of each uncle block is also rewarded.
// func accumulateRewards(
// config *ethparams.ChainConfig, evmKeeper *evmkeeper.Keeper,
// header *ethtypes.Header, uncles []*ethtypes.Header,
// ) {
// // select the correct block reward based on chain progression
// blockReward := ethash.FrontierBlockReward
// if config.IsByzantium(header.Number) {
// blockReward = ethash.ByzantiumBlockReward
// }
// // accumulate the rewards for the miner and any included uncles
// reward := new(big.Int).Set(blockReward)
// r := new(big.Int)
// for _, uncle := range uncles {
// r.Add(uncle.Number, rewardBig8)
// r.Sub(r, header.Number)
// r.Mul(r, blockReward)
// r.Div(r, rewardBig8)
// evmKeeper.AddBalance(uncle.Coinbase, r)
// r.Div(blockReward, rewardBig32)
// reward.Add(reward, r)
// }
// evmKeeper.AddBalance(header.Coinbase, reward)
// }
// // ApplyDAOHardFork modifies the state database according to the DAO hard-fork
// // rules, transferring all balances of a set of DAO accounts to a single refund
// // contract.
// // Code is pulled from go-ethereum 1.9 because the StateDB interface does not include the
// // SetBalance function implementation
// // Ref: https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/blob/52f2461774bcb8cdd310f86b4bc501df5b783852/consensus/misc/dao.go#L74
// func applyDAOHardFork(evmKeeper *evmkeeper.Keeper) {
// // Retrieve the contract to refund balances into
// if !evmKeeper.Exist(ethparams.DAORefundContract) {
// evmKeeper.CreateAccount(ethparams.DAORefundContract)
// }
// // Move every DAO account and extra-balance account funds into the refund contract
// for _, addr := range ethparams.DAODrainList() {
// evmKeeper.AddBalance(ethparams.DAORefundContract, evmKeeper.GetBalance(addr))
// }
// }
// // ApplyTransaction attempts to apply a transaction to the given state database
// // and uses the input parameters for its environment. It returns the receipt
// // for the transaction, gas used and an error if the transaction failed,
// // indicating the block was invalid.
// // Function is also pulled from go-ethereum 1.9 because of the incompatible usage
// // Ref: https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/blob/52f2461774bcb8cdd310f86b4bc501df5b783852/core/state_processor.go#L88
// func applyTransaction(
// config *ethparams.ChainConfig, bc ethcore.ChainContext, author *common.Address,
// gp *ethcore.GasPool, evmKeeper *evmkeeper.Keeper, header *ethtypes.Header,
// tx *ethtypes.Transaction, usedGas *uint64, cfg ethvm.Config,
// ) (*ethtypes.Receipt, uint64, error) {
// msg, err := tx.AsMessage(ethtypes.MakeSigner(config, header.Number))
// if err != nil {
// return nil, 0, err
// }
// // Create a new context to be used in the EVM environment
// blockCtx := ethcore.NewEVMBlockContext(header, bc, author)
// txCtx := ethcore.NewEVMTxContext(msg)
// // Create a new environment which holds all relevant information
// // about the transaction and calling mechanisms.
// vmenv := ethvm.NewEVM(blockCtx, txCtx, evmKeeper, config, cfg)
// // Apply the transaction to the current state (included in the env)
// execResult, err := ethcore.ApplyMessage(vmenv, msg, gp)
// if err != nil {
// // NOTE: ignore vm execution error (eg: tx out of gas at block 51169) as we care only about state transition errors
// return ðtypes.Receipt{}, 0, nil
// }
// if err != nil {
// return nil, execResult.UsedGas, err
// }
// root := common.Hash{}.Bytes()
// *usedGas += execResult.UsedGas
// // Create a new receipt for the transaction, storing the intermediate root and gas used by the tx
// // based on the eip phase, we're passing whether the root touch-delete accounts.
// receipt := ethtypes.NewReceipt(root, execResult.Failed(), *usedGas)
// receipt.TxHash = tx.Hash()
// receipt.GasUsed = execResult.UsedGas
// // if the transaction created a contract, store the creation address in the receipt.
// if msg.To() == nil {
// receipt.ContractAddress = crypto.CreateAddress(vmenv.TxContext.Origin, tx.Nonce())
// }
// // Set the receipt logs and create a bloom for filtering
// receipt.Logs = evmKeeper.GetTxLogs(tx.Hash())
// receipt.Bloom = ethtypes.CreateBloom(ethtypes.Receipts{receipt})
// receipt.BlockHash = header.Hash()
// receipt.BlockNumber = header.Number
// receipt.TransactionIndex = uint(evmKeeper.GetTxIndexTransient())
// return receipt, execResult.UsedGas, err
// }