Federico Kunze 5a3d514ba0
2021-04-17 12:00:07 +02:00

1191 lines
34 KiB

package eth
import (
rpctypes ""
ethermint ""
evmtypes ""
abci ""
tmtypes ""
ethtypes ""
sdk ""
authtypes ""
// PublicEthereumAPI is the eth_ prefixed set of APIs in the Web3 JSON-RPC spec.
type PublicEthereumAPI struct {
ctx context.Context
clientCtx client.Context
queryClient *rpctypes.QueryClient // gRPC query client
chainIDEpoch *big.Int
logger log.Logger
backend backend.Backend
keys []ethsecp256k1.PrivKey // unlocked keys
nonceLock *rpctypes.AddrLocker
keyringLock sync.Mutex
// NewAPI creates an instance of the public ETH Web3 API.
func NewAPI(
clientCtx client.Context, backend backend.Backend, nonceLock *rpctypes.AddrLocker,
keys ...ethsecp256k1.PrivKey,
) *PublicEthereumAPI {
epoch, err := ethermint.ParseChainID(clientCtx.ChainID)
if err != nil {
api := &PublicEthereumAPI{
ctx: context.Background(),
clientCtx: clientCtx,
queryClient: rpctypes.NewQueryClient(clientCtx),
chainIDEpoch: epoch,
logger: log.NewTMLogger(log.NewSyncWriter(os.Stdout)).With("module", "json-rpc", "namespace", "eth"),
backend: backend,
keys: keys,
nonceLock: nonceLock,
if err := api.GetKeyringInfo(); err != nil {
api.logger.Error("failed to get keybase info", "error", err)
return api
// GetKeyringInfo checks if the keyring is present on the client context. If not, it creates a new
// instance and sets it to the client context for later usage.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetKeyringInfo() error {
defer api.keyringLock.Unlock()
/*api.clientCtx.keyring won't be nil because we init node with ethermintd keys add CLI
we need to create a new keyring here with initialized account info merged by using the same api.clientCtx.KeyringDir
we also need to add eth_secp256k1 key type here*/
keybase, err := keyring.New(
if err != nil {
return err
api.clientCtx.Keyring = keybase
return nil
// ClientCtx returns the Cosmos SDK client context.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) ClientCtx() client.Context {
return api.clientCtx
// GetKeys returns the Cosmos SDK client context.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetKeys() []ethsecp256k1.PrivKey {
return api.keys
// SetKeys sets the given key slice to the set of private keys
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) SetKeys(keys []ethsecp256k1.PrivKey) {
api.keys = keys
// ProtocolVersion returns the supported Ethereum protocol version.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) ProtocolVersion() hexutil.Uint {
return hexutil.Uint(ethermint.ProtocolVersion)
// ChainId returns the chain's identifier in hex format
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) ChainId() (hexutil.Uint, error) { // nolint
return hexutil.Uint(uint(api.chainIDEpoch.Uint64())), nil
// Syncing returns whether or not the current node is syncing with other peers. Returns false if not, or a struct
// outlining the state of the sync if it is.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) Syncing() (interface{}, error) {
status, err := api.clientCtx.Client.Status(api.ctx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if !status.SyncInfo.CatchingUp {
return false, nil
return map[string]interface{}{
// "startingBlock": nil, // NA
"currentBlock": hexutil.Uint64(status.SyncInfo.LatestBlockHeight),
// "highestBlock": nil, // NA
// "pulledStates": nil, // NA
// "knownStates": nil, // NA
}, nil
// Coinbase is the address that staking rewards will be send to (alias for Etherbase).
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) Coinbase() (common.Address, error) {
node, err := api.clientCtx.GetNode()
if err != nil {
return common.Address{}, err
status, err := node.Status(api.ctx)
if err != nil {
return common.Address{}, err
return common.BytesToAddress(status.ValidatorInfo.Address.Bytes()), nil
// Mining returns whether or not this node is currently mining. Always false.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) Mining() bool {
return false
// Hashrate returns the current node's hashrate. Always 0.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) Hashrate() hexutil.Uint64 {
return 0
// GasPrice returns the current gas price based on Ethermint's gas price oracle.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GasPrice() *hexutil.Big {
out := big.NewInt(0)
return (*hexutil.Big)(out)
// Accounts returns the list of accounts available to this node.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) Accounts() ([]common.Address, error) {
defer api.keyringLock.Unlock()
addresses := make([]common.Address, 0) // return [] instead of nil if empty
infos, err := api.clientCtx.Keyring.List()
if err != nil {
return addresses, err
for _, info := range infos {
addressBytes := info.GetPubKey().Address().Bytes()
addresses = append(addresses, common.BytesToAddress(addressBytes))
return addresses, nil
// BlockNumber returns the current block number.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) BlockNumber() (hexutil.Uint64, error) {
return api.backend.BlockNumber()
// GetBalance returns the provided account's balance up to the provided block number.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetBalance(address common.Address, blockNum rpctypes.BlockNumber) (*hexutil.Big, error) {
api.logger.Debug("eth_getBalance", "address", address, "block number", blockNum)
req := &evmtypes.QueryBalanceRequest{
Address: address.String(),
ctx := api.ctx
if !(blockNum == rpctypes.PendingBlockNumber || blockNum == rpctypes.LatestBlockNumber) {
// wrap the context with the requested height
ctx = rpctypes.ContextWithHeight(blockNum.Int64())
res, err := api.queryClient.Balance(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
balance := big.NewInt(0)
err = balance.UnmarshalText([]byte(res.Balance))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if blockNum != rpctypes.PendingBlockNumber {
return (*hexutil.Big)(balance), nil
// update the address balance with the pending transactions value (if applicable)
pendingTxs, err := api.backend.PendingTransactions()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, tx := range pendingTxs {
if tx == nil {
if tx.From == address {
balance = new(big.Int).Sub(balance, tx.Value.ToInt())
if *tx.To == address {
balance = new(big.Int).Add(balance, tx.Value.ToInt())
return (*hexutil.Big)(balance), nil
// GetStorageAt returns the contract storage at the given address, block number, and key.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetStorageAt(address common.Address, key string, blockNum rpctypes.BlockNumber) (hexutil.Bytes, error) {
api.logger.Debug("eth_getStorageAt", "address", address, "key", key, "block number", blockNum)
req := &evmtypes.QueryStorageRequest{
Address: address.String(),
Key: key,
res, err := api.queryClient.Storage(rpctypes.ContextWithHeight(blockNum.Int64()), req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
value := common.HexToHash(res.Value)
return value.Bytes(), nil
// GetTransactionCount returns the number of transactions at the given address up to the given block number.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetTransactionCount(address common.Address, blockNum rpctypes.BlockNumber) (*hexutil.Uint64, error) {
api.logger.Debug("eth_getTransactionCount", "address", address, "block number", blockNum)
clientCtx := api.clientCtx
pending := blockNum == rpctypes.PendingBlockNumber
// pass the given block height to the context if the height is not pending or latest
if !pending && blockNum != rpctypes.LatestBlockNumber {
clientCtx = api.clientCtx.WithHeight(blockNum.Int64())
nonce, err := api.accountNonce(clientCtx, address, pending)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
n := hexutil.Uint64(nonce)
return &n, nil
// GetBlockTransactionCountByHash returns the number of transactions in the block identified by hash.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetBlockTransactionCountByHash(hash common.Hash) *hexutil.Uint {
api.logger.Debug("eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash", "hash", hash)
resBlock, err := api.clientCtx.Client.BlockByHash(api.ctx, hash.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return nil
n := hexutil.Uint(len(resBlock.Block.Txs))
return &n
// GetBlockTransactionCountByNumber returns the number of transactions in the block identified by its height.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetBlockTransactionCountByNumber(blockNum rpctypes.BlockNumber) *hexutil.Uint {
api.logger.Debug("eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber", "block number", blockNum)
var (
height int64
txCount hexutil.Uint
txs int
switch blockNum {
case rpctypes.PendingBlockNumber:
// NOTE: pending fetches the latest block
resBlock, err := api.clientCtx.Client.Block(api.ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil
var resBlockTxLength = 0
if !resBlock.BlockID.IsZero() {
resBlockTxLength = len(resBlock.Block.Txs)
// get the pending transaction count
pendingTxs, err := api.backend.PendingTransactions()
if err != nil {
return nil
txs = resBlockTxLength + len(pendingTxs)
case rpctypes.LatestBlockNumber:
resBlock, err := api.clientCtx.Client.Block(api.ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil
var resBlockTxLength = 0
if !resBlock.BlockID.IsZero() {
resBlockTxLength = len(resBlock.Block.Txs)
txs = resBlockTxLength
height = blockNum.Int64()
resBlock, err := api.clientCtx.Client.Block(api.ctx, &height)
if err != nil {
return nil
txs = len(resBlock.Block.Txs)
txCount = hexutil.Uint(txs)
return &txCount
// GetUncleCountByBlockHash returns the number of uncles in the block identified by hash. Always zero.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetUncleCountByBlockHash(_ common.Hash) hexutil.Uint {
return 0
// GetUncleCountByBlockNumber returns the number of uncles in the block identified by number. Always zero.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetUncleCountByBlockNumber(_ rpctypes.BlockNumber) hexutil.Uint {
return 0
// GetCode returns the contract code at the given address and block number.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetCode(address common.Address, blockNumber rpctypes.BlockNumber) (hexutil.Bytes, error) {
api.logger.Debug("eth_getCode", "address", address, "block number", blockNumber)
req := &evmtypes.QueryCodeRequest{
Address: address.String(),
ctx := api.ctx
if !(blockNumber == rpctypes.PendingBlockNumber || blockNumber == rpctypes.LatestBlockNumber) {
// wrap the context with the requested height
ctx = rpctypes.ContextWithHeight(blockNumber.Int64())
res, err := api.queryClient.Code(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res.Code, nil
// GetTransactionLogs returns the logs given a transaction hash.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetTransactionLogs(txHash common.Hash) ([]*ethtypes.Log, error) {
api.logger.Debug("eth_getTransactionLogs", "hash", txHash)
return api.backend.GetTransactionLogs(txHash)
// Sign signs the provided data using the private key of address via Geth's signature standard.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) Sign(address common.Address, data hexutil.Bytes) (hexutil.Bytes, error) {
api.logger.Debug("eth_sign", "address", address, "data", data)
// TODO: Change this functionality to find an unlocked account by address
key, exist := rpctypes.GetKeyByAddress(api.keys, address)
if !exist {
return nil, keystore.ErrLocked
// Sign the requested hash with the wallet
signature, err := key.Sign(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
signature[64] += 27 // Transform V from 0/1 to 27/28 according to the yellow paper
return signature, nil
// SendTransaction sends an Ethereum transaction.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) SendTransaction(args rpctypes.SendTxArgs) (common.Hash, error) {
api.logger.Debug("eth_sendTransaction", "args", args)
// TODO: Change this functionality to find an unlocked account by address
key, exist := rpctypes.GetKeyByAddress(api.keys, args.From)
if !exist {
api.logger.Debug("failed to find key in keyring", "key", args.From)
return common.Hash{}, keystore.ErrLocked
// Mutex lock the address' nonce to avoid assigning it to multiple requests
if args.Nonce == nil {
defer api.nonceLock.UnlockAddr(args.From)
// Assemble transaction from fields
tx, err := api.generateFromArgs(args)
if err != nil {
api.logger.Debug("failed to generate tx", "error", err)
return common.Hash{}, err
if err := tx.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
api.logger.Debug("tx failed basic validation", "error", err)
return common.Hash{}, err
// Sign transaction
if err := tx.Sign(api.chainIDEpoch, key.ToECDSA()); err != nil {
api.logger.Debug("failed to sign tx", "error", err)
return common.Hash{}, err
// Encode transaction by default Tx encoder
txEncoder := api.clientCtx.TxConfig.TxEncoder()
txBytes, err := txEncoder(tx)
if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
// Broadcast transaction in sync mode (default)
// NOTE: If error is encountered on the node, the broadcast will not return an error
res, err := api.clientCtx.BroadcastTx(txBytes)
if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
if res.Code != abci.CodeTypeOK {
return common.Hash{}, fmt.Errorf(res.RawLog)
// Return transaction hash
return common.HexToHash(res.TxHash), nil
// SendRawTransaction send a raw Ethereum transaction.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) SendRawTransaction(data hexutil.Bytes) (common.Hash, error) {
api.logger.Debug("eth_sendRawTransaction", "data", data)
tx := new(evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
// RLP decode raw transaction bytes
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(data, tx); err != nil {
// Return nil is for when gasLimit overflows uint64
return common.Hash{}, nil
// Encode transaction by default Tx encoder
txBytes, err := api.clientCtx.TxConfig.TxEncoder()(tx)
if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
// TODO: Possibly log the contract creation address (if recipient address is nil) or tx data
// NOTE: If error is encountered on the node, the broadcast will not return an error
res, err := api.clientCtx.BroadcastTx(txBytes)
if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
if res.Code != abci.CodeTypeOK {
return common.Hash{}, fmt.Errorf(res.RawLog)
// Return transaction hash
return common.HexToHash(res.TxHash), nil
// Call performs a raw contract call.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) Call(args rpctypes.CallArgs, blockNr rpctypes.BlockNumber, _ *map[common.Address]rpctypes.Account) (hexutil.Bytes, error) {
api.logger.Debug("eth_call", "args", args, "block number", blockNr)
simRes, err := api.doCall(args, blockNr, big.NewInt(ethermint.DefaultRPCGasLimit))
if err != nil {
return []byte{}, err
data, err := evmtypes.DecodeTxResponse(simRes.Result.Data)
if err != nil {
return []byte{}, err
return (hexutil.Bytes)(data.Ret), nil
// DoCall performs a simulated call operation through the evmtypes. It returns the
// estimated gas used on the operation or an error if fails.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) doCall(
args rpctypes.CallArgs, blockNum rpctypes.BlockNumber, globalGasCap *big.Int,
) (*sdk.SimulationResponse, error) {
var height int64
// pass the given block height to the context if the height is not pending or latest
if !(blockNum == rpctypes.PendingBlockNumber || blockNum == rpctypes.LatestBlockNumber) {
height = blockNum.Int64()
var (
addr common.Address
err error
// Set sender address or use a default if none specified
if args.From == nil {
addrs, err := api.Accounts()
if err == nil && len(addrs) > 0 {
addr = addrs[0]
} else {
addr = *args.From
nonce, _ := api.accountNonce(api.clientCtx, addr, true)
// Set default gas & gas price if none were set
// TODO: Change this to uint64(math.MaxUint64 / 2) if gas cap can be configured
gas := uint64(ethermint.DefaultRPCGasLimit)
if args.Gas != nil {
gas = uint64(*args.Gas)
if globalGasCap != nil && globalGasCap.Uint64() < gas {
api.logger.Debug("Caller gas above allowance, capping", "requested", gas, "cap", globalGasCap)
gas = globalGasCap.Uint64()
// Set gas price using default or parameter if passed in
gasPrice := new(big.Int).SetUint64(ethermint.DefaultGasPrice)
if args.GasPrice != nil {
gasPrice = args.GasPrice.ToInt()
// Set value for transaction
value := new(big.Int)
if args.Value != nil {
value = args.Value.ToInt()
// Set Data if provided
var data []byte
if args.Data != nil {
data = []byte(*args.Data)
var accNum, seq uint64
// Set destination address for call
var fromAddr sdk.AccAddress
if args.From != nil {
fromAddr = sdk.AccAddress(args.From.Bytes())
accNum, seq, err = api.clientCtx.AccountRetriever.GetAccountNumberSequence(api.clientCtx, fromAddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var msgs []sdk.Msg
// Create new call message
msg := evmtypes.NewMsgEthereumTx(seq, args.To, value, gas, gasPrice, data)
if err := msg.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
return nil, err
msgs = append(msgs, msg)
feeAmount := big.NewInt(0)
// convert the pending transactions into ethermint msgs
if blockNum == rpctypes.PendingBlockNumber {
pendingMsgs, fee, err := api.pendingMsgs()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
feeAmount = new(big.Int).Add(feeAmount, fee)
msgs = append(msgs, pendingMsgs...)
privKey, exists := rpctypes.GetKeyByAddress(api.keys, addr)
if !exists {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("account with address %s does not exist in keyring", addr.String())
// NOTE: we query the EVM denomination to allow other chains to use their custom denomination as
// the fee token
paramsRes, err := api.queryClient.Params(api.ctx, &evmtypes.QueryParamsRequest{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// create the fee coins with the amount equal to the sum of all msg fees
fees := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(paramsRes.Params.EvmDenom, sdk.NewIntFromBigInt(feeAmount)))
finalMsgs := make([]sdk.Msg, 0, len(msgs))
for _, msg := range msgs {
m, ok := msg.(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid message type assertion")
err = m.Sign(api.chainIDEpoch, privKey.ToECDSA())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("sign msg err: %s", err.Error())
_, err = m.VerifySig(api.chainIDEpoch)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("verify msg signature err %s", err.Error())
finalMsgs = append(finalMsgs, m)
txBytes, err := rpctypes.BuildEthereumTx(api.clientCtx, finalMsgs, accNum, seq, gas, fees, privKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// simulate by calling ABCI Query
query := abci.RequestQuery{
Path: "/app/simulate",
Data: txBytes,
Height: height,
queryResult, err := api.clientCtx.QueryABCI(query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var simResponse sdk.SimulationResponse
err = jsonpb.Unmarshal(strings.NewReader(string(queryResult.Value)), &simResponse)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &simResponse, nil
// EstimateGas returns an estimate of gas usage for the given smart contract call.
// It adds 1,000 gas to the returned value instead of using the gas adjustment
// param from the SDK.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) EstimateGas(args rpctypes.CallArgs) (hexutil.Uint64, error) {
api.logger.Debug("eth_estimateGas", "args", args)
simResponse, err := api.doCall(args, 0, big.NewInt(ethermint.DefaultRPCGasLimit))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// TODO: change 1000 buffer for more accurate buffer (eg: SDK's gasAdjusted)
estimatedGas := simResponse.GasInfo.GasUsed
gas := estimatedGas + 1000
return hexutil.Uint64(gas), nil
// GetBlockByHash returns the block identified by hash.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetBlockByHash(hash common.Hash, fullTx bool) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
api.logger.Debug("eth_getBlockByHash", "hash", hash, "full", fullTx)
return api.backend.GetBlockByHash(hash, fullTx)
// GetBlockByNumber returns the block identified by number.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetBlockByNumber(blockNum rpctypes.BlockNumber, fullTx bool) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
api.logger.Debug("eth_getBlockByNumber", "number", blockNum, "full", fullTx)
if blockNum != rpctypes.PendingBlockNumber {
return api.backend.GetBlockByNumber(blockNum, fullTx)
// fetch latest block
latestBlock, err := api.clientCtx.Client.Block(api.ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// number of pending txs queried from the mempool
limit := 1000
unconfirmedTxs, err := api.clientCtx.Client.UnconfirmedTxs(api.ctx, &limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pendingTxs, gasUsed, err := rpctypes.EthTransactionsFromTendermint(api.clientCtx, unconfirmedTxs.Txs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rpctypes.FormatBlock(
Version: latestBlock.Block.Version,
ChainID: api.clientCtx.ChainID,
Height: latestBlock.Block.Height + 1,
Time: time.Unix(0, 0),
LastBlockID: latestBlock.Block.LastBlockID,
ValidatorsHash: latestBlock.Block.NextValidatorsHash,
), nil
// GetTransactionByHash returns the transaction identified by hash.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetTransactionByHash(hash common.Hash) (*rpctypes.Transaction, error) {
api.logger.Debug("eth_getTransactionByHash", "hash", hash)
tx, err := api.clientCtx.Client.Tx(api.ctx, hash.Bytes(), false)
if err != nil {
// check if the tx is on the mempool
pendingTxs, pendingErr := api.PendingTransactions()
if pendingErr != nil {
return nil, err
if len(pendingTxs) != 0 {
for _, tx := range pendingTxs {
if tx != nil && hash == tx.Hash {
return tx, nil
// Return nil for transaction when not found
return nil, nil
// Can either cache or just leave this out if not necessary
block, err := api.clientCtx.Client.Block(api.ctx, &tx.Height)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
blockHash := common.BytesToHash(block.Block.Hash())
ethTx, err := rpctypes.RawTxToEthTx(api.clientCtx, tx.Tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
height := uint64(tx.Height)
return rpctypes.NewTransaction(ethTx, common.BytesToHash(tx.Tx.Hash()), blockHash, height, uint64(tx.Index))
// GetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex returns the transaction identified by hash and index.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(hash common.Hash, idx hexutil.Uint) (*rpctypes.Transaction, error) {
api.logger.Debug("eth_getTransactionByHashAndIndex", "hash", hash, "index", idx)
resBlock, err := api.clientCtx.Client.BlockByHash(api.ctx, hash.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return api.getTransactionByBlockAndIndex(resBlock.Block, idx)
// GetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex returns the transaction identified by number and index.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(blockNum rpctypes.BlockNumber, idx hexutil.Uint) (*rpctypes.Transaction, error) {
api.logger.Debug("eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex", "number", blockNum, "index", idx)
var (
height *int64
err error
switch blockNum {
case rpctypes.PendingBlockNumber:
// get all the EVM pending txs
pendingTxs, err := api.backend.PendingTransactions()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// return if index out of bounds
if uint64(idx) >= uint64(len(pendingTxs)) {
return nil, nil
// change back to pendingTxs[idx] once pending queue is fixed.
return pendingTxs[int(idx)], nil
case rpctypes.LatestBlockNumber:
// nil fetches the latest block
height = nil
h := blockNum.Int64()
height = &h
resBlock, err := api.clientCtx.Client.Block(api.ctx, height)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return api.getTransactionByBlockAndIndex(resBlock.Block, idx)
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) getTransactionByBlockAndIndex(block *tmtypes.Block, idx hexutil.Uint) (*rpctypes.Transaction, error) {
// return if index out of bounds
if uint64(idx) >= uint64(len(block.Txs)) {
return nil, nil
ethTx, err := rpctypes.RawTxToEthTx(api.clientCtx, block.Txs[idx])
if err != nil {
// return nil error if the transaction is not a MsgEthereumTx
return nil, nil
height := uint64(block.Height)
txHash := common.BytesToHash(block.Txs[idx].Hash())
blockHash := common.BytesToHash(block.Hash())
return rpctypes.NewTransaction(ethTx, txHash, blockHash, height, uint64(idx))
// GetTransactionReceipt returns the transaction receipt identified by hash.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetTransactionReceipt(hash common.Hash) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
api.logger.Debug("eth_getTransactionReceipt", "hash", hash)
tx, err := api.clientCtx.Client.Tx(api.ctx, hash.Bytes(), false)
if err != nil {
// Return nil for transaction when not found
return nil, nil
// Query block for consensus hash
block, err := api.clientCtx.Client.Block(api.ctx, &tx.Height)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
blockHash := common.BytesToHash(block.Block.Hash())
// Convert tx bytes to eth transaction
ethTx, err := rpctypes.RawTxToEthTx(api.clientCtx, tx.Tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
from, err := ethTx.VerifySig(ethTx.ChainID())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cumulativeGasUsed := uint64(tx.TxResult.GasUsed)
if tx.Index != 0 {
cumulativeGasUsed += rpctypes.GetBlockCumulativeGas(api.clientCtx, block.Block, int(tx.Index))
// Set status codes based on tx result
var status hexutil.Uint
if tx.TxResult.IsOK() {
status = hexutil.Uint(1)
} else {
status = hexutil.Uint(0)
txData := tx.TxResult.GetData()
data, err := evmtypes.DecodeTxResponse(txData)
if err != nil {
status = 0 // transaction failed
if len(data.TxLogs.Logs) == 0 {
data.TxLogs.Logs = []*evmtypes.Log{}
receipt := map[string]interface{}{
// Consensus fields: These fields are defined by the Yellow Paper
"status": status,
"cumulativeGasUsed": hexutil.Uint64(cumulativeGasUsed),
"logsBloom": data.Bloom,
"logs": data.TxLogs.EthLogs(),
// Implementation fields: These fields are added by geth when processing a transaction.
// They are stored in the chain database.
"transactionHash": hash,
"contractAddress": data.ContractAddress,
"gasUsed": hexutil.Uint64(tx.TxResult.GasUsed),
// Inclusion information: These fields provide information about the inclusion of the
// transaction corresponding to this receipt.
"blockHash": blockHash,
"blockNumber": hexutil.Uint64(tx.Height),
"transactionIndex": hexutil.Uint64(tx.Index),
// sender and receiver (contract or EOA) addresses
"from": from,
"to": ethTx.To(),
return receipt, nil
// PendingTransactions returns the transactions that are in the transaction pool
// and have a from address that is one of the accounts this node manages.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) PendingTransactions() ([]*rpctypes.Transaction, error) {
return api.backend.PendingTransactions()
// GetUncleByBlockHashAndIndex returns the uncle identified by hash and index. Always returns nil.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(hash common.Hash, idx hexutil.Uint) map[string]interface{} {
return nil
// GetUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex returns the uncle identified by number and index. Always returns nil.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex(number hexutil.Uint, idx hexutil.Uint) map[string]interface{} {
return nil
// GetProof returns an account object with proof and any storage proofs
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) GetProof(address common.Address, storageKeys []string, block rpctypes.BlockNumber) (*rpctypes.AccountResult, error) {
height := block.Int64()
api.logger.Debug("eth_getProof", "address", address, "keys", storageKeys, "number", height)
ctx := rpctypes.ContextWithHeight(height)
clientCtx := api.clientCtx.WithHeight(height)
// query storage proofs
storageProofs := make([]rpctypes.StorageResult, len(storageKeys))
for i, key := range storageKeys {
hexKey := common.HexToHash(key)
valueBz, proof, err := api.queryClient.GetProof(clientCtx, evmtypes.StoreKey, evmtypes.StateKey(address, hexKey.Bytes()))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// check for proof
var proofStr string
if proof != nil {
proofStr = proof.String()
storageProofs[i] = rpctypes.StorageResult{
Key: key,
Value: (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).SetBytes(valueBz)),
Proof: []string{proofStr},
// query EVM account
req := &evmtypes.QueryAccountRequest{
Address: address.String(),
res, err := api.queryClient.Account(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// query account proofs
accountKey := authtypes.AddressStoreKey(sdk.AccAddress(address.Bytes()))
_, proof, err := api.queryClient.GetProof(clientCtx, authtypes.StoreKey, accountKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// check for proof
var accProofStr string
if proof != nil {
accProofStr = proof.String()
balance := big.NewInt(0)
err = balance.UnmarshalText([]byte(res.Balance))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &rpctypes.AccountResult{
Address: address,
AccountProof: []string{accProofStr},
Balance: (*hexutil.Big)(balance),
CodeHash: common.BytesToHash(res.CodeHash),
Nonce: hexutil.Uint64(res.Nonce),
StorageHash: common.Hash{}, // NOTE: Ethermint doesn't have a storage hash. TODO: implement?
StorageProof: storageProofs,
}, nil
// generateFromArgs populates tx message with args (used in RPC API)
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) generateFromArgs(args rpctypes.SendTxArgs) (*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx, error) {
var (
nonce, gasLimit uint64
err error
amount := (*big.Int)(args.Value)
gasPrice := (*big.Int)(args.GasPrice)
if args.GasPrice == nil {
// Set default gas price
// TODO: Change to min gas price from context once available through server/daemon
gasPrice = big.NewInt(ethermint.DefaultGasPrice)
// get the nonce from the account retriever and the pending transactions
nonce, err = api.accountNonce(api.clientCtx, args.From, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if args.Nonce != nil {
if nonce != (uint64)(*args.Nonce) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("invalid nonce; got %d, expected %d", (uint64)(*args.Nonce), nonce))
if args.Data != nil && args.Input != nil && !bytes.Equal(*args.Data, *args.Input) {
return nil, errors.New("both 'data' and 'input' are set and not equal. Please use 'input' to pass transaction call data")
// Sets input to either Input or Data, if both are set and not equal error above returns
var input hexutil.Bytes
if args.Input != nil {
input = *args.Input
} else if args.Data != nil {
input = *args.Data
if args.To == nil && len(input) == 0 {
// Contract creation
return nil, fmt.Errorf("contract creation without any data provided")
if args.Gas == nil {
callArgs := rpctypes.CallArgs{
From: &args.From,
To: args.To,
Gas: args.Gas,
GasPrice: args.GasPrice,
Value: args.Value,
Data: &input,
gl, err := api.EstimateGas(callArgs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
gasLimit = uint64(gl)
} else {
gasLimit = (uint64)(*args.Gas)
msg := evmtypes.NewMsgEthereumTx(nonce, args.To, amount, gasLimit, gasPrice, input)
return msg, nil
// pendingMsgs constructs an array of sdk.Msg. This method will check pending transactions and convert
// those transactions into ethereum messages. Alonside with the msgs it returns the total fees for all the
// pending txs.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) pendingMsgs() ([]sdk.Msg, *big.Int, error) {
// nolint: prealloc
var msgs []sdk.Msg
feeAmount := big.NewInt(0)
pendingTxs, err := api.PendingTransactions()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
for _, pendingTx := range pendingTxs {
// NOTE: we have to construct the EVM transaction instead of just casting from the tendermint
// transactions because PendingTransactions only checks for MsgEthereumTx messages.
pendingGas, err := hexutil.DecodeUint64(pendingTx.Gas.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
pendingValue := pendingTx.Value.ToInt()
pendingGasPrice := new(big.Int).SetUint64(ethermint.DefaultGasPrice)
if pendingTx.GasPrice != nil {
pendingGasPrice = pendingTx.GasPrice.ToInt()
pendingData := pendingTx.Input
nonce, _ := api.accountNonce(api.clientCtx, pendingTx.From, true)
msg := evmtypes.NewMsgEthereumTx(
feeAmount = new(big.Int).Add(feeAmount, msg.Fee())
msgs = append(msgs, msg)
return msgs, feeAmount, nil
// accountNonce returns looks up the transaction nonce count for a given address. If the pending boolean
// is set to true, it will add to the counter all the uncommitted EVM transactions sent from the address.
// NOTE: The function returns no error if the account doesn't exist.
func (api *PublicEthereumAPI) accountNonce(
clientCtx client.Context, address common.Address, pending bool,
) (uint64, error) {
// Get nonce (sequence) from sender account
from := sdk.AccAddress(address.Bytes())
// use a the given client context in case its wrapped with a custom height
account, err := clientCtx.AccountRetriever.GetAccount(clientCtx, from)
if err != nil || account == nil {
// account doesn't exist yet, return 0
return 0, nil
nonce := account.GetSequence()
if !pending {
return nonce, nil
// the account retriever doesn't include the uncommitted transactions on the nonce so we need to
// to manually add them.
pendingTxs, err := api.backend.PendingTransactions()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if len(pendingTxs) == 0 {
return nonce, nil
// add the uncommitted txs to the nonce counter
for i := range pendingTxs {
if pendingTxs[i] == nil {
if pendingTxs[i].From == address {
return nonce, nil