# Joining Chainsafe's Public Testnet This document outlines the steps to join the public testnet hosted by [Chainsafe](https://chainsafe.io). ## Steps 1. Install the Ethermint binaries (ethermintd & ethermint cli) ```bash git clone https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint cd ethermint git checkout v0.4.1 make install ``` 2. Create an Ethermint account ```bash ethermintcli keys add ``` 3. Copy genesis file Follow this [link](https://gist.github.com/araskachoi/43f86f3edff23729b817e8b0bb86295a) and copy it over to the directory ~/.ethermintd/config/genesis.json 4. Add peers Edit the file located in ~/.ethermintd/config/config.toml and edit line 350 (persistent_peers) to the following ```toml "05aa6587f07a0c6a9a8213f0138c4a76d476418a@,13d4a1c16d1f427988b7c499b6d150726aaf3aa0@,a00db749fa51e485c8376276d29d599258052f3e@" ``` 5. Validate genesis and start the Ethermint network ```bash ethermintd validate-genesis ethermintd start --pruning=nothing --rpc.unsafe --log_level "main:info,state:info,mempool:info" --trace ``` (we recommend running the command in the background for convenience) 6. Start the RPC server ```bash ethermintcli rest-server --laddr "tcp://localhost:8545" --unlock-key $KEY --chain-id etherminttestnet-777 --trace --rpc-api "web3,eth,net" ``` where `$KEY` is the key name that was used in step 2. (we recommend running the command in the background for convenience) 7. Request funds from the faucet You will need to know the Ethereum hex address, and it can be found with the following command: ```bash curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_accounts","params":[],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8545 ``` Using the output of the above command, you will then send the command with your valid Ethereum address ```bash curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"address":"0xYourEthereumHexAddress"}' ``` ## Public Testnet Node RPC Endpoints - **Node0**: `` - **Node1**: `` - **Node2**: `` example: ```bash curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_chainId","params":[],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" ```