package keeper import ( "context" "errors" "time" "" ethcmn "" "" tmtypes "" "" sdk "" sdkerrors "" "" ) var _ types.MsgServer = &Keeper{} func (k *Keeper) EthereumTx(goCtx context.Context, msg *types.MsgEthereumTx) (*types.MsgEthereumTxResponse, error) { defer telemetry.ModuleMeasureSince(types.ModuleName, time.Now(), types.TypeMsgEthereumTx) ctx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(goCtx) ethMsg, err := msg.AsMessage() if err != nil { return nil, sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrorInvalidSigner, err.Error()) } config, found := k.GetChainConfig(ctx) if !found { return nil, types.ErrChainConfigNotFound } var labels []metrics.Label if msg.To() == nil { labels = []metrics.Label{ telemetry.NewLabel("execution", "create"), } } else { labels = []metrics.Label{ telemetry.NewLabel("execution", "call"), // add label to the called recipient address (contract or account) telemetry.NewLabel("to", msg.Data.To), } } sender := ethMsg.From() txHash := tmtypes.Tx(ctx.TxBytes()).Hash() ethHash := ethcmn.BytesToHash(txHash) blockHash, _ := k.GetBlockHashFromHeight(ctx, ctx.BlockHeight()) st := &types.StateTransition{ Message: ethMsg, Csdb: k.CommitStateDB.WithContext(ctx), ChainID: msg.ChainID(), TxHash: ðHash, Simulate: ctx.IsCheckTx(), } // since the txCount is used by the stateDB, and a simulated tx is run only on the node it's submitted to, // then this will cause the txCount/stateDB of the node that ran the simulated tx to be different than the // other nodes, causing a consensus error if !st.Simulate { // Prepare db for logs k.Prepare(ctx, ethHash, blockHash, k.TxCount) k.TxCount++ } executionResult, err := st.TransitionDb(ctx, config) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, vm.ErrExecutionReverted) && executionResult != nil { // keep the execution result for revert reason executionResult.Response.Reverted = true if !st.Simulate { k.SetTxReceiptToHash(ctx, ethHash, &types.TxReceipt{ Hash: ethHash.Hex(), From: sender.Hex(), Data: msg.Data, BlockHeight: uint64(ctx.BlockHeight()), BlockHash: blockHash.Hex(), Result: &types.TxResult{ ContractAddress: executionResult.Response.ContractAddress, Bloom: executionResult.Response.Bloom, TxLogs: executionResult.Response.TxLogs, Ret: executionResult.Response.Ret, Reverted: executionResult.Response.Reverted, GasUsed: executionResult.GasInfo.GasConsumed, }, }) } return executionResult.Response, nil } return nil, err } if !st.Simulate { // update block bloom filter k.Bloom.Or(k.Bloom, executionResult.Bloom) // update transaction logs in KVStore err = k.SetLogs(ctx, ethHash, executionResult.Logs) if err != nil { panic(err) } blockHash, _ := k.GetBlockHashFromHeight(ctx, ctx.BlockHeight()) k.SetTxReceiptToHash(ctx, ethHash, &types.TxReceipt{ Hash: ethHash.Hex(), From: sender.Hex(), Data: msg.Data, Index: uint64(st.Csdb.TxIndex()), BlockHeight: uint64(ctx.BlockHeight()), BlockHash: blockHash.Hex(), Result: &types.TxResult{ ContractAddress: executionResult.Response.ContractAddress, Bloom: executionResult.Response.Bloom, TxLogs: executionResult.Response.TxLogs, Ret: executionResult.Response.Ret, Reverted: executionResult.Response.Reverted, GasUsed: executionResult.GasInfo.GasConsumed, }, }) k.AddTxHashToBlock(ctx, ctx.BlockHeight(), ethHash) for _, ethLog := range executionResult.Logs { k.LogsCache[ethLog.Address] = append(k.LogsCache[ethLog.Address], ethLog) } } defer func() { if st.Message.Value().IsInt64() { telemetry.SetGauge( float32(st.Message.Value().Int64()), "tx", "msg", "ethereum_tx", ) } telemetry.IncrCounterWithLabels( []string{types.ModuleName, "ethereum_tx"}, 1, labels, ) }() // emit events ctx.EventManager().EmitEvents(sdk.Events{ sdk.NewEvent( types.EventTypeEthereumTx, sdk.NewAttribute(sdk.AttributeKeyAmount, st.Message.Value().String()), sdk.NewAttribute(types.AttributeKeyTxHash, ethcmn.BytesToHash(txHash).Hex()), ), sdk.NewEvent( sdk.EventTypeMessage, sdk.NewAttribute(sdk.AttributeKeyModule, types.AttributeValueCategory), sdk.NewAttribute(sdk.AttributeKeySender, sender.String()), ), }) if len(msg.Data.To) > 0 { ctx.EventManager().EmitEvent( sdk.NewEvent( types.EventTypeEthereumTx, sdk.NewAttribute(types.AttributeKeyRecipient, msg.Data.To), ), ) } return executionResult.Response, nil }