syntax = "proto3"; package ethermint.evm.v1alpha1; import "gogoproto/gogo.proto"; import "ethermint/evm/v1alpha1/evm.proto"; option go_package = ""; // Msg defines the evm Msg service. service Msg { // EthereumTx defines a method submitting Ethereum transactions. rpc EthereumTx(MsgEthereumTx) returns (MsgEthereumTxResponse); } // MsgEthereumTx encapsulates an Ethereum transaction as an SDK message. message MsgEthereumTx { option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false; TxData data = 1; // caches double size = 2 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "-"]; SigCache from = 3 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "-"]; } message ExtensionOptionsEthereumTx { option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false; } message ExtensionOptionsWeb3Tx { option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false; } // MsgEthereumTxResponse defines the Msg/EthereumTx response type. message MsgEthereumTxResponse { option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false; // contract_address contains the ethereum address of the created contract (if // any). If the state transition is an evm.Call, the contract address will be // empty. string contract_address = 1 [(gogoproto.moretags) = "yaml:\"contract_address\""]; // bloom represents the bloom filter bytes bytes bloom = 2; // tx_logs contains the transaction hash and the proto-compatible ethereum // logs. TransactionLogs tx_logs = 3 [(gogoproto.moretags) = "yaml:\"tx_logs\"", (gogoproto.nullable) = false]; // ret defines the bytes from the execution. bytes ret = 4; // reverted flag is set to true when the call has been reverted bool reverted = 5; } // SigCache is used to cache the derived sender and contains the signer used // to derive it. message SigCache { option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false; EIP155Signer signer = 1; bytes address = 2; } // EIP155Transaction implements Signer using the EIP155 rules. message EIP155Signer { option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false; bytes chain_id = 1 [(gogoproto.customname) = "chainId"]; bytes chain_id_mul = 2 [(gogoproto.customname) = "chainIdMul"]; }