package types

import (
	sdk ""
	ethaccounts ""

const (
	// EthBech32Prefix defines the Bech32 prefix used for EthAccounts
	EthBech32Prefix = "eth"

	// Bech32PrefixAccAddr defines the Bech32 prefix of an account's address
	Bech32PrefixAccAddr = EthBech32Prefix
	// Bech32PrefixAccPub defines the Bech32 prefix of an account's public key
	Bech32PrefixAccPub = EthBech32Prefix + sdk.PrefixPublic
	// Bech32PrefixValAddr defines the Bech32 prefix of a validator's operator address
	Bech32PrefixValAddr = EthBech32Prefix + sdk.PrefixValidator + sdk.PrefixOperator
	// Bech32PrefixValPub defines the Bech32 prefix of a validator's operator public key
	Bech32PrefixValPub = EthBech32Prefix + sdk.PrefixValidator + sdk.PrefixOperator + sdk.PrefixPublic
	// Bech32PrefixConsAddr defines the Bech32 prefix of a consensus node address
	Bech32PrefixConsAddr = EthBech32Prefix + sdk.PrefixValidator + sdk.PrefixConsensus
	// Bech32PrefixConsPub defines the Bech32 prefix of a consensus node public key
	Bech32PrefixConsPub = EthBech32Prefix + sdk.PrefixValidator + sdk.PrefixConsensus + sdk.PrefixPublic

	// Bip44CoinType satisfies EIP84. See for more info.
	Bip44CoinType = 60

var (
	// BIP44HDPath is the BIP44 HD path used on Ethereum.
	BIP44HDPath = ethaccounts.DefaultBaseDerivationPath.String()

// SetBech32Prefixes sets the global prefixes to be used when serializing addresses and public keys to Bech32 strings.
func SetBech32Prefixes(config *sdk.Config) {
	config.SetBech32PrefixForAccount(Bech32PrefixAccAddr, Bech32PrefixAccPub)
	config.SetBech32PrefixForValidator(Bech32PrefixValAddr, Bech32PrefixValPub)
	config.SetBech32PrefixForConsensusNode(Bech32PrefixConsAddr, Bech32PrefixConsPub)

// SetBip44CoinType sets the global coin type to be used in hierarchical deterministic wallets.
func SetBip44CoinType(config *sdk.Config) {