import json import os import socket import subprocess import sys import time from pathlib import Path import bech32 from dateutil.parser import isoparse from dotenv import load_dotenv from eth_account import Account from hexbytes import HexBytes from web3._utils.transactions import fill_nonce, fill_transaction_defaults from web3.exceptions import TimeExhausted load_dotenv(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / "scripts/.env") Account.enable_unaudited_hdwallet_features() ACCOUNTS = { "validator": Account.from_mnemonic(os.getenv("VALIDATOR1_MNEMONIC")), "community": Account.from_mnemonic(os.getenv("COMMUNITY_MNEMONIC")), "signer1": Account.from_mnemonic(os.getenv("SIGNER1_MNEMONIC")), "signer2": Account.from_mnemonic(os.getenv("SIGNER2_MNEMONIC")), } KEYS = {name: account.key for name, account in ACCOUNTS.items()} ADDRS = {name: account.address for name, account in ACCOUNTS.items()} ETHERMINT_ADDRESS_PREFIX = "ethm" TEST_CONTRACTS = { "TestERC20A": "TestERC20A.sol", "Greeter": "Greeter.sol", "BurnGas": "BurnGas.sol", "TestChainID": "ChainID.sol", "Mars": "Mars.sol", } def contract_path(name, filename): return ( Path(__file__).parent / "hardhat/artifacts/contracts/" / filename / (name + ".json") ) CONTRACTS = { **{ name: contract_path(name, filename) for name, filename in TEST_CONTRACTS.items() }, } def wait_for_port(port, host="", timeout=40.0): start_time = time.perf_counter() while True: try: with socket.create_connection((host, port), timeout=timeout): break except OSError as ex: time.sleep(0.1) if time.perf_counter() - start_time >= timeout: raise TimeoutError( "Waited too long for the port {} on host {} to start accepting " "connections.".format(port, host) ) from ex def w3_wait_for_new_blocks(w3, n, sleep=0.5): begin_height = w3.eth.block_number while True: time.sleep(sleep) cur_height = w3.eth.block_number if cur_height - begin_height >= n: break def wait_for_new_blocks(cli, n): begin_height = int((cli.status())["SyncInfo"]["latest_block_height"]) while True: time.sleep(0.5) cur_height = int((cli.status())["SyncInfo"]["latest_block_height"]) if cur_height - begin_height >= n: break def wait_for_block(cli, height, timeout=240): for _ in range(timeout * 2): try: status = cli.status() except AssertionError as e: print(f"get sync status failed: {e}", file=sys.stderr) else: current_height = int(status["SyncInfo"]["latest_block_height"]) if current_height >= height: break print("current block height", current_height) time.sleep(0.5) else: raise TimeoutError(f"wait for block {height} timeout") def w3_wait_for_block(w3, height, timeout=240): for _ in range(timeout * 2): try: current_height = w3.eth.block_number except Exception as e: print(f"get json-rpc block number failed: {e}", file=sys.stderr) else: if current_height >= height: break print("current block height", current_height) time.sleep(0.5) else: raise TimeoutError(f"wait for block {height} timeout") def wait_for_block_time(cli, t): print("wait for block time", t) while True: now = isoparse((cli.status())["SyncInfo"]["latest_block_time"]) print("block time now: ", now) if now >= t: break time.sleep(0.5) def deploy_contract(w3, jsonfile, args=(), key=KEYS["validator"]): """ deploy contract and return the deployed contract instance """ acct = Account.from_key(key) info = json.loads(jsonfile.read_text()) contract = w3.eth.contract(abi=info["abi"], bytecode=info["bytecode"]) tx = contract.constructor(*args).build_transaction({"from": acct.address}) txreceipt = send_transaction(w3, tx, key) assert txreceipt.status == 1 address = txreceipt.contractAddress return w3.eth.contract(address=address, abi=info["abi"]), txreceipt def fill_defaults(w3, tx): return fill_nonce(w3, fill_transaction_defaults(w3, tx)) def sign_transaction(w3, tx, key=KEYS["validator"]): "fill default fields and sign" acct = Account.from_key(key) tx["from"] = acct.address tx = fill_transaction_defaults(w3, tx) tx = fill_nonce(w3, tx) return acct.sign_transaction(tx) def send_transaction(w3, tx, key=KEYS["validator"], i=0): if i > 3: raise TimeExhausted signed = sign_transaction(w3, tx, key) txhash = w3.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed.rawTransaction) try: return w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(txhash, timeout=20) except TimeExhausted: return send_transaction(w3, tx, key, i + 1) def send_successful_transaction(w3, i=0): if i > 3: raise TimeExhausted signed = sign_transaction(w3, {"to": ADDRS["community"], "value": 1000}) txhash = w3.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed.rawTransaction) try: receipt = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(txhash, timeout=20) assert receipt.status == 1 except TimeExhausted: return send_successful_transaction(w3, i + 1) return txhash def eth_to_bech32(addr, prefix=ETHERMINT_ADDRESS_PREFIX): bz = bech32.convertbits(HexBytes(addr), 8, 5) return bech32.bech32_encode(prefix, bz) def decode_bech32(addr): _, bz = bech32.bech32_decode(addr) return HexBytes(bytes(bech32.convertbits(bz, 5, 8))) def supervisorctl(inipath, *args): (sys.executable, "-msupervisor.supervisorctl", "-c", inipath, *args), check=True, ) def parse_events(logs): return { ev["type"]: {attr["key"]: attr["value"] for attr in ev["attributes"]} for ev in logs[0]["events"] }