upgrade to ethermint v0.21.0 #99

0xmuralik wants to merge 384 commits from murali/update-fork into main
14 changed files with 718 additions and 179 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 5533beed71 - Show all commits

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@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ Ref: https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/
### API Breaking
- (rpc) [tharsis#1081](https://github.com/tharsis/ethermint/pull/1081) Deduplicate some json-rpc logic codes, cleanup several dead functions.
- (ante) [tharsis#1062](https://github.com/tharsis/ethermint/pull/1062) Emit event of eth tx hash in ante handler to support query failed transactions.
### Improvements

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package ante
import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
sdkerrors "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types/errors"
@ -539,3 +540,36 @@ func (mfd EthMempoolFeeDecorator) AnteHandle(ctx sdk.Context, tx sdk.Tx, simulat
return next(ctx, tx, simulate)
// EthEmitEventDecorator emit events in ante handler in case of tx execution failed (out of block gas limit).
type EthEmitEventDecorator struct {
evmKeeper EVMKeeper
// NewEthEmitEventDecorator creates a new EthEmitEventDecorator
func NewEthEmitEventDecorator(evmKeeper EVMKeeper) EthEmitEventDecorator {
return EthEmitEventDecorator{evmKeeper}
// AnteHandle emits some basic events for the eth messages
func (eeed EthEmitEventDecorator) AnteHandle(ctx sdk.Context, tx sdk.Tx, simulate bool, next sdk.AnteHandler) (newCtx sdk.Context, err error) {
// After eth tx passed ante handler, the fee is deducted and nonce increased, it shouldn't be ignored by json-rpc,
// we need to emit some basic events at the very end of ante handler to be indexed by tendermint.
txIndex := eeed.evmKeeper.GetTxIndexTransient(ctx)
for i, msg := range tx.GetMsgs() {
msgEthTx, ok := msg.(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
if !ok {
return ctx, sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrUnknownRequest, "invalid message type %T, expected %T", msg, (*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)(nil))
// emit ethereum tx hash as event, should be indexed by tm tx indexer for query purpose.
// it's emitted in ante handler so we can query failed transaction (out of block gas limit).
sdk.NewAttribute(evmtypes.AttributeKeyEthereumTxHash, msgEthTx.Hash),
sdk.NewAttribute(evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxIndex, strconv.FormatUint(txIndex+uint64(i), 10)),
return next(ctx, tx, simulate)

View File

@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ func newEthAnteHandler(options HandlerOptions) sdk.AnteHandler {
NewEthGasConsumeDecorator(options.EvmKeeper, options.MaxTxGasWanted),
NewEthIncrementSenderSequenceDecorator(options.AccountKeeper), // innermost AnteDecorator.
NewEthEmitEventDecorator(options.EvmKeeper), // emit eth tx hash and index at the very last ante handler.

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ type EVMKeeper interface {
GetBaseFee(ctx sdk.Context, ethCfg *params.ChainConfig) *big.Int
GetBalance(ctx sdk.Context, addr common.Address) *big.Int
ResetTransientGasUsed(ctx sdk.Context)
GetTxIndexTransient(ctx sdk.Context) uint64
type protoTxProvider interface {

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ require (
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github.com/btcsuite/btcutil v1.0.3-0.20201208143702-a53e38424cce
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github.com/cosmos/go-bip39 v1.0.0
github.com/cosmos/ibc-go/v3 v3.0.0
github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1
@ -158,5 +158,3 @@ replace (
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replace github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk => github.com/crypto-org-chain/cosmos-sdk v0.44.4-0.20220518050709-bd4ca739c699

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github.com/spf13/afero v1.8.2 h1:xehSyVa0YnHWsJ49JFljMpg1HX19V6NDZ1fkm1Xznbo=
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github.com/spf13/cast v1.3.0/go.mod h1:Qx5cxh0v+4UWYiBimWS+eyWzqEqokIECu5etghLkUJE=
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github.com/tendermint/tendermint v0.34.20-0.20220517115723-e6f071164839 h1:84fLknaRpFmZ33teqQSKq5tksqPDk90vhbz53Ngp4a8=
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github.com/tendermint/tm-db v0.6.4/go.mod h1:dptYhIpJ2M5kUuenLr+Yyf3zQOv1SgBZcl8/BmWlMBw=
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@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ func (b *Backend) EthBlockFromTendermint(
for _, txsResult := range resBlockResult.TxsResults {
// workaround for cosmos-sdk bug. https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/issues/10832
if txsResult.GetCode() == 11 && txsResult.GetLog() == "no block gas left to run tx: out of gas" {
// block gas limit has exceeded, other txs must have failed for the same reason.
if ShouldIgnoreGasUsed(txsResult) {
// block gas limit has exceeded, other txs must have failed with same reason.
gasUsed += uint64(txsResult.GetGasUsed())
@ -454,6 +454,7 @@ func (b *Backend) GetCoinbase() (sdk.AccAddress, error) {
func (b *Backend) GetTransactionByHash(txHash common.Hash) (*types.RPCTransaction, error) {
res, err := b.GetTxByEthHash(txHash)
hexTx := txHash.Hex()
if err != nil {
// try to find tx in mempool
txs, err := b.PendingTransactions()
@ -488,12 +489,17 @@ func (b *Backend) GetTransactionByHash(txHash common.Hash) (*types.RPCTransactio
return nil, nil
if res.TxResult.Code != 0 {
if !TxSuccessOrExceedsBlockGasLimit(&res.TxResult) {
return nil, errors.New("invalid ethereum tx")
msgIndex, attrs := types.FindTxAttributes(res.TxResult.Events, hexTx)
if msgIndex < 0 {
parsedTxs, err := types.ParseTxResult(&res.TxResult)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse tx events: %s", hexTx)
parsedTx := parsedTxs.GetTxByHash(txHash)
if parsedTx == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ethereum tx not found in msgs: %s", hexTx)
@ -503,7 +509,7 @@ func (b *Backend) GetTransactionByHash(txHash common.Hash) (*types.RPCTransactio
// the `msgIndex` is inferred from tx events, should be within the bound.
msg, ok := tx.GetMsgs()[msgIndex].(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
msg, ok := tx.GetMsgs()[parsedTx.MsgIndex].(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("invalid ethereum tx")
@ -514,12 +520,7 @@ func (b *Backend) GetTransactionByHash(txHash common.Hash) (*types.RPCTransactio
return nil, err
// Try to find txIndex from events
found := false
txIndex, err := types.GetUint64Attribute(attrs, evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxIndex)
if err == nil {
found = true
} else {
if parsedTx.EthTxIndex == -1 {
// Fallback to find tx index by iterating all valid eth transactions
blockRes, err := b.clientCtx.Client.BlockResults(b.ctx, &block.Block.Height)
if err != nil {
@ -528,13 +529,12 @@ func (b *Backend) GetTransactionByHash(txHash common.Hash) (*types.RPCTransactio
msgs := b.GetEthereumMsgsFromTendermintBlock(block, blockRes)
for i := range msgs {
if msgs[i].Hash == hexTx {
txIndex = uint64(i)
found = true
parsedTx.EthTxIndex = int64(i)
if !found {
if parsedTx.EthTxIndex == -1 {
return nil, errors.New("can't find index of ethereum tx")
@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ func (b *Backend) GetTransactionByHash(txHash common.Hash) (*types.RPCTransactio
@ -915,21 +915,23 @@ func (b *Backend) FeeHistory(
// GetEthereumMsgsFromTendermintBlock returns all real MsgEthereumTxs from a Tendermint block.
// It also ensures consistency over the correct txs indexes across RPC endpoints
func (b *Backend) GetEthereumMsgsFromTendermintBlock(block *tmrpctypes.ResultBlock, blockRes *tmrpctypes.ResultBlockResults) []*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx {
func (b *Backend) GetEthereumMsgsFromTendermintBlock(resBlock *tmrpctypes.ResultBlock, blockRes *tmrpctypes.ResultBlockResults) []*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx {
var result []*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx
block := resBlock.Block
txResults := blockRes.TxsResults
for i, tx := range block.Block.Txs {
for i, tx := range block.Txs {
// check tx exists on EVM by cross checking with blockResults
if txResults[i].Code != 0 {
// include the tx that exceeds block gas limit
if !TxSuccessOrExceedsBlockGasLimit(txResults[i]) {
b.logger.Debug("invalid tx result code", "cosmos-hash", hexutil.Encode(tx.Hash()))
tx, err := b.clientCtx.TxConfig.TxDecoder()(tx)
if err != nil {
b.logger.Debug("failed to decode transaction in block", "height", block.Block.Height, "error", err.Error())
b.logger.Debug("failed to decode transaction in block", "height", block.Height, "error", err.Error())

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
authtypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/auth/types"
@ -23,6 +24,10 @@ import (
evmtypes "github.com/tharsis/ethermint/x/evm/types"
// ExceedBlockGasLimitError defines the error message when tx execution exceeds the block gas limit.
// The tx fee is deducted in ante handler, so it shouldn't be ignored in JSON-RPC API.
const ExceedBlockGasLimitError = "out of gas in location: block gas meter; gasWanted:"
type txGasAndReward struct {
gasUsed uint64
reward *big.Int
@ -369,3 +374,19 @@ func ParseTxLogsFromEvent(event abci.Event) ([]*ethtypes.Log, error) {
return evmtypes.LogsToEthereum(logs), nil
// TxExceedBlockGasLimit returns true if the tx exceeds block gas limit.
func TxExceedBlockGasLimit(res *abci.ResponseDeliverTx) bool {
return strings.Contains(res.Log, ExceedBlockGasLimitError)
// TxSuccessOrExceedsBlockGasLimit returns if the tx should be included in json-rpc responses
func TxSuccessOrExceedsBlockGasLimit(res *abci.ResponseDeliverTx) bool {
return res.Code == 0 || TxExceedBlockGasLimit(res)
// ShouldIgnoreGasUsed returns true if the gasUsed in result should be ignored
// workaround for issue: https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/issues/10832
func ShouldIgnoreGasUsed(res *abci.ResponseDeliverTx) bool {
return res.GetCode() == 11 && strings.Contains(res.GetLog(), "no block gas left to run tx: out of gas")

View File

@ -89,8 +89,12 @@ func (a *API) TraceTransaction(hash common.Hash, config *evmtypes.TraceConfig) (
return nil, err
msgIndex, _ := rpctypes.FindTxAttributes(transaction.TxResult.Events, hash.Hex())
if msgIndex < 0 {
parsedTxs, err := rpctypes.ParseTxResult(&transaction.TxResult)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse tx events: %s", hash.Hex())
parsedTx := parsedTxs.GetTxByHash(hash)
if parsedTx == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ethereum tx not found in msgs: %s", hash.Hex())
@ -124,7 +128,7 @@ func (a *API) TraceTransaction(hash common.Hash, config *evmtypes.TraceConfig) (
// add predecessor messages in current cosmos tx
for i := 0; i < msgIndex; i++ {
for i := 0; i < parsedTx.MsgIndex; i++ {
ethMsg, ok := tx.GetMsgs()[i].(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
if !ok {
@ -132,7 +136,7 @@ func (a *API) TraceTransaction(hash common.Hash, config *evmtypes.TraceConfig) (
predecessors = append(predecessors, ethMsg)
ethMessage, ok := tx.GetMsgs()[msgIndex].(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
ethMessage, ok := tx.GetMsgs()[parsedTx.MsgIndex].(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
if !ok {
a.logger.Debug("invalid transaction type", "type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", tx))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid transaction type %T", tx)

View File

@ -405,12 +405,23 @@ func (e *PublicAPI) GetTransactionLogs(txHash common.Hash) ([]*ethtypes.Log, err
return nil, nil
msgIndex, _ := rpctypes.FindTxAttributes(res.TxResult.Events, hexTx)
if msgIndex < 0 {
if res.TxResult.Code != 0 {
// failed, return empty logs
return nil, nil
parsedTxs, err := rpctypes.ParseTxResult(&res.TxResult)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse tx events: %s, %v", hexTx, err)
parsedTx := parsedTxs.GetTxByHash(txHash)
if parsedTx == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ethereum tx not found in msgs: %s", hexTx)
// parse tx logs from events
return backend.TxLogsFromEvents(res.TxResult.Events, msgIndex)
return parsedTx.ParseTxLogs()
// Sign signs the provided data using the private key of address via Geth's signature standard.
@ -735,15 +746,20 @@ func (e *PublicAPI) getTransactionByBlockAndIndex(block *tmrpctypes.ResultBlock,
e.logger.Debug("invalid ethereum tx", "height", block.Block.Header, "index", idx)
return nil, nil
// find msg index in events
msgIndex := rpctypes.FindTxAttributesByIndex(res.TxResult.Events, uint64(idx))
if msgIndex < 0 {
e.logger.Debug("invalid ethereum tx", "height", block.Block.Header, "index", idx)
return nil, nil
parsedTxs, err := rpctypes.ParseTxResult(&res.TxResult)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse tx events: %d, %v", idx, err)
parsedTx := parsedTxs.GetTxByTxIndex(int(idx))
if parsedTx == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ethereum tx not found in msgs: %d", idx)
var ok bool
// msgIndex is inferred from tx events, should be within bound.
msg, ok = tx.GetMsgs()[msgIndex].(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
msg, ok = tx.GetMsgs()[parsedTx.MsgIndex].(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
if !ok {
e.logger.Debug("invalid ethereum tx", "height", block.Block.Header, "index", idx)
return nil, nil
@ -825,8 +841,18 @@ func (e *PublicAPI) GetTransactionReceipt(hash common.Hash) (map[string]interfac
return nil, nil
msgIndex, attrs := rpctypes.FindTxAttributes(res.TxResult.Events, hexTx)
if msgIndex < 0 {
// don't ignore the txs which exceed block gas limit.
if !backend.TxSuccessOrExceedsBlockGasLimit(&res.TxResult) {
return nil, nil
parsedTxs, err := rpctypes.ParseTxResult(&res.TxResult)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse tx events: %s, %v", hexTx, err)
parsedTx := parsedTxs.GetTxByHash(hash)
if parsedTx == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ethereum tx not found in msgs: %s", hexTx)
@ -842,13 +868,17 @@ func (e *PublicAPI) GetTransactionReceipt(hash common.Hash) (map[string]interfac
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode tx: %w", err)
// the `msgIndex` is inferred from tx events, should be within the bound.
msg := tx.GetMsgs()[msgIndex]
ethMsg, ok := msg.(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
if !ok {
e.logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("invalid tx type: %T", msg))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid tx type: %T", msg)
if res.TxResult.Code != 0 {
// tx failed, we should return gas limit as gas used, because that's how the fee get deducted.
for i := 0; i <= parsedTx.MsgIndex; i++ {
gasLimit := tx.GetMsgs()[i].(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx).GetGas()
parsedTxs.Txs[i].GasUsed = gasLimit
// the `msgIndex` is inferred from tx events, should be within the bound,
// and the tx is found by eth tx hash, so the msg type must be correct.
ethMsg := tx.GetMsgs()[parsedTx.MsgIndex].(*evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx)
txData, err := evmtypes.UnpackTxData(ethMsg.Data)
if err != nil {
@ -862,27 +892,14 @@ func (e *PublicAPI) GetTransactionReceipt(hash common.Hash) (map[string]interfac
e.logger.Debug("failed to retrieve block results", "height", res.Height, "error", err.Error())
return nil, nil
for i := 0; i < int(res.Index) && i < len(blockRes.TxsResults); i++ {
cumulativeGasUsed += uint64(blockRes.TxsResults[i].GasUsed)
cumulativeGasUsed += rpctypes.AccumulativeGasUsedOfMsg(res.TxResult.Events, msgIndex)
var gasUsed uint64
if len(tx.GetMsgs()) == 1 {
// backward compatibility
gasUsed = uint64(res.TxResult.GasUsed)
} else {
gasUsed, err = rpctypes.GetUint64Attribute(attrs, evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxGasUsed)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cumulativeGasUsed += parsedTxs.AccumulativeGasUsed(parsedTx.MsgIndex)
// Get the transaction result from the log
_, found := attrs[evmtypes.AttributeKeyEthereumTxFailed]
var status hexutil.Uint
if found {
if res.TxResult.Code != 0 || parsedTx.Failed {
status = hexutil.Uint(ethtypes.ReceiptStatusFailed)
} else {
status = hexutil.Uint(ethtypes.ReceiptStatusSuccessful)
@ -894,28 +911,23 @@ func (e *PublicAPI) GetTransactionReceipt(hash common.Hash) (map[string]interfac
// parse tx logs from events
logs, err := backend.TxLogsFromEvents(res.TxResult.Events, msgIndex)
logs, err := parsedTx.ParseTxLogs()
if err != nil {
e.logger.Debug("logs not found", "hash", hexTx, "error", err.Error())
e.logger.Debug("failed to parse logs", "hash", hexTx, "error", err.Error())
// Try to find txIndex from events
found = false
txIndex, err := rpctypes.GetUint64Attribute(attrs, evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxIndex)
if err == nil {
found = true
} else {
if parsedTx.EthTxIndex == -1 {
// Fallback to find tx index by iterating all valid eth transactions
msgs := e.backend.GetEthereumMsgsFromTendermintBlock(resBlock, blockRes)
for i := range msgs {
if msgs[i].Hash == hexTx {
txIndex = uint64(i)
found = true
parsedTx.EthTxIndex = int64(i)
if !found {
if parsedTx.EthTxIndex == -1 {
return nil, errors.New("can't find index of ethereum tx")
@ -930,14 +942,14 @@ func (e *PublicAPI) GetTransactionReceipt(hash common.Hash) (map[string]interfac
// They are stored in the chain database.
"transactionHash": hash,
"contractAddress": nil,
"gasUsed": hexutil.Uint64(gasUsed),
"gasUsed": hexutil.Uint64(parsedTx.GasUsed),
"type": hexutil.Uint(txData.TxType()),
// Inclusion information: These fields provide information about the inclusion of the
// transaction corresponding to this receipt.
"blockHash": common.BytesToHash(resBlock.Block.Header.Hash()).Hex(),
"blockNumber": hexutil.Uint64(res.Height),
"transactionIndex": hexutil.Uint64(txIndex),
"transactionIndex": hexutil.Uint64(parsedTx.EthTxIndex),
// sender and receiver (contract or EOA) addreses
"from": from,

rpc/types/events.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
package types
import (
ethtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types"
abci "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/types"
evmtypes "github.com/tharsis/ethermint/x/evm/types"
// EventFormat is the format version of the events.
// To fix the issue of tx exceeds block gas limit, we changed the event format in a breaking way.
// But to avoid forcing clients to re-sync from scatch, we make json-rpc logic to be compatible with both formats.
type EventFormat int
const (
eventFormatUnknown EventFormat = iota
// Event Format 1 (the format used before PR #1062):
// ```
// ethereum_tx(amount, ethereumTxHash, [txIndex, txGasUsed], txHash, [receipient], ethereumTxFailed)
// tx_log(txLog, txLog, ...)
// ethereum_tx(amount, ethereumTxHash, [txIndex, txGasUsed], txHash, [receipient], ethereumTxFailed)
// tx_log(txLog, txLog, ...)
// ...
// ```
// Event Format 2 (the format used after PR #1062):
// ```
// ethereum_tx(ethereumTxHash, txIndex)
// ethereum_tx(ethereumTxHash, txIndex)
// ...
// ethereum_tx(amount, ethereumTxHash, txIndex, txGasUsed, txHash, [receipient], ethereumTxFailed)
// tx_log(txLog, txLog, ...)
// ethereum_tx(amount, ethereumTxHash, txIndex, txGasUsed, txHash, [receipient], ethereumTxFailed)
// tx_log(txLog, txLog, ...)
// ...
// ```
// If the transaction exceeds block gas limit, it only emits the first part.
// ParsedTx is the tx infos parsed from events.
type ParsedTx struct {
MsgIndex int
// the following fields are parsed from events
Hash common.Hash
// -1 means uninitialized
EthTxIndex int64
GasUsed uint64
Failed bool
// unparsed tx log json strings
RawLogs [][]byte
// NewParsedTx initialize a ParsedTx
func NewParsedTx(msgIndex int) ParsedTx {
return ParsedTx{MsgIndex: msgIndex, EthTxIndex: -1}
// ParseTxLogs decode the raw logs into ethereum format.
func (p ParsedTx) ParseTxLogs() ([]*ethtypes.Log, error) {
logs := make([]*evmtypes.Log, 0, len(p.RawLogs))
for _, raw := range p.RawLogs {
var log evmtypes.Log
if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &log); err != nil {
return nil, err
logs = append(logs, &log)
return evmtypes.LogsToEthereum(logs), nil
// ParsedTxs is the tx infos parsed from eth tx events.
type ParsedTxs struct {
// one item per message
Txs []ParsedTx
// map tx hash to msg index
TxHashes map[common.Hash]int
// ParseTxResult parse eth tx infos from cosmos-sdk events.
// It supports two event formats, the formats are described in the comments of the format constants.
func ParseTxResult(result *abci.ResponseDeliverTx) (*ParsedTxs, error) {
format := eventFormatUnknown
// the index of current ethereum_tx event in format 1 or the second part of format 2
eventIndex := -1
p := &ParsedTxs{
TxHashes: make(map[common.Hash]int),
for _, event := range result.Events {
switch event.Type {
case evmtypes.EventTypeEthereumTx:
if format == eventFormatUnknown {
// discover the format version by inspect the first ethereum_tx event.
if len(event.Attributes) > 2 {
format = eventFormat1
} else {
format = eventFormat2
if len(event.Attributes) == 2 {
// the first part of format 2
if err := p.newTx(event.Attributes); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
// format 1 or second part of format 2
if format == eventFormat1 {
// append tx
if err := p.newTx(event.Attributes); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
// the second part of format 2, update tx fields
if err := p.updateTx(eventIndex, event.Attributes); err != nil {
return nil, err
case evmtypes.EventTypeTxLog:
// reuse the eventIndex set by previous ethereum_tx event
p.Txs[eventIndex].RawLogs = parseRawLogs(event.Attributes)
// some old versions miss some events, fill it with tx result
if len(p.Txs) == 1 {
p.Txs[0].GasUsed = uint64(result.GasUsed)
return p, nil
// newTx parse a new tx from events, called during parsing.
func (p *ParsedTxs) newTx(attrs []abci.EventAttribute) error {
msgIndex := len(p.Txs)
tx := NewParsedTx(msgIndex)
if err := fillTxAttributes(&tx, attrs); err != nil {
return err
p.Txs = append(p.Txs, tx)
p.TxHashes[tx.Hash] = msgIndex
return nil
// updateTx updates an exiting tx from events, called during parsing.
func (p *ParsedTxs) updateTx(eventIndex int, attrs []abci.EventAttribute) error {
return fillTxAttributes(&p.Txs[eventIndex], attrs)
// GetTxByHash find ParsedTx by tx hash, returns nil if not exists.
func (p *ParsedTxs) GetTxByHash(hash common.Hash) *ParsedTx {
if idx, ok := p.TxHashes[hash]; ok {
return &p.Txs[idx]
return nil
// GetTxByMsgIndex returns ParsedTx by msg index
func (p *ParsedTxs) GetTxByMsgIndex(i int) *ParsedTx {
if i < 0 || i >= len(p.Txs) {
return nil
return &p.Txs[i]
// GetTxByTxIndex returns ParsedTx by tx index
func (p *ParsedTxs) GetTxByTxIndex(txIndex int) *ParsedTx {
if len(p.Txs) == 0 {
return nil
// assuming the `EthTxIndex` increase continuously,
// convert TxIndex to MsgIndex by subtract the begin TxIndex.
msgIndex := txIndex - int(p.Txs[0].EthTxIndex)
// GetTxByMsgIndex will check the bound
return p.GetTxByMsgIndex(msgIndex)
// AccumulativeGasUsed calculates the accumulated gas used within the batch of txs
func (p *ParsedTxs) AccumulativeGasUsed(msgIndex int) (result uint64) {
for i := 0; i <= msgIndex; i++ {
result += p.Txs[i].GasUsed
return result
// fillTxAttribute parse attributes by name, less efficient than hardcode the index, but more stable against event
// format changes.
func fillTxAttribute(tx *ParsedTx, key []byte, value []byte) error {
switch string(key) {
case evmtypes.AttributeKeyEthereumTxHash:
tx.Hash = common.HexToHash(string(value))
case evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxIndex:
txIndex, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(value), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
tx.EthTxIndex = txIndex
case evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxGasUsed:
gasUsed, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(value), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
tx.GasUsed = uint64(gasUsed)
case evmtypes.AttributeKeyEthereumTxFailed:
tx.Failed = len(value) > 0
return nil
func fillTxAttributes(tx *ParsedTx, attrs []abci.EventAttribute) error {
for _, attr := range attrs {
if err := fillTxAttribute(tx, attr.Key, attr.Value); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func parseRawLogs(attrs []abci.EventAttribute) (logs [][]byte) {
for _, attr := range attrs {
logs = append(logs, attr.Value)
return logs

rpc/types/events_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
package types
import (
abci "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/types"
evmtypes "github.com/tharsis/ethermint/x/evm/types"
func TestParseTxResult(t *testing.T) {
rawLogs := [][]byte{
address := "0x57f96e6B86CdeFdB3d412547816a82E3E0EbF9D2"
txHash := common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(1))
txHash2 := common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(2))
testCases := []struct {
name string
response abci.ResponseDeliverTx
expTxs []*ParsedTx // expected parse result, nil means expect error.
{"format 1 events",
GasUsed: 21000,
Events: []abci.Event{
{Type: "coin_received", Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("receiver"), Value: []byte("ethm12luku6uxehhak02py4rcz65zu0swh7wjun6msa")},
{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("1252860basetcro")},
{Type: "coin_spent", Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("spender"), Value: []byte("ethm17xpfvakm2amg962yls6f84z3kell8c5lthdzgl")},
{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("1252860basetcro")},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeEthereumTx, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("ethereumTxHash"), Value: []byte(txHash.Hex())},
{Key: []byte("txIndex"), Value: []byte("10")},
{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("1000")},
{Key: []byte("txGasUsed"), Value: []byte("21000")},
{Key: []byte("txHash"), Value: []byte("14A84ED06282645EFBF080E0B7ED80D8D8D6A36337668A12B5F229F81CDD3F57")},
{Key: []byte("recipient"), Value: []byte("0x775b87ef5D82ca211811C1a02CE0fE0CA3a455d7")},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeTxLog, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte(evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxLog), Value: rawLogs[0]},
{Key: []byte(evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxLog), Value: rawLogs[1]},
{Key: []byte(evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxLog), Value: rawLogs[2]},
{Type: "message", Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("action"), Value: []byte("/ethermint.evm.v1.MsgEthereumTx")},
{Key: []byte("key"), Value: []byte("ethm17xpfvakm2amg962yls6f84z3kell8c5lthdzgl")},
{Key: []byte("module"), Value: []byte("evm")},
{Key: []byte("sender"), Value: []byte(address)},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeEthereumTx, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("ethereumTxHash"), Value: []byte(txHash2.Hex())},
{Key: []byte("txIndex"), Value: []byte("11")},
{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("1000")},
{Key: []byte("txGasUsed"), Value: []byte("21000")},
{Key: []byte("txHash"), Value: []byte("14A84ED06282645EFBF080E0B7ED80D8D8D6A36337668A12B5F229F81CDD3F57")},
{Key: []byte("recipient"), Value: []byte("0x775b87ef5D82ca211811C1a02CE0fE0CA3a455d7")},
{Key: []byte("ethereumTxFailed"), Value: []byte("contract reverted")},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeTxLog, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{}},
MsgIndex: 0,
Hash: txHash,
EthTxIndex: 10,
GasUsed: 21000,
Failed: false,
RawLogs: rawLogs,
MsgIndex: 1,
Hash: txHash2,
EthTxIndex: 11,
GasUsed: 21000,
Failed: true,
RawLogs: nil,
{"format 2 events",
GasUsed: 21000,
Events: []abci.Event{
{Type: "coin_received", Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("receiver"), Value: []byte("ethm12luku6uxehhak02py4rcz65zu0swh7wjun6msa")},
{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("1252860basetcro")},
{Type: "coin_spent", Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("spender"), Value: []byte("ethm17xpfvakm2amg962yls6f84z3kell8c5lthdzgl")},
{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("1252860basetcro")},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeEthereumTx, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("ethereumTxHash"), Value: []byte(txHash.Hex())},
{Key: []byte("txIndex"), Value: []byte("0")},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeEthereumTx, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("1000")},
{Key: []byte("txGasUsed"), Value: []byte("21000")},
{Key: []byte("txHash"), Value: []byte("14A84ED06282645EFBF080E0B7ED80D8D8D6A36337668A12B5F229F81CDD3F57")},
{Key: []byte("recipient"), Value: []byte("0x775b87ef5D82ca211811C1a02CE0fE0CA3a455d7")},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeTxLog, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte(evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxLog), Value: rawLogs[0]},
{Key: []byte(evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxLog), Value: rawLogs[1]},
{Key: []byte(evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxLog), Value: rawLogs[2]},
{Type: "message", Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("action"), Value: []byte("/ethermint.evm.v1.MsgEthereumTx")},
{Key: []byte("key"), Value: []byte("ethm17xpfvakm2amg962yls6f84z3kell8c5lthdzgl")},
{Key: []byte("module"), Value: []byte("evm")},
{Key: []byte("sender"), Value: []byte(address)},
MsgIndex: 0,
Hash: txHash,
EthTxIndex: 0,
GasUsed: 21000,
Failed: false,
RawLogs: rawLogs,
{"format 1 events, failed",
GasUsed: 21000,
Events: []abci.Event{
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeEthereumTx, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("ethereumTxHash"), Value: []byte(txHash.Hex())},
{Key: []byte("txIndex"), Value: []byte("10")},
{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("1000")},
{Key: []byte("txGasUsed"), Value: []byte("21000")},
{Key: []byte("txHash"), Value: []byte("14A84ED06282645EFBF080E0B7ED80D8D8D6A36337668A12B5F229F81CDD3F57")},
{Key: []byte("recipient"), Value: []byte("0x775b87ef5D82ca211811C1a02CE0fE0CA3a455d7")},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeTxLog, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte(evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxLog), Value: rawLogs[0]},
{Key: []byte(evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxLog), Value: rawLogs[1]},
{Key: []byte(evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxLog), Value: rawLogs[2]},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeEthereumTx, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("ethereumTxHash"), Value: []byte(txHash2.Hex())},
{Key: []byte("txIndex"), Value: []byte("0x01")},
{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("1000")},
{Key: []byte("txGasUsed"), Value: []byte("21000")},
{Key: []byte("txHash"), Value: []byte("14A84ED06282645EFBF080E0B7ED80D8D8D6A36337668A12B5F229F81CDD3F57")},
{Key: []byte("recipient"), Value: []byte("0x775b87ef5D82ca211811C1a02CE0fE0CA3a455d7")},
{Key: []byte("ethereumTxFailed"), Value: []byte("contract reverted")},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeTxLog, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{}},
{"format 1 events, failed",
GasUsed: 21000,
Events: []abci.Event{
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeEthereumTx, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("ethereumTxHash"), Value: []byte(txHash.Hex())},
{Key: []byte("txIndex"), Value: []byte("10")},
{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("1000")},
{Key: []byte("txGasUsed"), Value: []byte("21000")},
{Key: []byte("txHash"), Value: []byte("14A84ED06282645EFBF080E0B7ED80D8D8D6A36337668A12B5F229F81CDD3F57")},
{Key: []byte("recipient"), Value: []byte("0x775b87ef5D82ca211811C1a02CE0fE0CA3a455d7")},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeTxLog, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte(evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxLog), Value: rawLogs[0]},
{Key: []byte(evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxLog), Value: rawLogs[1]},
{Key: []byte(evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxLog), Value: rawLogs[2]},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeEthereumTx, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("ethereumTxHash"), Value: []byte(txHash2.Hex())},
{Key: []byte("txIndex"), Value: []byte("10")},
{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("1000")},
{Key: []byte("txGasUsed"), Value: []byte("0x01")},
{Key: []byte("txHash"), Value: []byte("14A84ED06282645EFBF080E0B7ED80D8D8D6A36337668A12B5F229F81CDD3F57")},
{Key: []byte("recipient"), Value: []byte("0x775b87ef5D82ca211811C1a02CE0fE0CA3a455d7")},
{Key: []byte("ethereumTxFailed"), Value: []byte("contract reverted")},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeTxLog, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{}},
{"format 2 events failed",
GasUsed: 21000,
Events: []abci.Event{
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeEthereumTx, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("ethereumTxHash"), Value: []byte(txHash.Hex())},
{Key: []byte("txIndex"), Value: []byte("0x01")},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeEthereumTx, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("1000")},
{Key: []byte("txGasUsed"), Value: []byte("21000")},
{Key: []byte("txHash"), Value: []byte("14A84ED06282645EFBF080E0B7ED80D8D8D6A36337668A12B5F229F81CDD3F57")},
{Key: []byte("recipient"), Value: []byte("0x775b87ef5D82ca211811C1a02CE0fE0CA3a455d7")},
{"format 2 events failed",
GasUsed: 21000,
Events: []abci.Event{
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeEthereumTx, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("ethereumTxHash"), Value: []byte(txHash.Hex())},
{Key: []byte("txIndex"), Value: []byte("10")},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeEthereumTx, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("1000")},
{Key: []byte("txGasUsed"), Value: []byte("0x01")},
{Key: []byte("txHash"), Value: []byte("14A84ED06282645EFBF080E0B7ED80D8D8D6A36337668A12B5F229F81CDD3F57")},
{Key: []byte("recipient"), Value: []byte("0x775b87ef5D82ca211811C1a02CE0fE0CA3a455d7")},
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
parsed, err := ParseTxResult(&tc.response)
if tc.expTxs == nil {
require.Error(t, err)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
for msgIndex, expTx := range tc.expTxs {
require.Equal(t, expTx, parsed.GetTxByMsgIndex(msgIndex))
require.Equal(t, expTx, parsed.GetTxByHash(expTx.Hash))
require.Equal(t, expTx, parsed.GetTxByTxIndex(int(expTx.EthTxIndex)))
_, err := expTx.ParseTxLogs()
require.NoError(t, err)
// non-exists tx hash
require.Nil(t, parsed.GetTxByHash(common.Hash{}))
// out of range
require.Nil(t, parsed.GetTxByMsgIndex(len(tc.expTxs)))
require.Nil(t, parsed.GetTxByTxIndex(99999999))
func TestParseTxLogs(t *testing.T) {
rawLogs := [][]byte{
address := "0x57f96e6B86CdeFdB3d412547816a82E3E0EbF9D2"
txHash := common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(1))
txHash2 := common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(2))
response := abci.ResponseDeliverTx{
GasUsed: 21000,
Events: []abci.Event{
{Type: "coin_received", Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("receiver"), Value: []byte("ethm12luku6uxehhak02py4rcz65zu0swh7wjun6msa")},
{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("1252860basetcro")},
{Type: "coin_spent", Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("spender"), Value: []byte("ethm17xpfvakm2amg962yls6f84z3kell8c5lthdzgl")},
{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("1252860basetcro")},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeEthereumTx, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("ethereumTxHash"), Value: []byte(txHash.Hex())},
{Key: []byte("txIndex"), Value: []byte("10")},
{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("1000")},
{Key: []byte("txGasUsed"), Value: []byte("21000")},
{Key: []byte("txHash"), Value: []byte("14A84ED06282645EFBF080E0B7ED80D8D8D6A36337668A12B5F229F81CDD3F57")},
{Key: []byte("recipient"), Value: []byte("0x775b87ef5D82ca211811C1a02CE0fE0CA3a455d7")},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeTxLog, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte(evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxLog), Value: rawLogs[0]},
{Key: []byte(evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxLog), Value: rawLogs[1]},
{Key: []byte(evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxLog), Value: rawLogs[2]},
{Type: "message", Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("action"), Value: []byte("/ethermint.evm.v1.MsgEthereumTx")},
{Key: []byte("key"), Value: []byte("ethm17xpfvakm2amg962yls6f84z3kell8c5lthdzgl")},
{Key: []byte("module"), Value: []byte("evm")},
{Key: []byte("sender"), Value: []byte(address)},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeEthereumTx, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{
{Key: []byte("ethereumTxHash"), Value: []byte(txHash2.Hex())},
{Key: []byte("txIndex"), Value: []byte("11")},
{Key: []byte("amount"), Value: []byte("1000")},
{Key: []byte("txGasUsed"), Value: []byte("21000")},
{Key: []byte("txHash"), Value: []byte("14A84ED06282645EFBF080E0B7ED80D8D8D6A36337668A12B5F229F81CDD3F57")},
{Key: []byte("recipient"), Value: []byte("0x775b87ef5D82ca211811C1a02CE0fE0CA3a455d7")},
{Key: []byte("ethereumTxFailed"), Value: []byte("contract reverted")},
{Type: evmtypes.EventTypeTxLog, Attributes: []abci.EventAttribute{}},
parsed, err := ParseTxResult(&response)
require.NoError(t, err)
tx1 := parsed.GetTxByMsgIndex(0)
txLogs1, err := tx1.ParseTxLogs()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEmpty(t, txLogs1)
tx2 := parsed.GetTxByMsgIndex(1)
txLogs2, err := tx2.ParseTxLogs()
require.Empty(t, txLogs2)

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import (
abci "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/types"
tmtypes "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
@ -222,106 +221,3 @@ func BaseFeeFromEvents(events []abci.Event) *big.Int {
return nil
// FindTxAttributes returns the msg index of the eth tx in cosmos tx, and the attributes,
// returns -1 and nil if not found.
func FindTxAttributes(events []abci.Event, txHash string) (int, map[string]string) {
msgIndex := -1
for _, event := range events {
if event.Type != evmtypes.EventTypeEthereumTx {
value := FindAttribute(event.Attributes, []byte(evmtypes.AttributeKeyEthereumTxHash))
if !bytes.Equal(value, []byte(txHash)) {
// found, convert attributes to map for later lookup
attrs := make(map[string]string, len(event.Attributes))
for _, attr := range event.Attributes {
attrs[string(attr.Key)] = string(attr.Value)
return msgIndex, attrs
// not found
return -1, nil
// FindTxAttributesByIndex search the msg in tx events by txIndex
// returns the msgIndex, returns -1 if not found.
func FindTxAttributesByIndex(events []abci.Event, txIndex uint64) int {
strIndex := []byte(strconv.FormatUint(txIndex, 10))
txIndexKey := []byte(evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxIndex)
msgIndex := -1
for _, event := range events {
if event.Type != evmtypes.EventTypeEthereumTx {
value := FindAttribute(event.Attributes, txIndexKey)
if !bytes.Equal(value, strIndex) {
// found, convert attributes to map for later lookup
return msgIndex
// not found
return -1
// FindAttribute find event attribute with specified key, if not found returns nil.
func FindAttribute(attrs []abci.EventAttribute, key []byte) []byte {
for _, attr := range attrs {
if !bytes.Equal(attr.Key, key) {
return attr.Value
return nil
// GetUint64Attribute parses the uint64 value from event attributes
func GetUint64Attribute(attrs map[string]string, key string) (uint64, error) {
value, found := attrs[key]
if !found {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("tx index attribute not found: %s", key)
var result int64
result, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if result < 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("negative tx index: %d", result)
return uint64(result), nil
// AccumulativeGasUsedOfMsg accumulate the gas used by msgs before `msgIndex`.
func AccumulativeGasUsedOfMsg(events []abci.Event, msgIndex int) (gasUsed uint64) {
for _, event := range events {
if event.Type != evmtypes.EventTypeEthereumTx {
if msgIndex < 0 {
value := FindAttribute(event.Attributes, []byte(evmtypes.AttributeKeyTxGasUsed))
var result int64
result, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(value), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
gasUsed += uint64(result)

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ func AddCommands(rootCmd *cobra.Command, defaultNodeHome string, appCreator type
sdkserver.ExportCmd(appExport, defaultNodeHome),
sdkserver.NewRollbackCmd(appCreator, defaultNodeHome),