[Remix](http://remix.ethereum.org/) is an in-browser IDE for [Solidity](https://github.com/ethereum/solidity) smart contracts. In this guide, we will learn how to deploy a contract to a running Ethermint network through Remix and interact with it.
First, follow the steps in the [Metamask guide](./../wallets/metamask.md) to import your Ethermint private key into Metamask. Start the Ethermint daemon and rest server.
Once that is complete, go to [Remix](http://remix.ethereum.org/). There are some contracts in the File Explorer. Select any of these contracts. In this example, we use `Counter.sol` from the [Truffle](./truffle.md) guide. On the left-most bar, select the Solidity Compiler and compile the contract.
Next, select the `Deploy and Run` option. Select `injected web3` as the environment. This will open a metamask popup for you to confirm connecting your Metamask to Remix. Hit confirm.
Now that your account is connected, you are able to deploy the contract. Press the `Deploy` button. A metamask pop-up will appear asking you to confirm. Confirm the transaction. You should see a log for the deployment transaction in the ethermint daemon logs:
Once the contract has been successfully deployed, you will see it show up in the `Deployed Contracts` section in the left-hand side, as well as a green check in the Remix console showing the transaction details.
Now, you are able to interact with the contract through Remix. For `Counter.sol`, click `add`. This will open a Metamask pop-up asking you to confirm. Confirm the transaction. Then, click `getCounter` to get the count, which should be `1`.