* (rpc, evm) [tharsis#81](https://github.com/tharsis/ethermint/pull/81) Remove tx `Receipt` from store and replace it with fields obtained from the Tendermint RPC client.
* (eth) [\#845](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/845) The `eth` namespace must be included in the list of API's as default to run the rpc server without error.
* (rpc) [tharsis#258](https://github.com/tharsis/ethermint/pull/258) Return empty `BloomFilter` instead of throwing an error when it cannot be found (`nil` or empty).
* (deps) [tharsis#165](https://github.com/tharsis/ethermint/pull/165), [tharsis#298](https://github.com/tharsis/ethermint/pull/298) Bump Cosmos SDK and Tendermint versions to [v0.43.0-rc1](https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/releases/tag/v0.43.0-rc1) and [v0.34.11](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/releases/tag/v0.34.11), respectively.
* (evm) [tharsis#24](https://github.com/tharsis/ethermint/pull/24) Implement metrics for `MsgEthereumTx`, state transitions, `BeginBlock` and `EndBlock`.
* (rpc) [#377](https://github.com/tharsis/ethermint/pull/377) Implement `miner_` namespace. `miner_setEtherbase` and `miner_setGasPrice` are working as intended. All the other calls are not applicable and return `unsupported`.
* (keys) [tharsis#346](https://github.com/tharsis/ethermint/pull/346) Fix `keys add` command with `--ledger` flag for the `secp256k1` signing algorithm.
* (faucet) [\#678](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/678) Faucet module has been removed in favor of client libraries such as [`@cosmjs/faucet`](https://github.com/cosmos/cosmjs/tree/master/packages/faucet).
* (evm) [\#670](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/670) Migrate types to the ones defined by the protobuf messages, which are required for the stargate release.
* (evm) [\#687](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/issues/687) Fix nonce check to explicitly check for the correct nonce, rather than a simple 'greater than' comparison.
* (api) [\#687](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/issues/687) Returns error for a transaction with an incorrect nonce.
* (evm) [\#674](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/issues/674) Reset all cache after account data has been committed in `EndBlock` to make sure every node state consistent.
* (evm) [\#672](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/issues/672) Fix panic of `wrong Block.Header.AppHash` when restart a node with snapshot.
* (api) [\#821](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/821) Individually enable the api modules. Will be implemented in the latest version of ethermint with the upcoming stargate upgrade.
* (api) [\#825](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/825) Individually enable the api modules. Will be implemented in the latest version of ethermint with the upcoming stargate upgrade.
* (rpc) [\#571](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/571) Add pending queries to JSON-RPC calls. This allows for the querying of pending transactions and other relevant information that pertains to the pending state:
*`eth_sendTransaction` - the nonce will automatically update to its pending nonce (when none is explicitly provided)
* (deps) [\#654](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/654) Bump go-ethereum version to [v1.9.25](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/releases/tag/v1.9.25)
* (evm) [\#618](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/issues/618) Add missing EVM `Context``GetHash` field that retrieves a the header hash from a given block height.
* (deps) [\#610](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/610) Update Go dependency to 1.15+.
* (evm) [#603](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/603) Add state transition params that enable or disable the EVM `Call` and `Create` operations.
* (deps) [\#602](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/602) Bump tendermint version to [v0.33.9](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/releases/tag/v0.33.9)
* (deps) [\#594](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/594) Bump go-ethereum version to [v1.9.24](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/releases/tag/v1.9.24)
* (evm) [\#583](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/583) Fixes incorrect resetting of tx count and block bloom during `BeginBlock`, as well as gas consumption.
* (crypto) [\#577](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/577) Fix `BIP44HDPath` that did not prepend `m/` to the path. This now uses the `DefaultBaseDerivationPath` variable from go-ethereum to ensure addresses are consistent.
* (app/ante) [\#550](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/550) Update ante handler nonce verification to accept any nonce greater than or equal to the expected nonce to allow to successive transactions.
* (app) [\#540](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/issues/540) Chain identifier's format has been changed to match the Cosmos `chainID` [standard](https://github.com/ChainAgnostic/CAIPs/blob/master/CAIPs/caip-5.md), which is required for IBC. The epoch number of the ID is used as the EVM `chainID`.
* (types) [\#503](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/503) The `types.DenomDefault` constant for `"aphoton"` has been renamed to `types.AttoPhoton`.
* (types) [\#504](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/504) Unmarshal a JSON `EthAccount` using an Ethereum hex address in addition to Bech32.
* (types) [\#503](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/503) Add `--coin-denom` flag to testnet command that sets the given coin denomination to SDK and Ethermint parameters.
* (types) [\#502](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/502) `EthAccount` now also exposes the Ethereum hex address in `string` format to clients.
* (types) [\#494](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/494) Update `EthAccount` public key JSON type to `string`.
* (app) [\#471](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/471) Add `x/upgrade` module for managing software updates.
* (`x/evm`) [\#458](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/458) Define parameter for token denomination used for the EVM module.
* (`x/evm`) [\#443](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/issues/443) Support custom Ethereum `ChainConfig` params.
* (types) [\#434](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/issues/434) Update default denomination to Atto Photon (`aphoton`).
* (types) [\#515](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/515) Update minimum gas price to be 1.
* (ante) [\#525](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/525) Add message validation decorator to `AnteHandler` for `MsgEthereumTx`.
* (types) [\#507](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/507) Fix hardcoded `aphoton` on `EthAccount` balance getter and setter.
* (types) [\#501](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/501) Fix bech32 encoding error by using the compressed ethereum secp256k1 public key.
* (`x/evm`) [\#496](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/496) Fix bugs on `journal.revert` and `CommitStateDB.Copy`.
* (types) [\#480](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/480) Update [BIP44](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0044.mediawiki) coin type to `60` to satisfy [EIP84](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/84).
* (types) [\#513](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/513) Fix simulated transaction bug that was causing a consensus error by unintentionally affecting the state.
* (sdk) [\#386](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/386) Bump Cosmos SDK version to [v0.39.1](https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/releases/tag/v0.39.1)
* (`x/evm`) [\#181](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/issues/181) Updated EVM module to the recommended module structure.
* (rpc) [\#330](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/issues/330) Implement `PublicFilterAPI`'s `EventSystem` which subscribes to Tendermint events upon `Filter` creation.
* (rpc) [\#231](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/issues/231) Implement `NewBlockFilter` in rpc/filters.go which instantiates a polling block filter
* Polls for new blocks via `BlockNumber` rpc call; if block number changes, it requests the new block via `GetBlockByNumber` rpc call and adds it to its internal list of blocks
* For a given filter, look through each block for transactions. If there are transactions in the block, get the logs from it, and filter using the filterLogs method
*`eth_getLogs` and `eth_getFilterChanges` for log filters use the same underlying method as `eth_getFilterLogs`
* update `HandleMsgEthereumTx` to store logs using the ethereum hash
* (rpc) [\#305](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/issues/305) Update `eth_getTransactionCount` to check for account existence before getting sequence and return 0 as the nonce if it doesn't exist.
* (`x/evm`) [\#319](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/pull/319) Fix `SetBlockHash` that was setting the incorrect height during `BeginBlock`.
* (`x/evm`) [\#176](https://github.com/cosmos/ethermint/issues/176) Updated Web3 transaction hash from using RLP hash. Now all transaction hashes exposed are amino hashes: