553 lines
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553 lines
17 KiB
package keeper
import (
wasmvmtypes "github.com/CosmWasm/wasmvm/types"
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
// test handing of submessages, very closely related to the reflect_test
// Try a simple send, no gas limit to for a sanity check before trying table tests
func TestDispatchSubMsgSuccessCase(t *testing.T) {
ctx, keepers := CreateTestInput(t, false, ReflectFeatures)
accKeeper, keeper, bankKeeper := keepers.AccountKeeper, keepers.WasmKeeper, keepers.BankKeeper
deposit := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewInt64Coin("denom", 100000))
contractStart := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewInt64Coin("denom", 40000))
creator := keepers.Faucet.NewFundedRandomAccount(ctx, deposit...)
creatorBalance := deposit.Sub(contractStart)
_, _, fred := keyPubAddr()
// upload code
codeID, _, err := keepers.ContractKeeper.Create(ctx, creator, testdata.ReflectContractWasm(), nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint64(1), codeID)
// creator instantiates a contract and gives it tokens
contractAddr, _, err := keepers.ContractKeeper.Instantiate(ctx, codeID, creator, nil, []byte("{}"), "reflect contract 1", contractStart)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEmpty(t, contractAddr)
// check some account values
checkAccount(t, ctx, accKeeper, bankKeeper, contractAddr, contractStart)
checkAccount(t, ctx, accKeeper, bankKeeper, creator, creatorBalance)
checkAccount(t, ctx, accKeeper, bankKeeper, fred, nil)
// creator can send contract's tokens to fred (using SendMsg)
msg := wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg{
Bank: &wasmvmtypes.BankMsg{
Send: &wasmvmtypes.SendMsg{
ToAddress: fred.String(),
Amount: []wasmvmtypes.Coin{{
Denom: "denom",
Amount: "15000",
reflectSend := testdata.ReflectHandleMsg{
ReflectSubMsg: &testdata.ReflectSubPayload{
Msgs: []wasmvmtypes.SubMsg{{
ID: 7,
Msg: msg,
ReplyOn: wasmvmtypes.ReplyAlways,
reflectSendBz, err := json.Marshal(reflectSend)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = keepers.ContractKeeper.Execute(ctx, contractAddr, creator, reflectSendBz, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// fred got coins
checkAccount(t, ctx, accKeeper, bankKeeper, fred, sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewInt64Coin("denom", 15000)))
// contract lost them
checkAccount(t, ctx, accKeeper, bankKeeper, contractAddr, sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewInt64Coin("denom", 25000)))
checkAccount(t, ctx, accKeeper, bankKeeper, creator, creatorBalance)
// query the reflect state to ensure the result was stored
query := testdata.ReflectQueryMsg{
SubMsgResult: &testdata.SubCall{ID: 7},
queryBz, err := json.Marshal(query)
require.NoError(t, err)
queryRes, err := keeper.QuerySmart(ctx, contractAddr, queryBz)
require.NoError(t, err)
var res wasmvmtypes.Reply
err = json.Unmarshal(queryRes, &res)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint64(7), res.ID)
assert.Empty(t, res.Result.Err)
require.NotNil(t, res.Result.Ok)
sub := res.Result.Ok
assert.Empty(t, sub.Data)
// as of v0.28.0 we strip out all events that don't come from wasm contracts. can't trust the sdk.
require.Len(t, sub.Events, 0)
func TestDispatchSubMsgErrorHandling(t *testing.T) {
fundedDenom := "funds"
fundedAmount := 1_000_000
ctxGasLimit := uint64(1_000_000)
subGasLimit := uint64(300_000)
// prep - create one chain and upload the code
ctx, keepers := CreateTestInput(t, false, ReflectFeatures)
ctx = ctx.WithGasMeter(sdk.NewInfiniteGasMeter())
ctx = ctx.WithBlockGasMeter(sdk.NewInfiniteGasMeter())
keeper := keepers.WasmKeeper
contractStart := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewInt64Coin(fundedDenom, int64(fundedAmount)))
uploader := keepers.Faucet.NewFundedRandomAccount(ctx, contractStart.Add(contractStart...)...)
// upload code
reflectID, _, err := keepers.ContractKeeper.Create(ctx, uploader, testdata.ReflectContractWasm(), nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// create hackatom contract for testing (for infinite loop)
hackatomCode, err := os.ReadFile("./testdata/hackatom.wasm")
require.NoError(t, err)
hackatomID, _, err := keepers.ContractKeeper.Create(ctx, uploader, hackatomCode, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, _, bob := keyPubAddr()
_, _, fred := keyPubAddr()
initMsg := HackatomExampleInitMsg{
Verifier: fred,
Beneficiary: bob,
initMsgBz, err := json.Marshal(initMsg)
require.NoError(t, err)
hackatomAddr, _, err := keepers.ContractKeeper.Instantiate(ctx, hackatomID, uploader, nil, initMsgBz, "hackatom demo", contractStart)
require.NoError(t, err)
validBankSend := func(contract, emptyAccount string) wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg {
return wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg{
Bank: &wasmvmtypes.BankMsg{
Send: &wasmvmtypes.SendMsg{
ToAddress: emptyAccount,
Amount: []wasmvmtypes.Coin{{
Denom: fundedDenom,
Amount: strconv.Itoa(fundedAmount / 2),
invalidBankSend := func(contract, emptyAccount string) wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg {
return wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg{
Bank: &wasmvmtypes.BankMsg{
Send: &wasmvmtypes.SendMsg{
ToAddress: emptyAccount,
Amount: []wasmvmtypes.Coin{{
Denom: fundedDenom,
Amount: strconv.Itoa(fundedAmount * 2),
infiniteLoop := func(contract, emptyAccount string) wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg {
return wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg{
Wasm: &wasmvmtypes.WasmMsg{
Execute: &wasmvmtypes.ExecuteMsg{
ContractAddr: hackatomAddr.String(),
Msg: []byte(`{"cpu_loop":{}}`),
instantiateContract := func(contract, emptyAccount string) wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg {
return wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg{
Wasm: &wasmvmtypes.WasmMsg{
Instantiate: &wasmvmtypes.InstantiateMsg{
CodeID: reflectID,
Msg: []byte("{}"),
Label: "subcall reflect",
type assertion func(t *testing.T, ctx sdk.Context, contract, emptyAccount string, response wasmvmtypes.SubMsgResult)
assertReturnedEvents := func(expectedEvents int) assertion {
return func(t *testing.T, ctx sdk.Context, contract, emptyAccount string, response wasmvmtypes.SubMsgResult) {
require.Len(t, response.Ok.Events, expectedEvents)
assertGasUsed := func(minGas, maxGas uint64) assertion {
return func(t *testing.T, ctx sdk.Context, contract, emptyAccount string, response wasmvmtypes.SubMsgResult) {
gasUsed := ctx.GasMeter().GasConsumed()
assert.True(t, gasUsed >= minGas, "Used %d gas (less than expected %d)", gasUsed, minGas)
assert.True(t, gasUsed <= maxGas, "Used %d gas (more than expected %d)", gasUsed, maxGas)
assertErrorString := func(shouldContain string) assertion {
return func(t *testing.T, ctx sdk.Context, contract, emptyAccount string, response wasmvmtypes.SubMsgResult) {
assert.Contains(t, response.Err, shouldContain)
assertGotContractAddr := func(t *testing.T, ctx sdk.Context, contract, emptyAccount string, response wasmvmtypes.SubMsgResult) {
// should get the events emitted on new contract
event := response.Ok.Events[0]
require.Equal(t, event.Type, "instantiate")
assert.Equal(t, event.Attributes[0].Key, "_contract_address")
eventAddr := event.Attributes[0].Value
assert.NotEqual(t, contract, eventAddr)
var res types.MsgInstantiateContractResponse
keepers.EncodingConfig.Marshaler.MustUnmarshal(response.Ok.Data, &res)
assert.Equal(t, eventAddr, res.Address)
cases := map[string]struct {
submsgID uint64
// we will generate message from the
msg func(contract, emptyAccount string) wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg
gasLimit *uint64
// true if we expect this to throw out of gas panic
isOutOfGasPanic bool
// true if we expect this execute to return an error (can be false when submessage errors)
executeError bool
// true if we expect submessage to return an error (but execute to return success)
subMsgError bool
// make assertions after dispatch
resultAssertions []assertion
"send tokens": {
submsgID: 5,
msg: validBankSend,
resultAssertions: []assertion{assertReturnedEvents(0), assertGasUsed(95000, 96000)},
"not enough tokens": {
submsgID: 6,
msg: invalidBankSend,
subMsgError: true,
// uses less gas than the send tokens (cost of bank transfer)
resultAssertions: []assertion{assertGasUsed(76000, 79000), assertErrorString("codespace: sdk, code: 5")},
"out of gas panic with no gas limit": {
submsgID: 7,
msg: infiniteLoop,
isOutOfGasPanic: true,
"send tokens with limit": {
submsgID: 15,
msg: validBankSend,
gasLimit: &subGasLimit,
// uses same gas as call without limit (note we do not charge the 40k on reply)
resultAssertions: []assertion{assertReturnedEvents(0), assertGasUsed(95000, 96000)},
"not enough tokens with limit": {
submsgID: 16,
msg: invalidBankSend,
subMsgError: true,
gasLimit: &subGasLimit,
// uses same gas as call without limit (note we do not charge the 40k on reply)
resultAssertions: []assertion{assertGasUsed(77800, 77900), assertErrorString("codespace: sdk, code: 5")},
"out of gas caught with gas limit": {
submsgID: 17,
msg: infiniteLoop,
subMsgError: true,
gasLimit: &subGasLimit,
// uses all the subGasLimit, plus the 52k or so for the main contract
resultAssertions: []assertion{assertGasUsed(subGasLimit+73000, subGasLimit+74000), assertErrorString("codespace: sdk, code: 11")},
"instantiate contract gets address in data and events": {
submsgID: 21,
msg: instantiateContract,
resultAssertions: []assertion{assertReturnedEvents(1), assertGotContractAddr},
for name, tc := range cases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
creator := keepers.Faucet.NewFundedRandomAccount(ctx, contractStart...)
_, _, empty := keyPubAddr()
contractAddr, _, err := keepers.ContractKeeper.Instantiate(ctx, reflectID, creator, nil, []byte("{}"), fmt.Sprintf("contract %s", name), contractStart)
require.NoError(t, err)
msg := tc.msg(contractAddr.String(), empty.String())
reflectSend := testdata.ReflectHandleMsg{
ReflectSubMsg: &testdata.ReflectSubPayload{
Msgs: []wasmvmtypes.SubMsg{{
ID: tc.submsgID,
Msg: msg,
GasLimit: tc.gasLimit,
ReplyOn: wasmvmtypes.ReplyAlways,
reflectSendBz, err := json.Marshal(reflectSend)
require.NoError(t, err)
execCtx := ctx.WithGasMeter(sdk.NewGasMeter(ctxGasLimit))
defer func() {
if tc.isOutOfGasPanic {
r := recover()
require.NotNil(t, r, "expected panic")
if _, ok := r.(sdk.ErrorOutOfGas); !ok {
t.Fatalf("Expected OutOfGas panic, got: %#v\n", r)
_, err = keepers.ContractKeeper.Execute(execCtx, contractAddr, creator, reflectSendBz, nil)
if tc.executeError {
require.Error(t, err)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
// query the reply
query := testdata.ReflectQueryMsg{
SubMsgResult: &testdata.SubCall{ID: tc.submsgID},
queryBz, err := json.Marshal(query)
require.NoError(t, err)
queryRes, err := keeper.QuerySmart(ctx, contractAddr, queryBz)
require.NoError(t, err)
var res wasmvmtypes.Reply
err = json.Unmarshal(queryRes, &res)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tc.submsgID, res.ID)
if tc.subMsgError {
require.NotEmpty(t, res.Result.Err)
require.Nil(t, res.Result.Ok)
} else {
require.Empty(t, res.Result.Err)
require.NotNil(t, res.Result.Ok)
for _, assertion := range tc.resultAssertions {
assertion(t, execCtx, contractAddr.String(), empty.String(), res.Result)
// Test an error case, where the Encoded doesn't return any sdk.Msg and we trigger(ed) a null pointer exception.
// This occurs with the IBC encoder. Test this.
func TestDispatchSubMsgEncodeToNoSdkMsg(t *testing.T) {
// fake out the bank handle to return success with no data
nilEncoder := func(sender sdk.AccAddress, msg *wasmvmtypes.BankMsg) ([]sdk.Msg, error) {
return nil, nil
customEncoders := &MessageEncoders{
Bank: nilEncoder,
ctx, keepers := CreateTestInput(t, false, ReflectFeatures, WithMessageHandler(NewSDKMessageHandler(nil, customEncoders)))
keeper := keepers.WasmKeeper
deposit := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewInt64Coin("denom", 100000))
contractStart := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewInt64Coin("denom", 40000))
creator := keepers.Faucet.NewFundedRandomAccount(ctx, deposit...)
_, _, fred := keyPubAddr()
// upload code
codeID, _, err := keepers.ContractKeeper.Create(ctx, creator, testdata.ReflectContractWasm(), nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// creator instantiates a contract and gives it tokens
contractAddr, _, err := keepers.ContractKeeper.Instantiate(ctx, codeID, creator, nil, []byte("{}"), "reflect contract 1", contractStart)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEmpty(t, contractAddr)
// creator can send contract's tokens to fred (using SendMsg)
msg := wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg{
Bank: &wasmvmtypes.BankMsg{
Send: &wasmvmtypes.SendMsg{
ToAddress: fred.String(),
Amount: []wasmvmtypes.Coin{{
Denom: "denom",
Amount: "15000",
reflectSend := testdata.ReflectHandleMsg{
ReflectSubMsg: &testdata.ReflectSubPayload{
Msgs: []wasmvmtypes.SubMsg{{
ID: 7,
Msg: msg,
ReplyOn: wasmvmtypes.ReplyAlways,
reflectSendBz, err := json.Marshal(reflectSend)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = keepers.ContractKeeper.Execute(ctx, contractAddr, creator, reflectSendBz, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// query the reflect state to ensure the result was stored
query := testdata.ReflectQueryMsg{
SubMsgResult: &testdata.SubCall{ID: 7},
queryBz, err := json.Marshal(query)
require.NoError(t, err)
queryRes, err := keeper.QuerySmart(ctx, contractAddr, queryBz)
require.NoError(t, err)
var res wasmvmtypes.Reply
err = json.Unmarshal(queryRes, &res)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, uint64(7), res.ID)
assert.Empty(t, res.Result.Err)
require.NotNil(t, res.Result.Ok)
sub := res.Result.Ok
assert.Empty(t, sub.Data)
require.Len(t, sub.Events, 0)
// Try a simple send, no gas limit to for a sanity check before trying table tests
func TestDispatchSubMsgConditionalReplyOn(t *testing.T) {
ctx, keepers := CreateTestInput(t, false, ReflectFeatures)
keeper := keepers.WasmKeeper
deposit := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewInt64Coin("denom", 100000))
contractStart := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewInt64Coin("denom", 40000))
creator := keepers.Faucet.NewFundedRandomAccount(ctx, deposit...)
_, _, fred := keyPubAddr()
// upload code
codeID, _, err := keepers.ContractKeeper.Create(ctx, creator, testdata.ReflectContractWasm(), nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// creator instantiates a contract and gives it tokens
contractAddr, _, err := keepers.ContractKeeper.Instantiate(ctx, codeID, creator, nil, []byte("{}"), "reflect contract 1", contractStart)
require.NoError(t, err)
goodSend := wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg{
Bank: &wasmvmtypes.BankMsg{
Send: &wasmvmtypes.SendMsg{
ToAddress: fred.String(),
Amount: []wasmvmtypes.Coin{{
Denom: "denom",
Amount: "1000",
failSend := wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg{
Bank: &wasmvmtypes.BankMsg{
Send: &wasmvmtypes.SendMsg{
ToAddress: fred.String(),
Amount: []wasmvmtypes.Coin{{
Denom: "no-such-token",
Amount: "777777",
cases := map[string]struct {
// true for wasmvmtypes.ReplySuccess, false for wasmvmtypes.ReplyError
replyOnSuccess bool
msg wasmvmtypes.CosmosMsg
// true if the call should return an error (it wasn't handled)
expectError bool
// true if the reflect contract wrote the response (success or error) - it was captured
writeResult bool
"all good, reply success": {
replyOnSuccess: true,
msg: goodSend,
expectError: false,
writeResult: true,
"all good, reply error": {
replyOnSuccess: false,
msg: goodSend,
expectError: false,
writeResult: false,
"bad msg, reply success": {
replyOnSuccess: true,
msg: failSend,
expectError: true,
writeResult: false,
"bad msg, reply error": {
replyOnSuccess: false,
msg: failSend,
expectError: false,
writeResult: true,
var id uint64 = 0
for name, tc := range cases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
subMsg := wasmvmtypes.SubMsg{
ID: id,
Msg: tc.msg,
ReplyOn: wasmvmtypes.ReplySuccess,
if !tc.replyOnSuccess {
subMsg.ReplyOn = wasmvmtypes.ReplyError
reflectSend := testdata.ReflectHandleMsg{
ReflectSubMsg: &testdata.ReflectSubPayload{
Msgs: []wasmvmtypes.SubMsg{subMsg},
reflectSendBz, err := json.Marshal(reflectSend)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = keepers.ContractKeeper.Execute(ctx, contractAddr, creator, reflectSendBz, nil)
if tc.expectError {
require.Error(t, err)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
// query the reflect state to check if the result was stored
query := testdata.ReflectQueryMsg{
SubMsgResult: &testdata.SubCall{ID: id},
queryBz, err := json.Marshal(query)
require.NoError(t, err)
queryRes, err := keeper.QuerySmart(ctx, contractAddr, queryBz)
if tc.writeResult {
// we got some data for this call
require.NoError(t, err)
var res wasmvmtypes.Reply
err = json.Unmarshal(queryRes, &res)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, id, res.ID)
} else {
// nothing should be there -> error
require.Error(t, err)