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# Setting up a Genesis Validator for Vulcanize Ethermint Testnet (ethermint_9000-1)
#### Supported
- **Operating System (OS):** Ubuntu 20.04
- **CPU:** 1 core
- **RAM:** 2GB
- **Storage:** 25GB SSD
#### Recommended
- **Operating System (OS):** Ubuntu 20.04
- **CPU:** 2 core
- **RAM:** 4GB
- **Storage:** 50GB SSD
# A) Setup
## 1) Install Golang (go)
1.1) Remove any existing installation of `go`
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
1.2) Install latest/required Go version (installing `go1.16.7`)
curl https://dl.google.com/go/go1.16.7.linux-amd64.tar.gz | sudo tar -C/usr/local -zxvf -
1.3) Update env variables to include `go`
cat <<'EOF' >>$HOME/.profile
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export GO111MODULE=on
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin
source $HOME/.profile
1.4) Check the version of go installed
go version
### 2) Install required software packages
sudo apt-get install git curl build-essential make jq -y
### 3) Install `ethermint`
git clone https://github.com/vulcanize/ethermint.git
cd ethermint
git fetch --all
git checkout v0.1.0-dev
make install
### 4) Verify your installation
ethermintd version --long
On running the above command, you should see a similar response like this. Make sure that the *version* and *commit
hash* are accurate
name: ethermint
server_name: ethermintd
### 5) Initialize Node
**Not required if you have already initialized before**
ethermintd init <your-node-moniker> --chain-id ethermint_9000-1
On running the above command, node will be initialized with default configuration. (config files will be saved in node's
default home directory (~/.ethermintd/config)
NOTE: Backup node and validator keys . You will need to use these keys at a later point in time.
## 6) Create Account keys
if you have participated in previous testnet and have mnemonic phrase, use below command to recover your account
ethermintd keys add <key-name> --recover
to create new account
ethermintd keys add <key-name>
NOTE: Save `mnemonic` and related account details (public key). You will need to use the need mnemonic/private key to
recover accounts at a later point in time.
## 7) Add Genesis Account
ethermintd add-genesis-account <key-name> 50000000uwire
## 8) Create Your `gentx`
ethermintd gentx <key-name> 50000000uwire \
--pubkey=$(ethermintd tendermint show-validator) \
--chain-id="ethermint_9000-1" \
--moniker="my-moniker" \
--website="https://yourweb.site" \
--details="description of my validator" \
--commission-rate="0.10" \
--commission-max-rate="0.20" \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
- `<key-name>` and `chain-id` are required. other flags are optional
- Don't change amount value while creating your gentx
- Genesis transaction file will be saved in `~/.ethermintd/config/gentx` folder
## 9) Submit Your gentx
Submit your `gentx` file to the [testnets]() in the format of
NOTE: (Do NOT use space in the file name)
To submit the gentx file, follow the below process:
- Fork the [testnets]() repository
- Upload your gentx file in `ethermint_9000-1/gentxs` folder
- Submit Pull Request to [testnets]() with name `ADD <your-moniker> gentx`
**Execute below instructions only after publishing of final genesis file**
genesis file will be published to [testnets/ethermint_9000-1]()
# B) Starting the validator
## 3) Start the Node
#### 3.1) Start node as `systemctl` service
3.1.1) Create the service file Note: this step is not required if you did setup before
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/ethermintd.service > /dev/null <<EOF
Description=ethermintd Daemon
ExecStart=$(which ethermintd) start
3.1.2) Load service and start
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable ethermintd
sudo systemctl start ethermintd
3.1.3) Check status of service
sudo systemctl status ethermintd
A helpful command here is `journalctl` that can be used to:
a) check logs
journalctl -u ethermintd
b) most recent logs
journalctl -xeu ethermintd
c) logs from previous day
journalctl --since "1 day ago" -u ethermintd
d) Check logs with follow flag
journalctl -f -u ethermintd