import assert from 'assert'; import { Registry, Account } from './index'; import { getConfig } from './testing/helper'; jest.setTimeout(30 * 60 * 1000); const { chainId, restEndpoint, gqlEndpoint, privateKey, accountAddress, fee } = getConfig(); const auctionTests = (numBidders = 3) => { let registry: Registry; const accounts: { address: string, privateKey: string }[] = []; let auctionId: string; let authorityName: string; beforeAll(async () => { console.log('Running auction tests with num bidders', numBidders); registry = new Registry(restEndpoint, gqlEndpoint, chainId); }); test('Setup bidder accounts', async () => { for (let i = 0; i < numBidders; i++) { const mnenonic = Account.generateMnemonic(); const account = await Account.generateFromMnemonic(mnenonic); await account.init(); const bidderAddress = account.formattedCosmosAddress; assert(bidderAddress) await registry.sendCoins({ denom: 'uwire', amount: '1000000000', destinationAddress: bidderAddress }, accountAddress, privateKey, fee); accounts.push({ address: bidderAddress, privateKey: account.privateKey.toString('hex') }); } accounts.unshift({ address: accountAddress, privateKey }); }); test('Reserve authority.', async () => { authorityName = `dxos-${}`; await registry.reserveAuthority({ name: authorityName, owner: accounts[0].address }, accounts[0].address, accounts[0].privateKey, fee); }); test('Authority should be under auction.', async () => { const [record] = await registry.lookupAuthorities([authorityName], true); expect(record.ownerAddress).toEqual(''); expect(record.height).toBeDefined(); expect(record.status).toEqual('auction'); expect(; expect('commit'); auctionId =; }); }; const withNumBidders = (numBidders: number) => () => auctionTests(numBidders); if (!process.env.AUCTIONS_ENABLED) { // Required as jest complains if file has no tests. test('skipping auction tests', () => {}); } else { /** Running these tests requires name auctions enabled. In chiba-clonk repo run: AUCTION_ENABLED=true ./ Run tests: yarn test:auctions */ describe('Auction (1 bidder)', withNumBidders(1)); describe('Auction (2 bidders)', withNumBidders(2)); describe('Auction (4 bidders)', withNumBidders(4)); }