Part of [Define record schemas for entities]( Reviewed-on: #68 Co-authored-by: Prathamesh Musale <> Co-committed-by: Prathamesh Musale <>
220 lines
6.6 KiB
220 lines
6.6 KiB
import yargs from 'yargs';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import yaml from 'js-yaml';
import assert from 'assert';
import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers';
import { StdFee } from '@cosmjs/stargate';
import { Registry } from '@cerc-io/registry-sdk';
import { getConfig, getGasAndFees, getConnectionInfo, txOutput } from '../../src/util';
enum RecordType {
RepositoryRecord = 'RepositoryRecord',
ServiceRecord = 'ServiceRecord',
StackRecord = 'StackRecord',
SubgraphRecord = 'SubgraphRecord',
WatcherRecord = 'WatcherRecord',
const recordTypeToRecordField = new Map<string, string>([
[RecordType.WatcherRecord, 'watcher'],
[RecordType.SubgraphRecord, 'subgraph'],
[RecordType.ServiceRecord, 'service']
let registry: Registry;
let fee: any;
let userKey: string;
let bondId: string;
async function main () {
const argv = getArgs();
const { records: recordsDir, config } = argv;
const { services: { registry: registryConfig } } = getConfig(config as string);
if (registryConfig.userKey == null) {
throw new Error('userKey not set in config');
if (registryConfig.bondId == null) {
throw new Error('bondId not set in config');
let rpcEndpoint, gqlEndpoint, chainId: string;
({ rpcEndpoint, gqlEndpoint, userKey, bondId, chainId } = getConnectionInfo(argv, registryConfig));
registry = new Registry(gqlEndpoint, rpcEndpoint, chainId);
fee = getGasAndFees(argv, registryConfig);
await processDir(path.resolve(recordsDir));
async function processDir (directoryPath: string): Promise<void> {
const files = fs.readdirSync(directoryPath);
const dirHasRecords = await publishRecordsFromDir(directoryPath);
if (dirHasRecords) {
// Skip further recursion in the current dir
// Recursively iterate through subdirectories
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
const file = files[i];
const filePath = path.join(directoryPath, file);
if (fs.statSync(filePath).isDirectory()) {
await processDir(filePath);
async function publishRecordsFromDir (recordsDir: string): Promise<boolean> {
// List record files
const files = fs.readdirSync(recordsDir);
const recordFiles = files.filter(file => ['.json', '.yaml', '.yml'].includes(path.extname(file).toLowerCase()));
if (recordFiles.length === 0) {
return false;
// Read record from each JSON file
console.log(`Publishing records from ${recordsDir}`);
let recordType;
for (let i = 0; i < recordFiles.length; i++) {
const file = recordFiles[i];
const filePath = path.resolve(recordsDir, file);
const record = await readRecord(filePath);
// Publish record
const result = await publishRecord(userKey, bondId, fee, record);
console.log(`Published record ${file}`);
txOutput(result, JSON.stringify(result, undefined, 2), '', false);
recordType = record.type;
// Check if deployment record files exist
const deploymentRecordsDir = path.resolve(recordsDir, 'deployments');
if (!fs.existsSync(deploymentRecordsDir) || !fs.statSync(deploymentRecordsDir).isDirectory()) {
return true;
console.log(`Publishing deployment records from ${deploymentRecordsDir}`);
// List record files
const deploymentFiles = fs.readdirSync(deploymentRecordsDir);
const deploymentJsonFiles = deploymentFiles.filter(file => path.extname(file).toLowerCase() === '.json');
for (let i = 0; i < deploymentJsonFiles.length; i++) {
const file = deploymentJsonFiles[i];
const filePath = path.resolve(deploymentRecordsDir, file);
const deploymentRecord = await readRecord(filePath);
// Find record using name and given type
const recordName =;
assert(recordType, 'recordType could not be resolved');
const queryResult = await registry.queryRecords({ type: recordType, name: recordName }, true);
if (queryResult.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`Record not found, type: ${recordType}, name: ${recordName}`);
// Assume the first query result
const recordId = queryResult[0].id;
// Set record field to record id
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
deploymentRecord[recordTypeToRecordField.get(recordType)!] = recordId;
// Publish record
const deploymentResult = await registry.setRecord({ privateKey: userKey, record: deploymentRecord, bondId }, userKey, fee);
console.log(`Published record ${file}`);
txOutput(deploymentResult, JSON.stringify(deploymentResult, undefined, 2), '', false);
return true;
async function readRecord (filePath: string): Promise<any> {
let record;
try {
const fileExt = path.extname(filePath).toLowerCase();
const data = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8');
if (fileExt === '.json') {
// JSON file
record = JSON.parse(data);
} else {
// YAML file
({ record } = await yaml.load(data) as any);
// Convert sub-objects (other than arrays) to a JSON automatically.
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(record)) {
if (v && typeof v === 'object' && !Array.isArray(v)) {
record[k] = JSON.stringify(v);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Error reading file ${filePath}:`, err);
return record;
async function publishRecord (userKey: string, bondId: string, fee: StdFee, record: any): Promise<any> {
// Replace repository URL with record id (if type is one of RecordType)
if (record.repository && Object.values(RecordType).includes(record.type)) {
const repoUrl = record.repository;
const queryResult = await registry.queryRecords({ type: RecordType.RepositoryRecord, url: repoUrl }, true);
if (queryResult.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`Record not found, type: ${RecordType.RepositoryRecord}, url: ${repoUrl}`);
// Assume the first query result
const repoRecordId = queryResult[0].id;
// Replace repository URL with the repo record id
record.repository = repoRecordId;
return registry.setRecord({ privateKey: userKey, record, bondId }, userKey, fee);
function getArgs (): any {
return yargs(hideBin(process.argv)).parserConfiguration({
'parse-numbers': false
}).usage('Usage: $0 [options]')
.option('config', {
alias: 'c',
describe: 'Config',
type: 'string',
demandOption: true
.option('records', {
alias: 'r',
describe: 'Records dir path',
type: 'string',
demandOption: true
.catch(err => {
.finally(() => {