import fs from 'fs'; import assert from 'assert'; import { spawnSync } from 'child_process'; import { AUCTION_KIND_PROVIDER, AUCTION_KIND_VICKREY } from '@cerc-io/registry-sdk'; import { CHAIN_ID, TOKEN_TYPE, AUCTION_COMMIT_DURATION, AUCTION_REVEAL_DURATION, delay, checkResultAndRetrieveOutput, createBond, getBondObj, getAccountObj, getRecordObj, getAuthorityObj, getAuctionObj, getBidObj, updateGasAndFeesConfig, AUCTION_STATUS } from './helpers'; describe('Test laconic CLI commands', () => { test('laconic', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic'); expect(result.status).toBe(1); const output = result.stdout.toString().trim(); const errorOutput = result.stderr.toString().trim(); // Expect error with usage string expect(output).toBe(''); expect(errorOutput).toContain('laconic '); }); test('laconic registry', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry']); expect(result.status).toBe(1); const output = result.stdout.toString().trim(); const errorOutput = result.stderr.toString().trim(); // Expect error with usage string expect(output).toBe(''); expect(errorOutput).toContain('laconic registry'); expect(errorOutput).toContain('Registry tools'); expect(errorOutput).toContain('Commands:'); }); // TODO: Break up tests into separate files // TODO: Add tests for registry commands with all available flags describe('laconic registry commands', () => { const testAccount = process.env.TEST_ACCOUNT; assert(testAccount, 'TEST_ACCOUNT not set in env'); const testAccount2 = 'laconic1pmuxrcnuhhf8qdllzuf2ctj2tnwwcg6yswqnyd'; const initialAccountBalance = Number('1000000000000000000000000000000'); const testAuthorityName = 'laconic'; const testRecordFilePath = 'test/data/watcher-record.yml'; let testAuctionId: string, testRecordId: string, testRecordBondId: string; test('laconic registry status', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'status']); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expect output object to have registry status props expect(outputObj).toHaveProperty('version'); expect(outputObj).toHaveProperty('node'); expect(outputObj).toHaveProperty('', CHAIN_ID); expect(outputObj).toHaveProperty('sync'); expect(Number(outputObj.sync.latestBlockHeight)).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(outputObj).toHaveProperty('validator'); expect(outputObj).toHaveProperty('validators'); expect(outputObj).toHaveProperty('numPeers'); expect(outputObj).toHaveProperty('peers'); expect(outputObj).toHaveProperty('diskUsage'); }); describe('Bond operations', () => { const bondOwner = testAccount; let bondBalance = 1000000000; let bondId: string; test('laconic registry bond create --type --quantity --gas --fees ', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'bond', 'create', '--type', TOKEN_TYPE, '--quantity', bondBalance.toString(), '--gas', '200000', '--fees', `200000${TOKEN_TYPE}`]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expect output object to have resultant bond id expect(outputObj.bondId).toBeDefined(); bondId = outputObj.bondId; }); test('laconic registry bond list', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'bond', 'list']); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected bond const expectedBond = getBondObj({ id: bondId, owner: bondOwner, balance: bondBalance }); expect(outputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(outputObj[0]).toEqual(expectedBond); }); test('laconic registry bond list --owner ', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'bond', 'list', '--owner', bondOwner]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected bond const expectedBond = getBondObj({ id: bondId, owner: bondOwner, balance: bondBalance }); expect(outputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(outputObj[0]).toEqual(expectedBond); }); test('laconic registry bond get --id ', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'bond', 'get', '--id', bondId]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected bond const expectedBond = getBondObj({ id: bondId, owner: bondOwner, balance: bondBalance }); expect(outputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(outputObj[0]).toEqual(expectedBond); }); test('laconic registry bond refill --id --type --quantity ', async () => { const bondRefillAmount = 1000; bondBalance += bondRefillAmount; const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'bond', 'refill', '--id', bondId, '--type', TOKEN_TYPE, '--quantity', bondRefillAmount.toString()]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output expect(outputObj).toEqual({ success: true }); // Check updated bond const bondResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'bond', 'get', '--id', bondId]); const bondOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(bondResult); // Expected bond const expectedBond = getBondObj({ id: bondId, owner: bondOwner, balance: bondBalance }); expect(bondOutputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(bondOutputObj[0]).toEqual(expectedBond); }); test('laconic registry bond withdraw --id --type --quantity ', async () => { const bondWithdrawAmount = 500; bondBalance -= bondWithdrawAmount; const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'bond', 'withdraw', '--id', bondId, '--type', TOKEN_TYPE, '--quantity', bondWithdrawAmount.toString()]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output expect(outputObj).toEqual({ success: true }); // Check updated bond const bondResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'bond', 'get', '--id', bondId]); const bondOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(bondResult); // Expected bond const expectedBond = getBondObj({ id: bondId, owner: bondOwner, balance: bondBalance }); // Expect balance to be deducted expect(bondOutputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(bondOutputObj[0]).toEqual(expectedBond); }); test('laconic registry bond cancel --id ', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'bond', 'cancel', '--id', bondId]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output expect(outputObj).toEqual({ success: true }); // Check updated bond const bondResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'bond', 'get', '--id', bondId]); const bondOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(bondResult); // Expect empty object expect(bondOutputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(bondOutputObj[0]).toEqual(null); }); }); describe('Account and tokens operations', () => { let balanceBeforeSend: number; test('laconic registry account get --address ', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'account', 'get', '--address', testAccount]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected account const expectedAccount = getAccountObj({ address: testAccount }); expect(outputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(outputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedAccount); expect(outputObj[0].number).toBeDefined(); expect(outputObj[0].sequence).toBeDefined(); balanceBeforeSend = Number(outputObj[0].balance[0].quantity); expect(balanceBeforeSend).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(balanceBeforeSend).toBeLessThan(initialAccountBalance); }); test('laconic registry tokens send --address --type --quantity ', async () => { const sendAmount = 1000000000; const balanceAfterSend = balanceBeforeSend - sendAmount; const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'tokens', 'send', '--address', testAccount2, '--type', TOKEN_TYPE, '--quantity', sendAmount.toString()]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected acconts const expectedAccounts = [ getAccountObj({ address: testAccount, balance: balanceAfterSend }), getAccountObj({ address: testAccount2, balance: sendAmount }) ]; expect(outputObj.tx.code).toEqual(0); expect(outputObj.tx.amount).toEqual(`${sendAmount}${TOKEN_TYPE}`); expect(outputObj.tx.sender).toEqual(testAccount); expect(outputObj.tx.recipient).toEqual(testAccount2); expect(outputObj.accounts.length).toEqual(2); expect(outputObj.accounts).toMatchObject(expectedAccounts); }); test('laconic registry tokens gettx --hash ', async () => { const sendAmount = 1000000000; const sendResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'tokens', 'send', '--address', testAccount2, '--type', TOKEN_TYPE, '--quantity', sendAmount.toString()]); const sendOutput = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(sendResult); expect(sendOutput.tx.code).toEqual(0); const gettxResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'tokens', 'gettx', '--hash', sendOutput.tx.hash]); const gettxOutput = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(gettxResult); expect(gettxOutput.hash).toEqual(sendOutput.tx.hash); expect(gettxOutput.code).toEqual(0); expect(gettxOutput.amount).toEqual(`${sendAmount}${TOKEN_TYPE}`); expect(gettxOutput.sender).toEqual(testAccount); expect(gettxOutput.recipient).toEqual(testAccount2); }); }); describe('Record operations', () => { const gas = 250000; const fees = `250000${TOKEN_TYPE}`; const bondBalance = 1000000000; test('laconic registry record publish --filename --bond-id --gas --fees ', async () => { // Create a new bond to be associated with the record ({ bondId: testRecordBondId } = createBond(bondBalance)); const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'record', 'publish', '--filename', testRecordFilePath, '--bond-id', testRecordBondId, '--gas', gas.toString(), '--fees', fees]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expect output object to resultant bond id expect(; testRecordId =; }); test('laconic registry record list', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'record', 'list']); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected record const expectedRecord = getRecordObj(testRecordFilePath, { bondId: testRecordBondId, recordId: testRecordId, names: null }); expect(outputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(outputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedRecord); expect(outputObj[0].createTime).toBeDefined(); expect(outputObj[0].expiryTime).toBeDefined(); expect(outputObj[0].owners).toBeDefined(); expect(outputObj[0].owners.length).toEqual(1); }); test('laconic registry record get --id ', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'record', 'get', '--id', testRecordId]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected record const expectedRecord = getRecordObj(testRecordFilePath, { bondId: testRecordBondId, recordId: testRecordId, names: null }); expect(outputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(outputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedRecord); }); describe('Bond records operations', () => { let testRecordBondId2: string; test('laconic registry bond dissociate --id ', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'bond', 'dissociate', '--id', testRecordId]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output expect(outputObj).toEqual({ success: true }); const recordResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'record', 'get', '--id', testRecordId]); const recordOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(recordResult); // Expected record const expectedRecord = getRecordObj(testRecordFilePath, { bondId: '', recordId: testRecordId, names: null }); expect(recordOutputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(recordOutputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedRecord); }); test('laconic registry bond associate --id --bond-id ', async () => { // Create a new bond to be associated with the record ({ bondId: testRecordBondId2 } = createBond(bondBalance)); const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'bond', 'associate', '--id', testRecordId, '--bond-id', testRecordBondId2]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output expect(outputObj).toEqual({ success: true }); const recordResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'record', 'get', '--id', testRecordId]); const recordOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(recordResult); // Expected record const expectedRecord = getRecordObj(testRecordFilePath, { bondId: testRecordBondId2, recordId: testRecordId, names: null }); expect(recordOutputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(recordOutputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedRecord); }); test('laconic registry bond records reassociate --old-bond-id --new-bond-id ', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'bond', 'records', 'reassociate', '--old-bond-id', testRecordBondId2, '--new-bond-id', testRecordBondId]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output expect(outputObj).toEqual({ success: true }); const recordResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'record', 'get', '--id', testRecordId]); const recordOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(recordResult); // Expected record const expectedRecord = getRecordObj(testRecordFilePath, { bondId: testRecordBondId, recordId: testRecordId, names: null }); expect(recordOutputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(recordOutputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedRecord); }); }); }); describe('Name authority operations (pre auction)', () => { test('laconic registry authority reserve ', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'authority', 'reserve', testAuthorityName]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expect result expect(outputObj).toEqual({ success: true }); }); test('laconic registry authority whois ', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'authority', 'whois', testAuthorityName]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected authority (still in auction) const expectedAuthority = getAuthorityObj({ owner: '', status: 'auction', auction: getAuctionObj({ owner: testAccount }) }); expect(outputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(outputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedAuthority); expect(outputObj[0].expiryTime).toBeDefined(); expect(outputObj[0].height).toBeGreaterThan(0); testAuctionId = outputObj[0]; }); }); describe('Authority auction operations', () => { const bidAmount = 25000000; let bidRevealFilePath: string; test('laconic registry auction get ', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'auction', 'get', testAuctionId]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected auction (still in commit stage) const expectedAuction = getAuctionObj({ owner: testAccount, status: 'commit' }); expect(outputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(outputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedAuction); }); test('laconic registry auction bid commit ', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'auction', 'bid', 'commit', testAuctionId, bidAmount.toString(), TOKEN_TYPE]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output expect(outputObj.reveal_file).toBeDefined(); bidRevealFilePath = outputObj.reveal_file; }); test('laconic registry auction bid reveal ', async () => { // Wait for auction commits duration (60s) await delay(AUCTION_COMMIT_DURATION * 1000); const auctionResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'auction', 'get', testAuctionId]); const auctionOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(auctionResult); const expectedAuction = getAuctionObj({ owner: testAccount, status: 'reveal' }); const expectedBid = getBidObj({ bidder: testAccount }); expect(auctionOutputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedAuction); expect(auctionOutputObj[0].bids[0]).toMatchObject(expectedBid); // Reveal bid const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'auction', 'bid', 'reveal', testAuctionId, bidRevealFilePath]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output expect(outputObj).toEqual({ success: true }); const revealObject = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(bidRevealFilePath, 'utf8')); expect(revealObject).toMatchObject({ chainId: CHAIN_ID, auctionId: testAuctionId, bidderAddress: testAccount, bidAmount: `${bidAmount}alnt` }); }, (AUCTION_COMMIT_DURATION + 5) * 1000); }); describe('Name authority operations (post auction)', () => { const testSubAuthorityName = 'echo.laconic'; const testSubAuthorityName2 = 'kube.laconic'; test('laconic registry authority whois ', async () => { // Wait for auction reveals duration (60s) await delay(AUCTION_REVEAL_DURATION * 1000); const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'authority', 'whois', testAuthorityName]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected authority (active) const expectedAuthority = getAuthorityObj({ owner: testAccount, status: 'active', auction: null }); expect(outputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(outputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedAuthority); }, (AUCTION_REVEAL_DURATION + 5) * 1000); test('laconic registry authority bond set laconic ', async () => { // Create a new bond to be set on the authority const bondBalance = 1000000000; const { bondId } = createBond(bondBalance); const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'authority', 'bond', 'set', testAuthorityName, bondId]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output expect(outputObj).toEqual({ success: true }); // Check updated authority const authorityResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'authority', 'whois', testAuthorityName]); const authorityOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(authorityResult); // Expected authority (active with bond) const expectedAuthority = getAuthorityObj({ owner: testAccount, status: 'active', auction: null, bondId: bondId }); expect(authorityOutputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(authorityOutputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedAuthority); }); test('laconic registry authority reserve (same owner)', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'authority', 'reserve', testSubAuthorityName]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output expect(outputObj).toEqual({ success: true }); // Check updated authority const authorityResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'authority', 'whois', testSubAuthorityName]); const authorityOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(authorityResult); // Expected authority (active with bond) const expectedAuthority = getAuthorityObj({ owner: testAccount, status: 'active', auction: null }); expect(authorityOutputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(authorityOutputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedAuthority); }); test('laconic registry authority reserve --owner (different owner)', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'authority', 'reserve', testSubAuthorityName2, '--owner', testAccount2]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output expect(outputObj).toEqual({ success: true }); // Check updated authority const authorityResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'authority', 'whois', testSubAuthorityName2]); const authorityOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(authorityResult); // Expected authority (active with bond) const expectedAuthority = getAuthorityObj({ owner: testAccount2, status: 'active', auction: null }); expect(authorityOutputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(authorityOutputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedAuthority); }); test('laconic registry authority list', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'authority', 'list']); const authoritiesOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected authorities const expectedAuthorities = [ { name: 'echo.laconic', entry: { ownerAddress: testAccount, status: 'active' } }, { name: 'kube.laconic', entry: { ownerAddress: testAccount2, status: 'active' } }, { name: 'laconic', entry: { ownerAddress: testAccount, status: 'active' } } ]; // Expected output expect(authoritiesOutputObj.length).toEqual(3); expect(authoritiesOutputObj).toMatchObject(expectedAuthorities); }); test('laconic registry authority list --owner ', async () => { let result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'authority', 'list', '--owner', testAccount]); const authoritiesByOwner1 = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output const expectedAuthoritiesByOwner1 = [ { name: 'echo.laconic', entry: { ownerAddress: testAccount, status: 'active' } }, { name: 'laconic', entry: { ownerAddress: testAccount, status: 'active' } } ]; expect(authoritiesByOwner1.length).toEqual(2); expect(authoritiesByOwner1).toMatchObject(expectedAuthoritiesByOwner1); result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'authority', 'list', '--owner', testAccount2]); const authoritiesByOwner2 = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output const expectedAuthoritiesByOwner2 = [ { name: 'kube.laconic', entry: { ownerAddress: testAccount2, status: 'active' } } ]; expect(authoritiesByOwner2.length).toEqual(1); expect(authoritiesByOwner2).toMatchObject(expectedAuthoritiesByOwner2); }); }); describe('Name operations', () => { const testName = 'lrn://laconic/watcher/erc20'; test('laconic registry name set ', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'name', 'set', testName, testRecordId]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output expect(outputObj).toEqual({ success: true }); }); test('laconic registry name lookup ', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'name', 'lookup', testName]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output expect(outputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(outputObj[0]).toMatchObject({ latest: { id: testRecordId } }); }); test('laconic registry name resolve ', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'name', 'resolve', testName]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected resolved record const expectedRecord = getRecordObj(testRecordFilePath, { bondId: testRecordBondId, recordId: testRecordId, names: [testName] }); expect(outputObj.length).toEqual(1); expect(outputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedRecord); }); test('laconic registry name delete ', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'name', 'delete', testName]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output expect(outputObj).toEqual({ success: true }); // Check that name doesn't resolve const resolveResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'name', 'resolve', testName]); const resolveOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(resolveResult); expect(resolveOutputObj.length).toEqual(0); }); }); describe('Vickrey Auction operations', () => { const commitFee = 1000; const revealFee = 1000; const minimumBid = 100000; const bidAmount = 25000000; let bidRevealFilePath: string; test('laconic registry auction create --kind --commits-duration --reveals-duration --denom --commit-fee --reveal-fee --minimum-bid ', async () => { const createAuctionResult = spawnSync('laconic', [ 'registry', 'auction', 'create', '--kind', AUCTION_KIND_VICKREY, '--commits-duration', AUCTION_COMMIT_DURATION.toString(), '--reveals-duration', AUCTION_REVEAL_DURATION.toString(), '--denom', TOKEN_TYPE, '--commit-fee', commitFee.toString(), '--reveal-fee', revealFee.toString(), '--minimum-bid', minimumBid.toString() ]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(createAuctionResult); expect(outputObj).toHaveProperty('auctionId'); testAuctionId = outputObj.auctionId; const getAuctionResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'auction', 'get', '--id', testAuctionId]); const auctionOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(getAuctionResult); const expectedAuctionObjPartial = { kind: AUCTION_KIND_VICKREY, status: AUCTION_STATUS.COMMIT, ownerAddress: testAccount, commitFee: { quantity: commitFee }, revealFee: { quantity: revealFee }, minimumBid: { quantity: minimumBid }, winnerAddresses: [], winnerBids: [], maxPrice: { quantity: 0 }, numProviders: 0, bids: [] }; expect(auctionOutputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedAuctionObjPartial); }); test('laconic registry auction bid commit ', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'auction', 'bid', 'commit', testAuctionId, bidAmount.toString(), TOKEN_TYPE]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output expect(outputObj.reveal_file).toBeDefined(); bidRevealFilePath = outputObj.reveal_file; }); test('laconic registry auction bid reveal ', async () => { // Wait for auction commits duration (60s) await delay(AUCTION_COMMIT_DURATION * 1000); let auctionResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'auction', 'get', testAuctionId]); let auctionOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(auctionResult); const expectedAuctionObjPartial = { status: AUCTION_STATUS.REVEAL, ownerAddress: testAccount, winnerAddresses: [], winnerBids: [], bids: [{ bidderAddress: testAccount, status: AUCTION_STATUS.COMMIT, bidAmount: { quantity: 0 } }] }; expect(auctionOutputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedAuctionObjPartial); // Reveal bid const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'auction', 'bid', 'reveal', testAuctionId, bidRevealFilePath]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output expect(outputObj).toEqual({ success: true }); const revealObject = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(bidRevealFilePath, 'utf8')); expect(revealObject).toMatchObject({ chainId: CHAIN_ID, auctionId: testAuctionId, bidderAddress: testAccount, bidAmount: `${bidAmount}${TOKEN_TYPE}` }); // Get auction with revealed bid auctionResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'auction', 'get', testAuctionId]); auctionOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(auctionResult); const expectedAuctionObjPartialOnBidReveal = { status: AUCTION_STATUS.REVEAL, winnerAddresses: [], bids: [{ bidderAddress: testAccount, status: AUCTION_STATUS.REVEAL, bidAmount: { quantity: bidAmount } }] }; expect(auctionOutputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedAuctionObjPartialOnBidReveal); }, (AUCTION_COMMIT_DURATION + 5) * 1000); test('laconic registry auction get ', async () => { // Wait for auction reveals duration (60s) await delay(AUCTION_REVEAL_DURATION * 1000); const auctionResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'auction', 'get', testAuctionId]); const auctionOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(auctionResult); const expectedAuctionObjPartial = { status: AUCTION_STATUS.COMPLETED, ownerAddress: testAccount, winnerAddresses: [testAccount], winnerBids: [{ quantity: bidAmount }], winnerPrice: { quantity: bidAmount } }; expect(auctionOutputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedAuctionObjPartial); }, (AUCTION_COMMIT_DURATION + 5) * 1000); }); describe('Provider Auction operations', () => { const commitFee = 1000; const revealFee = 1000; const maxPrice = 1000000; const numProviders = 5; const bidAmount = 25000; let bidRevealFilePath: string; test('laconic registry auction create --kind --commits-duration --reveals-duration --denom --commit-fee --reveal-fee --max-price --num-providers ', async () => { const createAuctionResult = spawnSync('laconic', [ 'registry', 'auction', 'create', '--kind', AUCTION_KIND_PROVIDER, '--commits-duration', AUCTION_COMMIT_DURATION.toString(), '--reveals-duration', AUCTION_REVEAL_DURATION.toString(), '--denom', TOKEN_TYPE, '--commit-fee', commitFee.toString(), '--reveal-fee', revealFee.toString(), '--max-price', maxPrice.toString(), '--num-providers', numProviders.toString() ]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(createAuctionResult); expect(outputObj).toHaveProperty('auctionId'); testAuctionId = outputObj.auctionId; const getAuctionResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'auction', 'get', '--id', testAuctionId]); const auctionOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(getAuctionResult); const expectedAuctionObjPartial = { kind: AUCTION_KIND_PROVIDER, status: AUCTION_STATUS.COMMIT, ownerAddress: testAccount, commitFee: { quantity: commitFee }, revealFee: { quantity: revealFee }, minimumBid: { quantity: 0 }, winnerAddresses: [], winnerBids: [], maxPrice: { quantity: maxPrice }, numProviders: numProviders, bids: [] }; expect(auctionOutputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedAuctionObjPartial); }); test('laconic registry auction bid commit ', async () => { const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'auction', 'bid', 'commit', testAuctionId, bidAmount.toString(), TOKEN_TYPE]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output expect(outputObj.reveal_file).toBeDefined(); bidRevealFilePath = outputObj.reveal_file; }); test('laconic registry auction bid reveal ', async () => { // Wait for auction commits duration (60s) await delay(AUCTION_COMMIT_DURATION * 1000); let auctionResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'auction', 'get', testAuctionId]); let auctionOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(auctionResult); const expectedAuctionObjPartial = { status: AUCTION_STATUS.REVEAL, ownerAddress: testAccount, winnerAddresses: [], winnerBids: [], bids: [{ bidderAddress: testAccount, status: AUCTION_STATUS.COMMIT, bidAmount: { quantity: 0 } }] }; expect(auctionOutputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedAuctionObjPartial); // Reveal bid const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'auction', 'bid', 'reveal', testAuctionId, bidRevealFilePath]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); // Expected output expect(outputObj).toEqual({ success: true }); const revealObject = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(bidRevealFilePath, 'utf8')); expect(revealObject).toMatchObject({ chainId: CHAIN_ID, auctionId: testAuctionId, bidderAddress: testAccount, bidAmount: `${bidAmount}${TOKEN_TYPE}` }); // Get auction with revealed bid auctionResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'auction', 'get', testAuctionId]); auctionOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(auctionResult); const expectedAuctionObjPartialOnBidReveal = { status: AUCTION_STATUS.REVEAL, winnerAddresses: [], bids: [{ bidderAddress: testAccount, status: AUCTION_STATUS.REVEAL, bidAmount: { quantity: bidAmount } }] }; expect(auctionOutputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedAuctionObjPartialOnBidReveal); }, (AUCTION_COMMIT_DURATION + 5) * 1000); test('laconic registry auction get ', async () => { // Wait for auction reveals duration (60s) await delay(AUCTION_REVEAL_DURATION * 1000); const auctionResult = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'auction', 'get', testAuctionId]); const auctionOutputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(auctionResult); const expectedAuctionObjPartial = { status: AUCTION_STATUS.COMPLETED, ownerAddress: testAccount, winnerAddresses: [testAccount], winnerBids: [{ quantity: bidAmount }], winnerPrice: { quantity: bidAmount } }; expect(auctionOutputObj[0]).toMatchObject(expectedAuctionObjPartial); }, (AUCTION_COMMIT_DURATION + 5) * 1000); }); describe('Gas and fees config', () => { const bondAmount = 1000; test('gas set, fees set to Xalnt', async () => { // gasPrice not set const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'bond', 'create', '--type', TOKEN_TYPE, '--quantity', bondAmount.toString()]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); expect(outputObj.bondId).toBeDefined(); // gasPrice set (lower than min gas price) updateGasAndFeesConfig(undefined, undefined, '0.00001alnt'); const result1 = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'bond', 'create', '--type', TOKEN_TYPE, '--quantity', bondAmount.toString()]); const outputObj1 = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result1); expect(outputObj1.bondId).toBeDefined(); }); test('gas not set, fees not set, gasPrice set', async () => { updateGasAndFeesConfig(null, null, '1alnt'); const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'bond', 'create', '--type', TOKEN_TYPE, '--quantity', bondAmount.toString()]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); expect(outputObj.bondId).toBeDefined(); }); test('gas not set, fees set without token suffix, gasPrice set', async () => { updateGasAndFeesConfig(null, '1.8', '1alnt'); const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'bond', 'create', '--type', TOKEN_TYPE, '--quantity', bondAmount.toString()]); const outputObj = checkResultAndRetrieveOutput(result); expect(outputObj.bondId).toBeDefined(); }); test('gas not set, fees not set, gasPrice not set', async () => { updateGasAndFeesConfig(null, null, null); const result = spawnSync('laconic', ['registry', 'bond', 'create', '--type', TOKEN_TYPE, '--quantity', bondAmount.toString()]); expect(result.status).toBe(1); const output = result.stdout.toString().trim(); const errorOutput = result.stderr.toString().trim(); expect(output).toBe(''); expect(errorOutput).toContain('Gas price must be set in the client options when auto gas is used.'); }); }); }); });