#!/usr/bin/env bash # Get the key from laconic2d laconic2d_key=$(yes | docker compose exec laconic2d laconic2d keys export alice --keyring-backend test --unarmored-hex --unsafe) # Get the fixturenet account address laconic2d_account_address=$(docker compose exec laconic2d laconic2d keys list --keyring-backend test | awk '/- address:/ {print $3}') # Set parameters for the test suite cosmos_chain_id=laconic_9000-1 laconic2d_rpc_endpoint= laconic2d_gql_endpoint= # Create the required config config_file="config.yml" config=$(cat < "$config_file" # Wait for the laconid endpoint to come up docker compose exec laconic2d sh -c "curl --retry 10 --retry-delay 3 --retry-connrefused" # Run tests TEST_ACCOUNT=$laconic2d_account_address yarn test