* cerc refactor waiting on unpublished dependencies * cerc refactor updates for dependencies * Describe imports got removed * cleaning up more vulcanize refs in ci/cd * another test lost Describe imports * another test lost Describe imports... not caught in go build -a??? * more cerc-io migrations to utilize new git.vdb.to gitea instance * switching back to github for running unit test * first try at git.vdb.to as conatiner repository * targeted tag was incomplete
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FROM golang:1.18-alpine as builder
RUN apk --update --no-cache add make git g++ linux-headers
RUN apk add busybox-extras
# Build ipld-eth-server
WORKDIR /go/src/github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server
# Cache the modules
COPY go.mod .
COPY go.sum .
RUN go mod download
COPY . .
# Build the binary
RUN GCO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -o ipld-eth-server .
# Copy migration tool
ARG GOOSE_VER="v2.6.0"
ADD https://github.com/pressly/goose/releases/download/${GOOSE_VER}/goose-linux64 ./goose
RUN chmod +x ./goose
# app container
FROM alpine
ARG USER="vdm"
ARG CONFIG_FILE="./environments/example.toml"
RUN adduser -Du 5000 $USER
RUN chown $USER /app
# chown first so dir is writable
# note: using $USER is merged, but not in the stable release yet
COPY --chown=5000:5000 --from=builder /go/src/github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/$CONFIG_FILE config.toml
COPY --chown=5000:5000 --from=builder /go/src/github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/entrypoint.sh .
# keep binaries immutable
COPY --from=builder /go/src/github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/ipld-eth-server ipld-eth-server
COPY --from=builder /goose goose
COPY --from=builder /go/src/github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/environments environments
ENTRYPOINT ["/app/entrypoint.sh"]