Fixes for new geth version
91 lines
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91 lines
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package obj
import (
. "github.com/polydawn/refmt/tok"
type unmarshalMachineUnionKeyed struct {
cfg *atlas.UnionKeyedMorphism // set on initialization
target_rv reflect.Value
target_rt reflect.Type
step unmarshalMachineStep
tmp_rv reflect.Value
delegate UnmarshalMachine // actual machine, once we've demuxed with the second token (the key).
func (mach *unmarshalMachineUnionKeyed) Reset(_ *unmarshalSlab, rv reflect.Value, rt reflect.Type) error {
mach.target_rv = rv
mach.target_rt = rt
mach.step = mach.acceptMapOpen
return nil
func (mach *unmarshalMachineUnionKeyed) Step(driver *Unmarshaller, slab *unmarshalSlab, tok *Token) (done bool, err error) {
return mach.step(driver, slab, tok)
func (mach *unmarshalMachineUnionKeyed) acceptMapOpen(driver *Unmarshaller, slab *unmarshalSlab, tok *Token) (done bool, err error) {
switch tok.Type {
case TMapOpen:
switch tok.Length {
case -1: // pass
case 1: // correct
return true, ErrMalformedTokenStream{tok.Type, "unions in keyed format must be maps with exactly one entry"} // FIXME not malformed per se
mach.step = mach.acceptKey
return false, nil
// REVIEW: is case TNull perhaps conditionally acceptable?
return true, ErrMalformedTokenStream{tok.Type, "start of union value"} // FIXME not malformed per se
func (mach *unmarshalMachineUnionKeyed) acceptKey(driver *Unmarshaller, slab *unmarshalSlab, tok *Token) (done bool, err error) {
switch tok.Type {
case TString:
// Look up the configuration for this key.
delegateAtlasEnt, ok := mach.cfg.Elements[tok.Str]
if !ok {
return true, ErrNoSuchUnionMember{tok.Str, mach.target_rt, mach.cfg.KnownMembers}
// Allocate a new concrete value, and hang on to that rv handle.
// Assigning into the interface must be done at the end if it's a non-pointer.
mach.tmp_rv = reflect.New(delegateAtlasEnt.Type).Elem()
// Get and configure a machine for the delegation.
delegate := _yieldUnmarshalMachinePtrForAtlasEntry(slab.tip(), delegateAtlasEnt, slab.atlas)
if err := delegate.Reset(slab, mach.tmp_rv, delegateAtlasEnt.Type); err != nil {
return true, err
mach.delegate = delegate
mach.step = mach.doDelegate
return false, nil
return true, ErrMalformedTokenStream{tok.Type, "map key"}
func (mach *unmarshalMachineUnionKeyed) doDelegate(driver *Unmarshaller, slab *unmarshalSlab, tok *Token) (done bool, err error) {
done, err = mach.delegate.Step(driver, slab, tok)
if done && err == nil {
mach.step = mach.acceptMapClose
return false, nil
func (mach *unmarshalMachineUnionKeyed) acceptMapClose(driver *Unmarshaller, slab *unmarshalSlab, tok *Token) (done bool, err error) {
switch tok.Type {
case TMapClose:
return true, nil
return true, ErrMalformedTokenStream{tok.Type, "map close at end of union value"}