
166 lines
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// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package storage
import (
const (
DefaultMaxBatchSize uint64 = 1000
defaultMaxBatchNumber int64 = 10
// BackFiller is the backfilling interface
type BackFiller interface {
BackFill(endingBlock uint64, backFill chan utils.StorageDiff, errChan chan error, done chan bool) error
// backFiller is the backfilling struct
type backFiller struct {
fetcher fetcher.StateDiffFetcher
batchSize uint64
startingBlock uint64
// NewStorageBackFiller returns a BackFiller
func NewStorageBackFiller(fetcher fetcher.StateDiffFetcher, startingBlock, batchSize uint64) BackFiller {
if batchSize == 0 {
batchSize = DefaultMaxBatchSize
return &backFiller{
fetcher: fetcher,
batchSize: batchSize,
startingBlock: startingBlock,
// BackFill fetches, processes, and returns utils.StorageDiffs over a range of blocks
// It splits a large range up into smaller chunks, batch fetching and processing those chunks concurrently
func (bf *backFiller) BackFill(endingBlock uint64, backFill chan utils.StorageDiff, errChan chan error, done chan bool) error {
if endingBlock < bf.startingBlock {
return errors.New("backfill: ending block number needs to be greater than starting block number")
logrus.Infof("going to fill in gap from %d to %d", bf.startingBlock, endingBlock)
// break the range up into bins of smaller ranges
length := endingBlock - bf.startingBlock + 1
numberOfBins := length / bf.batchSize
remainder := length % bf.batchSize
if remainder != 0 {
blockRangeBins := make([][]uint64, numberOfBins)
for i := range blockRangeBins {
nextBinStart := bf.startingBlock + uint64(bf.batchSize)
if nextBinStart > endingBlock {
nextBinStart = endingBlock + 1
blockRange := make([]uint64, 0, nextBinStart-bf.startingBlock+1)
for j := bf.startingBlock; j < nextBinStart; j++ {
blockRange = append(blockRange, j)
bf.startingBlock = nextBinStart
blockRangeBins[i] = blockRange
// int64 for atomic incrementing and decrementing to track the number of active processing goroutines we have
var activeCount int64
// channel for processing goroutines to signal when they are done
processingDone := make(chan [2]uint64)
forwardDone := make(chan bool)
// for each block range bin spin up a goroutine to batch fetch and process state diffs for that range
go func() {
for _, blockHeights := range blockRangeBins {
// if we have reached our limit of active goroutines
// wait for one to finish before starting the next
if atomic.AddInt64(&activeCount, 1) > defaultMaxBatchNumber {
// this blocks until a process signals it has finished
go func(blockHeights []uint64) {
payloads, fetchErr := bf.fetcher.FetchStateDiffsAt(blockHeights)
if fetchErr != nil {
errChan <- fetchErr
for _, payload := range payloads {
stateDiff := new(statediff.StateDiff)
stateDiffDecodeErr := rlp.DecodeBytes(payload.StateDiffRlp, stateDiff)
if stateDiffDecodeErr != nil {
errChan <- stateDiffDecodeErr
accounts := utils.GetAccountsFromDiff(*stateDiff)
for _, account := range accounts {
logrus.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("iterating through %d Storage values on account", len(account.Storage)))
for _, storage := range account.Storage {
diff, formatErr := utils.FromGethStateDiff(account, stateDiff, storage)
if formatErr != nil {
errChan <- formatErr
logrus.Trace("adding storage diff to results",
"keccak of address: ", diff.HashedAddress.Hex(),
"block height: ", diff.BlockHeight,
"storage key: ", diff.StorageKey.Hex(),
"storage value: ", diff.StorageValue.Hex())
backFill <- diff
// when this goroutine is done, send out a signal
processingDone <- [2]uint64{blockHeights[0], blockHeights[len(blockHeights)-1]}
// goroutine that listens on the processingDone chan
// keeps track of the number of processing goroutines that have finished
// when they have all finished, sends the final signal out
go func() {
goroutinesFinished := 0
for {
select {
case doneWithHeights := <-processingDone:
atomic.AddInt64(&activeCount, -1)
select {
// if we are waiting for a process to finish, signal that one has
case forwardDone <- true:
logrus.Infof("finished fetching gap sub-bin from %d to %d", doneWithHeights[0], doneWithHeights[1])
if goroutinesFinished == int(numberOfBins) {
done <- true
return nil