Thomas E Lackey 190d0d7ac9
Improved logging and metrics. (#227)
1. Improve logging to include API method, user ID, etc in the output. We do this by intercepting the request details in the "middleware" and adding them to the request context, as well as adding a wrapper to logrus that simplifies including the fields in the output.

2. Breakdown API metrics by method. This will allow us to differentiate call counts and durations by API method (eg, eth_call vs eth_getStorageAt).
2023-01-20 19:39:26 -06:00

417 lines
14 KiB

// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package serve
import (
ethnode "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/node"
const (
PayloadChanBufferSize = 2000
// Server is the top level interface for streaming, converting to IPLDs, publishing,
// and indexing all chain data; screening this data; and serving it up to subscribed clients
// This service is compatible with the Ethereum service interface (node.Service)
type Server interface {
// Start() and Stop()
APIs() []rpc.API
Protocols() []p2p.Protocol
// Pub-Sub handling event loop
Serve(wg *sync.WaitGroup, screenAndServePayload <-chan eth.ConvertedPayload)
// Method to subscribe to the service
Subscribe(id rpc.ID, sub chan<- SubscriptionPayload, quitChan chan<- bool, params eth.SubscriptionSettings)
// Method to unsubscribe from the service
Unsubscribe(id rpc.ID)
// Backend exposes the server's backend
Backend() *eth.Backend
// Service is the underlying struct for the watcher
type Service struct {
// Used to sync access to the Subscriptions
// Interface for filtering and serving data according to subscribed clients according to their specification
Filterer eth.Filterer
// Interface for fetching IPLD objects from IPFS
IPLDFetcher eth.Fetcher
// Interface for searching and retrieving CIDs from Postgres index
Retriever eth.Retriever
// Used to signal shutdown of the service
QuitChan chan bool
// A mapping of rpc.IDs to their subscription channels, mapped to their subscription type (hash of the StreamFilters)
Subscriptions map[common.Hash]map[rpc.ID]Subscription
// A mapping of subscription params hash to the corresponding subscription params
SubscriptionTypes map[common.Hash]eth.SubscriptionSettings
// Underlying db
db *sqlx.DB
// wg for syncing serve processes
serveWg *sync.WaitGroup
// rpc client for forwarding cache misses
client *rpc.Client
// whether the proxied client supports state diffing
supportsStateDiffing bool
// timeout for statediff RPC calls
stateDiffTimeout time.Duration
// backend for the server
backend *eth.Backend
// whether to forward eth_calls directly to proxy node
forwardEthCalls bool
// whether to forward eth_getStorageAt directly to proxy node
forwardGetStorageAt bool
// whether to forward all calls to proxy node if they throw an error locally
proxyOnError bool
// eth node network id
nodeNetworkId string
// NewServer creates a new Server using an underlying Service struct
func NewServer(settings *Config) (Server, error) {
sap := new(Service)
sap.Retriever = eth.NewCIDRetriever(settings.DB)
sap.IPLDFetcher = eth.NewIPLDFetcher(settings.DB)
sap.Filterer = eth.NewResponseFilterer()
sap.db = settings.DB
sap.QuitChan = make(chan bool)
sap.Subscriptions = make(map[common.Hash]map[rpc.ID]Subscription)
sap.SubscriptionTypes = make(map[common.Hash]eth.SubscriptionSettings)
sap.client = settings.Client
sap.supportsStateDiffing = settings.SupportStateDiff
sap.stateDiffTimeout = settings.StateDiffTimeout
sap.forwardEthCalls = settings.ForwardEthCalls
sap.forwardGetStorageAt = settings.ForwardGetStorageAt
sap.proxyOnError = settings.ProxyOnError
sap.nodeNetworkId = settings.NodeNetworkID
var err error
sap.backend, err = eth.NewEthBackend(sap.db, &eth.Config{
ChainConfig: settings.ChainConfig,
VMConfig: vm.Config{NoBaseFee: true},
DefaultSender: settings.DefaultSender,
RPCGasCap: settings.RPCGasCap,
GroupCacheConfig: settings.GroupCache,
return sap, err
// Protocols exports the services p2p protocols, this service has none
func (sap *Service) Protocols() []p2p.Protocol {
return []p2p.Protocol{}
// APIs returns the RPC descriptors the watcher service offers
func (sap *Service) APIs() []rpc.API {
networkID, _ := strconv.ParseUint(sap.nodeNetworkId, 10, 64)
apis := []rpc.API{
Namespace: APIName,
Version: APIVersion,
Service: NewPublicServerAPI(sap, sap.client),
Public: true,
Namespace: net.APIName,
Version: net.APIVersion,
Service: net.NewPublicNetAPI(networkID, sap.client),
Public: true,
conf := eth.APIConfig{
SupportsStateDiff: sap.supportsStateDiffing,
ForwardEthCalls: sap.forwardEthCalls,
ForwardGetStorageAt: sap.forwardGetStorageAt,
ProxyOnError: sap.proxyOnError,
StateDiffTimeout: sap.stateDiffTimeout,
ethAPI, err := eth.NewPublicEthAPI(sap.backend, sap.client, conf)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to create public eth api: %v", err)
debugTracerAPI := tracers.APIs(&debug.Backend{Backend: *sap.backend})[0]
return append(apis,
Namespace: eth.APIName,
Version: eth.APIVersion,
Service: ethAPI,
Public: true,
// Serve listens for incoming converter data off the screenAndServePayload from the Sync process
// It filters and sends this data to any subscribers to the service
// This process can also be stood up alone, without an screenAndServePayload attached to a Sync process
// and it will hang on the WaitGroup indefinitely, allowing the Service to serve historical data requests only
func (sap *Service) Serve(wg *sync.WaitGroup, screenAndServePayload <-chan eth.ConvertedPayload) {
sap.serveWg = wg
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for {
select {
case payload := <-screenAndServePayload:
case <-sap.QuitChan:
log.Info("quiting eth ipld server process")
log.Info("eth ipld server process successfully spun up")
// filterAndServe filters the payload according to each subscription type and sends to the subscriptions
func (sap *Service) filterAndServe(payload eth.ConvertedPayload) {
log.Debug("sending eth ipld payload to subscriptions")
defer sap.Unlock()
defer sap.serveWg.Done()
for ty, subs := range sap.Subscriptions {
// Retrieve the subscription parameters for this subscription type
subConfig, ok := sap.SubscriptionTypes[ty]
if !ok {
log.Errorf("eth ipld server subscription configuration for subscription type %s not available", ty.Hex())
if subConfig.End.Int64() > 0 && subConfig.End.Int64() < payload.Block.Number().Int64() {
// We are not out of range for this subscription type
// close it, and continue to the next
response, err := sap.Filterer.Filter(subConfig, payload)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("eth ipld server filtering error: %v", err)
responseRLP, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(response)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("eth ipld server rlp encoding error: %v", err)
for id, sub := range subs {
select {
case sub.PayloadChan <- SubscriptionPayload{Data: responseRLP, Err: "", Flag: EmptyFlag, Height: response.BlockNumber.Int64()}:
log.Debugf("sending eth ipld server payload to subscription %s", id)
log.Infof("unable to send eth ipld payload to subscription %s; channel has no receiver", id)
// Subscribe is used by the API to remotely subscribe to the service loop
// The params must be rlp serializable and satisfy the SubscriptionSettings() interface
func (sap *Service) Subscribe(id rpc.ID, sub chan<- SubscriptionPayload, quitChan chan<- bool, params eth.SubscriptionSettings) {
defer sap.serveWg.Done()
log.Infof("new eth ipld subscription %s", id)
subscription := Subscription{
ID: id,
PayloadChan: sub,
QuitChan: quitChan,
// Subscription type is defined as the hash of the rlp-serialized subscription settings
by, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(params)
if err != nil {
sendNonBlockingErr(subscription, err)
subscriptionType := crypto.Keccak256Hash(by)
if !params.BackFillOnly {
// Add subscriber
if sap.Subscriptions[subscriptionType] == nil {
sap.Subscriptions[subscriptionType] = make(map[rpc.ID]Subscription)
sap.Subscriptions[subscriptionType][id] = subscription
sap.SubscriptionTypes[subscriptionType] = params
// If the subscription requests a backfill, use the Postgres index to lookup and retrieve historical data
// Otherwise we only filter new data as it is streamed in from the state diffing geth node
if params.BackFill || params.BackFillOnly {
if err := sap.sendHistoricalData(subscription, id, params); err != nil {
sendNonBlockingErr(subscription, fmt.Errorf("eth ipld server subscription backfill error: %v", err))
// sendHistoricalData sends historical data to the requesting subscription
func (sap *Service) sendHistoricalData(sub Subscription, id rpc.ID, params eth.SubscriptionSettings) error {
log.Infof("sending eth ipld historical data to subscription %s", id)
// Retrieve cached CIDs relevant to this subscriber
var endingBlock int64
var startingBlock int64
var err error
startingBlock, err = sap.Retriever.RetrieveFirstBlockNumber()
if err != nil {
return err
if startingBlock < params.Start.Int64() {
startingBlock = params.Start.Int64()
endingBlock, err = sap.Retriever.RetrieveLastBlockNumber()
if err != nil {
return err
if endingBlock > params.End.Int64() && params.End.Int64() > 0 && params.End.Int64() > startingBlock {
endingBlock = params.End.Int64()
log.Debugf("eth ipld historical data starting block: %d", params.Start.Int64())
log.Debugf("eth ipld historical data ending block: %d", endingBlock)
go func() {
defer sap.serveWg.Done()
for i := startingBlock; i <= endingBlock; i++ {
select {
case <-sap.QuitChan:
log.Infof("ethereum historical data feed to subscription %s closed", id)
cidWrappers, empty, err := sap.Retriever.Retrieve(params, i)
if err != nil {
sendNonBlockingErr(sub, fmt.Errorf("eth ipld server cid retrieval error at block %d\r%s", i, err.Error()))
if empty {
for _, cids := range cidWrappers {
response, err := sap.IPLDFetcher.Fetch(cids)
if err != nil {
sendNonBlockingErr(sub, fmt.Errorf("eth ipld server ipld fetching error at block %d\r%s", i, err.Error()))
responseRLP, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(response)
if err != nil {
select {
case sub.PayloadChan <- SubscriptionPayload{Data: responseRLP, Err: "", Flag: EmptyFlag, Height: response.BlockNumber.Int64()}:
log.Debugf("eth ipld server sending historical data payload to subscription %s", id)
log.Infof("eth ipld server unable to send backFill payload to subscription %s; channel has no receiver", id)
// when we are done backfilling send an empty payload signifying so in the msg
select {
case sub.PayloadChan <- SubscriptionPayload{Data: nil, Err: "", Flag: BackFillCompleteFlag}:
log.Debugf("eth ipld server sending backFill completion notice to subscription %s", id)
log.Infof("eth ipld server unable to send backFill completion notice to subscription %s", id)
return nil
// Unsubscribe is used by the API to remotely unsubscribe to the StateDiffingService loop
func (sap *Service) Unsubscribe(id rpc.ID) {
log.Infof("unsubscribing %s from the eth ipld server", id)
for ty := range sap.Subscriptions {
delete(sap.Subscriptions[ty], id)
if len(sap.Subscriptions[ty]) == 0 {
// If we removed the last subscription of this type, remove the subscription type outright
delete(sap.Subscriptions, ty)
delete(sap.SubscriptionTypes, ty)
// Start is used to begin the service
// This is mostly just to satisfy the node.Service interface
func (sap *Service) Start() error {
log.Info("starting eth ipld server")
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
payloadChan := make(chan eth.ConvertedPayload, PayloadChanBufferSize)
sap.Serve(wg, payloadChan)
return nil
// Stop is used to close down the service
// This is mostly just to satisfy the node.Service interface
func (sap *Service) Stop() error {
log.Infof("stopping eth ipld server")
return nil
// Backend exposes the server's backend
func (sap *Service) Backend() *eth.Backend {
return sap.backend
// close is used to close all listening subscriptions
// close needs to be called with subscription access locked
func (sap *Service) close() {
log.Infof("closing all eth ipld server subscriptions")
for subType, subs := range sap.Subscriptions {
for _, sub := range subs {
delete(sap.Subscriptions, subType)
delete(sap.SubscriptionTypes, subType)
// closeType is used to close all subscriptions of given type
// closeType needs to be called with subscription access locked
func (sap *Service) closeType(subType common.Hash) {
log.Infof("closing all eth ipld server subscriptions of type %s", subType.String())
subs := sap.Subscriptions[subType]
for _, sub := range subs {
delete(sap.Subscriptions, subType)
delete(sap.SubscriptionTypes, subType)